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Dunraven School Speech, Language & Communication Resource

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Presentation on theme: "Dunraven School Speech, Language & Communication Resource"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dunraven School Speech, Language & Communication Resource

2 Which year groups are we taking?
Years: R, 1, 2 (3 from Sept 2016); 7, 12, 13 (all need a current Statement/EHCP)

3 What’s the process for placing a child?
Applications via The Principal, Dunraven School Supporting docs, please: Statement/EHCP most recent Annual Review SLT Assessment report and current therapy management plan EP report copy of current CAF Lambeth Learning Profile

4 What are the options for parents visiting?
Simply contact the Resource direct or the SENCOs in Dunraven's Inclusion Department

5 How is the resource base is set up
How is the resource base is set up? How are pupils taught and integrated with mainstream peers? fully integrated: no separate classroom withdrawals for individual and small group learning and intervention enhanced pastoral support in addition to class teacher/tutor and…

6 How is the resource base is set up
How is the resource base is set up? How are pupils taught and integrated with mainstream peers? two SLTs on site, members of Dunraven staff advisory teacher for SLCN full time on staff whole school training in differentiation for SLCN: standard part of staff development programme

7 Speech & Language Therapist
Dunraven Speech Language and Communication Resource* * updated leaflet available November 2015 Type of provision Age Range SENCo Speech & Language Therapist Specialist Teacher Linked EP Specialist Integrated Inclusion including Specialist Teachers and Speech and Language Therapists. Not a separate class or base F, KS1 (KS2 [y3] from Sept 2016) Jane O’Brien Helen Kinsey Louise Routledge KS3, KS4, KS5 & FE Colleges Cassie Bryson Andrew Parlaka Julia Black Julie Johnson

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