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College Information UCSB What do Colleges Look at for Admissions? CSU a-g classes GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT) UC a-g classes GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT w/ writing)

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Presentation on theme: "College Information UCSB What do Colleges Look at for Admissions? CSU a-g classes GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT) UC a-g classes GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT w/ writing)"— Presentation transcript:


2 College Information UCSB

3 What do Colleges Look at for Admissions? CSU a-g classes GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT) UC a-g classes GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT w/ writing) + SAT Subject Tests (2) *Types of classes taken (including senior year) * Extra-curricular *Personal Essay Private Schools a-g (many) GPA SAT Reasoning (ACT some w/ writing) *Types of classes taken * Extra-curricular *Personal Essay *Interview (some) *Letter of Rec.

4 a-g classes? 1.Listed on 2.Universities “C” or better = passing 3.UC and CSU GPA from these classes only from 10 th and 11 th grade only




8 When do I take the SAT and/or ACT?  Jr. Year - Spring  Sr. Year - Fall Many Schools will accept the December SAT Check with your school

9 SAT Sample tests and more


11 Go to Admissions on the University website.  Deadlines  Requirements  On-Line Application

12 Get an idea of dates and average scores from

13 USD website: admissions

14 Find on-line application

15 Secondary school report/letter of rec

16 Give to Registrar… Money for transcripts Transcript request sheet ( in the records office) Secondary School Report/Letter of Rec the Registrar will pass it along to your counselor Minimum 2 working weeks advance notice

17 Research Schools This Year Visit our schools : –CSU SM –SDSU –UCSD –USD –Pont Loma Nazarene

18 What do you do? This Year: Research (internet, books, visit colleges), Take SAT (ACT) Coin3 and Collegeboard are good sites. Next year: 3 Monday morning meetings Take SAT (ACT) Send SAT scores (through collegeboard) Fill out Application on-line (write essay) (Private and Out-of-State only) Send transcript, Fill out Brag Packet, Obtain letter of Recommendation Be Done by Thanksgiving!! Community College- register March of Sr. Year

19 Bronco Center  College Visits: Admissions Officers  Books  Brag Packets  Computers  Testing info  Scholarship Files Ms. Rzewuski SDSU Frank Roberts and Deanna Shoop

20 Eligibility vs. Selectability Eligible = can apply Selectable = in top group of those that apply UC – can get in if eligible, just not necessarily the school of your choice Senior Grades- can be uninvited if you don’t keep grades up!

21 UC Berkeley UCLA UCSD Santa Cruz Riverside Merced CSU SLO Chico SDSU LA San Marcos Channel Islands Chances of getting in…

22 The Numbers… CSU Calculator GPA (10 th and 11 th a-g classes) X 800 + SAT reasoning (Math and English only) Eligibility Index GPA 3.5 X 800 = 2800 SAT 550 +610 = 1160 2800 + 1160 = 3960 2/3 of CSU campuses have a 2900 or higher index.

23 UC System

24 Getting into a UC Minimum 3.0 ( around a 3.7 average) Take SAT or ACT with writing or both Take 2 Subject tests (after an Honors or AP class is a good time) UC Merced and UC Riverside UC Berkeley/UCLA/UCSD compete for many of the same students

25 ~200 students – rescinded offer Senior Year GPA fell below minimum eligibility index SDSU

26 Go to for Info on the CSU system

27 Look in your packet….. There are charts for the UC Schools Save this packet in a college information folder… Read the packet!!

28 Out of State Public Schools ASU (Tempe, AZ): 3.0 GPA in competency courses (2.5 - 2.99 considered) University of Arizona: Minimum 2.5 GPA to be considered Colorado State: Average GPA 3.2-3.8 University of Colorado: Average GPA 3.55

29 Private Schools Many people think private schools are too expensive……. ….however, they often give more money in grants and scholarships Apply for financial aid when you apply to the school, not after you are accepted!

30 Which School is Right for You? Try matchmaker Visit: big, med, and small schools Virtual tours Books: info on the schools Major Conservative or Liberal GPA and Test Scores Sports and Activities Research on COIN3

31 There is a school for you!!! CSU Fresno Do you have over a 2.0?

32 Which is better? You or Parents?

33 What private schools ask the counselors… Take Initiative, Self-starter, Mature, Concern for Others, Sense of Humor, Tolerance, Ability to work with others, Adaptable Telling signs of maturity….. Do you have the ability to work out solutions on your own and seek advice on your own? Do you take charge of your own life? Do you do things in a timely manner?

34 What is the most common Freshman Major? Undeclared

35 San Diego College Fair April 18 SD Convention Center 9 am-12 pm


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