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 Mike Flasko Program Manager Microsoft Corporation TL07.

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Presentation on theme: " Mike Flasko Program Manager Microsoft Corporation TL07."— Presentation transcript:

1  Mike Flasko Program Manager Microsoft Corporation TL07


3 ADO.NET Data Services Framework (on premise or hosted) ADO.NET Data Services Framework (on premise or hosted) SQL Data Services Windows Azure Domain SpecificBuilding Block

4 HTTP (AtomPub) Clients (Tools, Libraries, etc) Clients (Tools, Libraries, etc) SQL Data Services ADO.NET Data Services Framework SQL Server (On premises data service) (Cloud data service)

5 Entity-set/Students Single entity/Students(1) Member access/Students(1)/Name Link traversal/Students(1)/ClassRegistrations Deep access/Students(1)/ClassRegistrations(2)/Grade Raw value access/Students(1)/Photo/$value Sorting/Students?$orderby=Name desc Filtering/Classes?$filter=substringof(Name, ‘Math’) Paging/Students?$top=10&$skip=30 Inline expansion/Students?$expand=ClassRegistrations

6 Entity Data Model Every resource is addressable via a URI Flexible URI scheme for data retrieval URIs Data as resources, HTTP verbs to manipulate it Follows AtomPub protocol Leverage caching, proxies, authentication, … HTTP AtomPub, JSON Formats The underlying model Entities and associations  resources and links The underlying model Entities and associations  resources and links


8 Presentation & Behavior Data (XML, etc) Data Presentation, Behavior & Data

9 Presentation & Behavior Data (XML, etc) Data Presentation, Behavior Create an on- premises data service 1 Consume the data service from Silverlight 2 3 Refine access to the data service Authorization policy Concurrency etc Refine access to the data service Authorization policy Concurrency etc 2

10 Presentation & Behavior (HTML & JS) Data (XML, etc) Data

11 Presentation & Behavior (HTML & JS) Data (XML, etc) Data Store archived ‘Alumni’ records in cloud storage 1

12 ADO.NET Data Services Framework (on premise or hosted) ADO.NET Data Services Framework (on premise or hosted) SQL Data Services HTTP (AtomPub, …) Windows Azure Domain SpecificBuilding Block Data Service Clients (Any HTTP client,.NET, SL, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, …) Data Service Clients (Any HTTP client,.NET, SL, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, …) Tools (Visual Studio, …) Tools (Visual Studio, …)


14 Data Service Support Client Support ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria) SQL Data Service Evolves to include flex entities Evolves to include schematized data Schematized DataFlex Entities





19 Please fill out your evaluation for this session at: This session will be available as a recording at:

20 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.


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