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Stage28-Vocabulary. Arrogantia, arrogantiae, f. Beneficium, beneficiī.

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Presentation on theme: "Stage28-Vocabulary. Arrogantia, arrogantiae, f. Beneficium, beneficiī."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stage28-Vocabulary

2 Arrogantia, arrogantiae, f.

3 Beneficium, beneficiī

4 Corpus, corporis, n.

5 Gemitus, gemitūs, m.

6 Hērēs, hērēdis, m.f.

7 Īra, irae, f.

8 Lingua, linguae, f.

9 Metus, metūs, m.

10 Mīlle Cat Thief Group. The Police Recovered One Thousand Cats in China December 28, 2014 News Updates, Science & Technolo

11 Mīlia, mīlium, Thousands of cats crammed into cages are rescued as they are being transported into Vietnam to be eaten By Shuan Sim @ShuanSim on January 29 2015 1:42 PM ESTShuan Sim @ShuanSim

12 Opēs, opum,

13 Spēs, speī, f. Last Hope Cat Kingdom Animal Shelter

14 Testāmentum, testāmentī, n. DUSTY’S WILL A TESTAMENT TO HER LOVE FOR PET CAT By Bill HoffmannBill Hoffmann April 5, 1999 | 4:00am Dusty Springfield’s elderly cat will live in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life, thanks to a generous provision in the late singer’s will. Springfield’s last will and testament provides that her 13-year-old pedigree feline, Nicholas: *Be fed baby food especially imported to Britain from the United States. *Live in a 7-foot indoor tree house lined with scratch pads and catnip. *Be serenaded to sleep each night by a stereo system playing his master’s greatest pop hits. *Have his bed lined with the pillowcase Dusty rested on and the nightgown she wore when she died. *Be “married” to the female cat of Dusty’s pal. “It’s what Dusty wanted,” Lee Everett-Alkin, who’s been entrusted to take care of Nicholas, told the Sunday Mirror of London.

15 Ventus, ventī, m.

16 Quisquam, quidquam/quicquam

17 Augeō, augēre, auxī, auctus

18 Cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtus

19 Dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, dīlēctus

20 Doleō, dolēre, doluī

21 Mandō, mandāre, mandāvī, mandātus

22 Occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsus

23 Praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectus

24 Solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus

25 Malus, -a, -um

26 Pallidus, -a, -um

27 Suspicātus, -a, -um

28 Ac, atque Canis atque feles

29 multō

30 Sīc

31 Sic semper tyrannis

32 Ut Ut is one of the most frustrating words to translate in Latin, along with 'quam' and 'quod' due to its range of meanings. We tend to translate it as 'in order to...' automatically, when this is only one of its possible translations. Ut+ indicative=as Ut in purpose clauses=in order that, so that Ut in result clauses=that Ut in indirect commands=that

33 Sexāgintā=LX More than 60 cats in ‘deplorable condition’ rescued from one-bedroom Toronto apartment The Canadian Press | July 24, 2015 11:18 AM ET More from The Canadian Press The Canadian Press More from The Canadian Press

34 Septuāgintā=LXX More than 70 cats found living in 'horrific,' feces-strewn home By Russ Bowen Published: Apr 20, 2015 at 9:09 PM PDT Last Updated: Apr 21, 2015 at 1:10 PM PDTRuss Bowen

35 Octōgintā SPCA seizes about 80 cats from west Houston home By Carol ChristianCarol Christian Published 3:55 pm, Wednesday, June 3, 2015

36 Nōnāgintā=XC Meet the woman who spends £90,000 a YEAR feeding her 90 cats Katie Baillie for 30 Jun 2015 3:59 pm Katie Baillie for

37 Centum=C

38 Ducentī, ducentae, ducenta=CC Every night after closing, Disneyland releases 200 cats into the park to help keep the rodent population under control. Now if you know anything about cats, you will probably see why this claim, as written, is more than a little absurd. A “cat release” would be the most ridiculous thing imaginable, and can you imagine trying to collect them all the next morning? It would be like herding… well, cats. This one is from @NotCommonFacts: Disneyland employs a small army of cats who prowl the park at night to help control the park’s. “ WHEN THE MICE ARE AWAY, THE CATS CAN PLAY”



41 Ultio Romana Post mortem Cogidubnī, Salvius rēgnum eius occupāvit. pecūniam ā Britannīs extorquēre statim coepit, Salvium adiuvābat Belimicus, prīnceps Cantiacōrum. Prope aulam habitābat agricola Britannicus, quī Salviō pecūniam trādere nōluit. Salvius igitur mīlitibus imperāvit ut casam agricolae dīriperent. Centuriōnem mīlitibus praefēcit.

42 1. mīlitēs, gladiīs hastīsque armātī, casam agricolae oppugnāvērunt.

43 2. agricola, gladiō centuriōnis vulnerātus, exanimātus dēcidit.

44 3. servī, clamōribus territī, fūgērunt.

45 4. fīlius agricolae, fūste armātus, frūstrā restitit.

46 5. Belimicus, spē praemiī adductus, mīlitēs Rōmānōs adiuvābat et incitābat.

47 6. militēs casam intrāvērunt et arcam, pecūniā complētam extulērunt.

48 7. deinde mīlitēs fēminās, catēnīs vīnctās, abdūxērunt.

49 10. postrēmō mīlitēs casam incendērunt. flammae, ventō auctae, casam celeriter cōnsūmpsērunt.

50 11. pāstōrēs, quī prope casam habitābant, immōtī stābant, spectāculō attonitī.

51 Casam vīdērunt, flammīs cōnsūmptam. fīlium agricolae vīdērunt, hastā graviter vulnerātum. agricolam ipsum vīdērunt, gladiō centuriōnis interfectum. tandem abiērunt, timōre īrāque commōtī, Belimicum Romanōsque vituperantēs

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