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EQ How did the cities of Kiev and Moscow become centers of power?

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2 EQ How did the cities of Kiev and Moscow become centers of power?

3 The Slavs established villages in Eastern Europe. 3 Groups – Southern, Western and Eastern.

4 800’s Eastern Slavs expanded Kiev. Kievan Rus grew wealthy from trade. 988, Vladimir marries the sister of the Byzantine emperor and converts to Eastern Orthodox.

5 1240 – Mongols conquer Kieval Rus. Mongols spared Novgorod. Had to pay tribute to the Kahn and accept the Mongols as rulers. Germans and Swedes attacked Novgorod. Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated them.

6 Slavs moved into Russia. Moscow became a large city and a trade crossroads. Moscow’s rulers worked with the Mongols and expanded their territory.

7 1462 Ivan III becomes Czar. Married the niece of the Byzantine emperor. 1480 - Ivan III had driven out the Mongols. Expanded his to the North and West.

8 European Crusades 1071 Muslim Turks defeated the Byzantines and seized Asia Minor. Byzantines asked Pope Urban II for help defeating the Muslim forces. 1095 the Pope asks the Nobles to begin a Crusade to free the Holy Land.

9 1099 the first soldiers reach Jerusalem and take the city. Crusaders set-up 4 states. The Kingdom of Jerusalem, Edessa and Antioch in Asia Minor and Tripoli. The states relied on Italy for supplies.

10 Muslims retook Edessa and defeated the Europeans in the 2 nd Crusade. 1174 Muslim General Saladin recaptured Jerusalem. Europeans lost the 3 rd Crusade. Soon all lands won in the crusades were back in Muslim control.

11 The Crusades brought the Byzantines and Muslims into contact with one another. Europeans gained knowledge in architecture, ship building, map making and how to use a compass. Europeans wanted, spices, sugar, lemons and silk. The Crusades weakened Feudalism, Kings gained power.

12 Exit What was one way the Crusades changed Christian Europe?

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