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HRA ESL (Level 3) By: JC Santos. The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time.

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Presentation on theme: "HRA ESL (Level 3) By: JC Santos. The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time."— Presentation transcript:

1 HRA ESL (Level 3) By: JC Santos

2 The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc.), management, marketing, and human resources.

3 Vocabulary hospitality industry leisure disposable amusement park maintenance porters marketing human resources

4 On the qualities of a hotelier - A hotelier is a person made up of the usual chemical compounds ordained by nature, but most have a personality and many virtues the average mortal does not possess. The hotelier must have the diplomacy of a Kissinger, the social grace of the Queen Mother, the speed of a Concorde, the smile of a Greek God, the patience of a saint, the memory of an elephant, the thick skin of a rhinoceros, the strength of an Atlas, the staying-power of a mother-in-law, the fitness of a centre forward, the grooming of a duke, the voice of an Olivier, the eye for profit of a Vestey, and last but not least, the hotelier must have a love for humanity, for humans show their worst side when they are tired and hungry. Being gracious to guests as well as to associates shows a mastery of the art of hospitality. - Albert Elovic

5 On employee motivation - In a 1987 survey of the motivational attitudes of hospitality and tourism workers, employees ranked "full appreciation of work done" as most important to them. This was followed by "interesting work", "good wages", "job security" and "promotion and growth within the organisation.“ - Wiley, 1996

6 On the perception of value - We all have lobbies. We all have nice bathrooms. We all give away shampoo. What makes the difference is the perception of value. Jonathan Tisch,

7 On the customer... A customer is not dependent on us... we are dependent on him. A customer is not an interruption of our work... he is the purpose of it. We are not doing a favour by serving him... he is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so. L.L. Bean, Freeport, Maine

8 Longest Word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanocon Pneumo = Ultra = Microscopic = silicon = Volacano =

9 Quick Write 1. Why do we travel? 2. What factors will affect people’s decision to travel? Answers of the students: 1. Meeting people; good memories; celebrate; freedom; culture; recreation; remove stress… 2. money; time; safety; transportation; friends; reservation/lodging; weather/season; goals

10 History Ancient Middle East REASONS Trade Security LODGING Caravanserai Simple accommodations Modest fee Roman REASONS Leisure Curiosity LODGING Inns (varies) Luxurious accommodations Extravagant fees England REASONS Religion Trade LODGING Simple monasteries Expected donations

11 FINDING AND NARROWING A TOPIC Narrowed topics are better. WAYS TO NARROW A TOPIC Listing/ Brainstorming Questioning Freewriting Clustering / Mapping

12 A paragraph is a group of sentences that together make a point. The topic is what you will write about. The topic sentence is the sentence that clarifies or shows what is being discussed. This is your main idea. Topic Sentence: The hospitality industry began because of the need to travel due to trade or business.

13 WRITING Note: Think about your purpose and audience. Step 1: Know the topic. Step 2: Research on the topic Step 3: Write a topic sentence. Step 4: Write supporting sentences. Step 5: Write a concluding sentence. Step 6: Edit your paragraph. How to Write a Paragraph

14 History The introduction of cars helped expand the hospitality industry. Mom and Pop Inns were common during the turn of the century. (see video) Question: What did you notice about the Mom and Pop establishments?

15 Labels Hotels – a building wherein lodging and other servicers are provided. They are usually higher than two stories. Motels – similar to a hotel but fewer amenities All-suites – rents only suites Convention Hotels –specializes in conventions and large gatherings Source: Welcome to Hospitality

16 Analyzing the Hotel Industry Transportation Travel and Tourism Food Service Lodging

17 1. Self- Actualization 2. Esteem 3. Social 4. Safety 5. Physiological TRAVELER MOTIVATIONS PUSH Traveler Motivations

18 Destination Attractiveness 1. Spa, Rest and Recreation 2. Trips to nearby sites 3. Ancestral Lands 4. Exotic Locals 5. World Trip PULL

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