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The Careers Powered By English series English Interview Skills Session 4 of 9 By Lado Management Consultants Adrian O’Donnell.

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Presentation on theme: "The Careers Powered By English series English Interview Skills Session 4 of 9 By Lado Management Consultants Adrian O’Donnell."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Careers Powered By English series English Interview Skills Session 4 of 9 By Lado Management Consultants Adrian O’Donnell

2 Answering Questions

3 General Types of Questions 1.Open Questions 2.Closed Questions

4 General Types of Questions 1.Open Questions - Tell us a little about …. Keep in mind the selection criteria and your own strengths

5 General Types of Questions 2.Closed Questions “Yes” / “No”. Specific information, factual or technical in nature. Ask for clarification and elaboration of past experiences. Demonstrate your technical knowledge.

6 Specific Types of Questions 1.Credential Verification Questions 2.Behavioral questions 3.Competency questions 4.Opinion Questions 5.Curveball Questions

7 Types of Questions 1.Credential Verification Questions Check facts (resume) How long did you ….?

8 Types of Questions 2.Behavioral questions anticipate future behavior based on past What did you do?

9 Types of Questions 3.Competency questions Check past behavior with skills needed Explain how you found a creative solution to a problem S.T.A.R. method

10 Types of Questions 4.Opinion Questions What would you do in this situation? What are you your strengths and weaknesses?

11 Types of Questions 5.Curveball Questions Unexpected Stay composed How would you move Mount Fuji?

12 How to Answer Questions

13 Remember Do not recite sample answers Expect unexpected questions Sell Yourself

14 Also remember Be positive Be confident Support your answers Listen carefully Be communicative

15 Example Answers Evaluate

16 What is your greatest weakness? I used to wait until the last minute to set appointments for the coming week, but I realized that scheduling in advance makes much more sense.

17 What is your greatest weakness? I don't have the best short-term memory, so while I was in university I always carried a notebook and pen with me - just writing key bits of information helps me to remember them later, and gives me a record to look back on. In fact, I instituted a "lab journal" policy in my current lab which has saved us time and work when files or details from a meeting were lost, we could go back to our lab journals for reference.

18 What is your greatest weakness? Being organized isn't my strongest point, but I have found a time management system that really helps my organization skills.

19 What is your greatest weakness? I like to make sure that my work is perfect, so I tend to spend a little too much time checking it. However, I've come to a good balance by setting up a system to ensure everything is done correctly the first time.

20 What is your greatest weakness? I'm a procrastinator. So far it hasn't affected meeting deadlines, but it's a flaw I'm still working to fix.

21 What is your greatest weakness? In the space provided in your handout, write what your greatest weakness is and how you have worked in removing it.

22 Why do you want this job? Watch the following answers.

23 Why do you want this job? I want this job because it seems tailored to my competencies, which include sales and marketing.

24 Why do you want this job? The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. I understand this company rewards people who deliver solutions to major problems.

25 Why do you want this job? In the space provided in your handout, write what your greatest weakness is and how you have worked in removing it.

26 Are you a leader? Watch the following 6 answers.

27 Are you a leader? What are the skills of a leader? Think about any times when you have displayed leadership skills.

28 Curveball Questions

29 Why do you think manholes are round? Watch the following 3 answers.

30 Name five uncommon uses of a pen Watch the following 2 answers.

31 If you could be any animal, which … Watch the following 3 answers.

32 Tackling Curveball Questions or advice/curveball-interview-questions.aspx

33 Practice

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