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Competency 3: Produces text for personal and social reasons Mr. Wilson.

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Presentation on theme: "Competency 3: Produces text for personal and social reasons Mr. Wilson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competency 3: Produces text for personal and social reasons Mr. Wilson

2  In terms of style??? Makes the idea interesting Get the information right! Keep the writing FRESH.

3  You need to be able to recognize:  News Article  Editorial  Letters to the Editor  Feature Article  Then you will have to… Deal with CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Demonstrate “Bias” or “Spin” in an article.

4  Foundation: News Article Editorial  Proficiency: Feature Article Analysis / Comment Opinion Column

5  Reports on Events and Issues  Is timely and has a short “Shelf-Life”  Answers the “5 W’s”  Who  What  When  Where  hoW  Structured as an inverted pyramid!

6  Comments on topical, timely event or issue.  Takes a stance.  Aims to convince people to act or think a certain way.  Is structured with an introduction, development and directive.

7  Explores in more depth an event, issue or personality.  Aims to amuse, provoke thought, inform or challenge.  Has a clear beginning, middle and an ending.  Circular = like the image of a necklace.  Shows flair in the writing!

8  Discusses and interprets an event, issue or a personality.  Takes a stance.  Aims to provoke though, inform, challenge.  Is structured with a clear beginning, middle and an ending.

9  How is this different from an Editorial?  According to Reuter’s: An ANALYSIS stems from the writer’s authority and expertise in the subject area, but is not a vehicle for personal view (see Opinion Column). An ANALYSIS should pursue an angle or a line of argument based on facts and data. Adapted from Reuter’s Handbook for Journalism

10  Takes a stance.  Allows the writer to be part of the article.  Aims to influence the reader through logic, wit and/or humour.  Is structured with a clear beginning, middle and an ending.  Requires a strong writer’s voice, with lots of flair and personality.

11  In Secondary V, students should: Select topics of political interest. Address unfamiliar and familiar audiences. Manipulate codes and conventions for deliberate effect. Assume a range of stances. Consolidate revision and editing techniques. Adapted from the Scales of Competency Levels Secondary School Education Cycle Two

12 The Student:  Uses specific characteristics of a target audience to craft a production.  Uses suitable codes and conventions of the form.  Compares the impact of various forms of text.  Respects the language conventions to develop a quality production.  Consults a variety of sources to support production and revision.  Revises productions to better communicate a message.

13 Activity  Collect an example an each of the 5 types of articles we just discussed in the newspaper.  For each article – summarize the main idea and which points in the text make it a News Article, Editorial, Feature Article, Analysis / Comment, or an Opinion Column.  Play particular attention to the structure!


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