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Florida Virtual School Tour …where every student has a front row seat

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1 Florida Virtual School Tour …where every student has a front row seat

2 The e-learning Promise “In our current system, time is the constant and achievement the variable. Achievement should be the constant and time the variable.” We have it backwards. In Learning a Living: A SCANS Report. Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Labor, 1992.

3 What is FLVS? First state funded virtual high school An innovative plan to increase opportunities for: Minority students Rural schools Low-performing schools

4 Mission & Vision Statement To provide students with high quality technology based educational opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.

5 FLVS Goal Through partnerships, FLVS provides a unique and successful educational experience for all students. …where every student has a front row seat

6 FLVS History 1997 Began serving students 1998 School goes statewide 1999 USDLA Excellence in Distance Learning 2000 Offered full curriculum 2001 SACS accreditation International offerings 2002 GED & Middle School

7 77 227 1113 2796 5900 8200 projected 96-9797-9898-9999-0000-0101-02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Enrollments in Thousands Participation Data by School Year FLVS Enrollment History

8 AP  Scores Overall 2000-2001 Report Total exams taken – 137 Total qualifying scores – 96 37 total --------- 27.01% 31 total --------- 22.63% 28 total --------- 20.44% 22 total --------- 16.06% 19 total --------- 13.87% Percentage of qualifying scores 70.07%

9 Student Enrollment 77 8200+ 77 8200+ Completion Rate 50% 80% FLVS Since 1997…

10 54% Public school 38% Home educated 8% Private school Our Students Today

11 FLVS e-Learning Solutions Critical graduation credit Fast track to diploma Additional credits and scheduling needs Enhanced course selection Minority students Rural and high priority schools Magnets and special programs Homeschoolers Any time, any place, any path, any pace

12 Quality Education Courses built upon the highest standards Teachers certified in their subjects Serve varied learning styles and intelligences Different paths & paces Incorporate real-life situations/motifs/themes A highly interactive environment

13 Course Delivery Web-based platform Primarily asynchronous Synchronous capability White board and chat room Highly-facilitated by certified teacher

14 Pace Charts keep students abreast of where they should be working and help them learn and practice methods of time management

15 Connections to Teens’ Real World Computer Programming BASIC I has a game motif and is rarely taught in traditional schools

16 All Science Courses Are Lab Based This physics lab has photos to support the student’s work at home

17 Synchronous White Board & Chat AP Calculus in Action –real time… Teachers & students in every subject can work LIVE!

18 Student Choice Is Encouraged Lessons designs accommodate different types of learning, talents & skills

19 Honors Extensions student access to high level courses regardless of what their school offers

20 Courses Not Readily Available at Most Schools FLVS offers XHTML computer programming and web design

21 High Stakes Testing FLVS Assists Students Facing High Stakes Testing SAT Prep Course (.5 credit) ½ math, ½ verbal FCAT Fitness Course (.5 credit) Publicly posted 1/3 math, 1/3 writing, 1/3 reading

22 Communication Policy HIGHLY teacher facilitated Welcome Call Voice to Voice 1-2 x/month Ongoing communication with Students Parents School Personnel Monthly Progress Reports Not so with other online providers

23 Reaching Out Direct Marketing to districts, schools and grassroots Brochures Created videos for students Presentations Curriculum fairs & local expos Mailing and emailing

24 Reaching Out Mass Media Television –General and Education Channel Radio interviews Newspaper articles Face to Face e-Learning Managers Guidance Counselors

25 Obstacles Technology issues Connectivity Hardware limitations Computer Access Gatekeepers Acceptable Use Policy signatures Passing on information

26 Addressing Needs Juvenile Justice 15 other states International schools Adult remediation/GED Professional development Professional services

27 Addressing the Needs Addressing rural technology needs Wired schools Provided Multi-media computers Video conferencing equipment Mini-grants for teachers Wireless pilots

28 Addressing the Needs Creating a Foundation Reaching out to digital divide migrant programs FLVS computers loaned to rural schools Developing Minority Outreach Partnerships Digital Divide Councils Workforce Empowerment Florida Learning Alliance

29 Florida Virtual School …where every student has a front row seat

30 2001 AP Course Stats Overall, 70% qualified for college credit with scores of 3 to 5 50% got 4’s and 5’s!

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