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EAST HARDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL MR. ERVIN Internet Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "EAST HARDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL MR. ERVIN Internet Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAST HARDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL MR. ERVIN Internet Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Procedures

2 Introduction All computers are the property of Hardin County School System, as is all data stored on them. You are given an account in order to access the district’s computer network. This account allows you to access computers and use them appropriately. This access is a privilege!

3 Responsibility You will be financially responsible f0r any malicious damage or vandalism that you cause. Vandalism is any attempt to harm or destroy the computer, the operating system, or any applications installed on the computer; or to tamper with another person’s data.

4 Computer Set-Up and Access You may not alter the setup of any school computers or load programs without the expressed permission of the School Technology Coordinator and/or principal. The network administrators and the District Technology Coordinator have the right to access any information stored in your user directory, in your computer email account, or on the current screen.

5 Internet Safety Procedures Access of materials deemed as inappropriate, including but not limited to, explicit or obscene is strictly prohibited. Your access to such sites and materials is filtered and heavily monitored. All internet traffic is logged and archived.

6 Internet Safety Procedures If a student has accessed inappropriate material on a website, his or her internet access may be suspended up to total denial for the remainder of the school year. This policy is in place for the protection of each student’s safety and the protection of the school’s computer systems.

7 Internet Safety and Security The access of social websites by students from the district network is expressly forbidden. These types of sites are filtered by our Internet Filtering System. The only email system that my be accessed in the KDE approved system. Access to any other email is strictly monitored and prohibited.

8 Unauthorized Access Access to school computers is only permitted with a student’s personal login and password. Do not share your password! The downloading and use of outside software on school computers is strictly prohibited unless authorized and monitored by a teacher. Unauthorized access to a school computer is a Class D Felony.

9 Other Policies Students are not permitted to engage in the following:  Harassing, insulting or attacking others  Damaging computers  Violating Copyright Laws  Trespassing in another’s folders, work or files  Intentionally wasting limited resources  Employing the network for commercial purposes  Intentionally loading viruses onto computers, disks, flash drives or networks.


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