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How to Frame Undergraduate Research on Your Resume Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Ph.D. Writing Center Director Associate Professor of English.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Frame Undergraduate Research on Your Resume Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Ph.D. Writing Center Director Associate Professor of English."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Frame Undergraduate Research on Your Resume Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Ph.D. Writing Center Director Associate Professor of English

2 Your UR Experience Makes You More Marketable But it’s your job to help employers see how

3 How To Do This 1. Figure out what skills and competencies your UR experience helped you develop 2. Make the connection between those competencies and what employers are looking for 3. Articulate those connections clearly in your cover letter, resume, and interview

4 What Employers Want* Jot down how your UR experience helped you develop in any of these areas *Based on the annual National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey of employers

5 Verbal & Written Communication Skills Ability to establish rapport quickly Communicate despite barriers Learn through listening and observing Present results in different formats Communicate results to different audiences

6 Analytical/Research Skills Think critically about a problem Function with a high level of ambiguity Suspend judgment Articulate research questions Inquire into causes

7 Ability to Deal with Conflict Understand and appreciate other perspectives Cope with stress and rejection Handle difficult situations Persevere Work with others

8 Ability to Manage Multiple Priorities Handle concurrent projects Manage time well Adapt to change

9 Ability to Plan and Organize Achieve goals despite obstacles Manage time well Ability to see the big picture as well as the details

10 Problem-Solving/Creativity See obstacles as opportunities Think like a freak Identify problems and find solutions

11 Ability to Collaborate Be flexible Act as leader and team-member Communicate well with others

12 Motivation/Self-Motivation Work without direct supervision Demonstrate work ethic Be dependable

13 Willingness to Learn Be inquisitive Be open-minded Take criticism well

14 Computer Literacy Create graphics or spreadsheets Learn computer programs quickly Use computers to solve problems

15 Let’s Practice How might UR experience qualify someone for these positions? 1. Admissions Counselor 2. Marketing and Sales Manager 3. Laboratory Manager

16 For each skill/competency 1. Come up with a specific example from your UR experience to illustrate the skill/competency 2. Write it up using an action verb 3. Think about how it could be worked into a cover letter, resume, or interview to help the employer understand its value to them

17 Where to Mention UR In the resume In the cover letter In the interview

18 Resources The Writing Center  King Center 440  Career Services  TIV 215 

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