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C OMMERCIAL SPORT FLUIDS, FOODS AND SUPPLEMENTS. K NOW W ONDER L EARN What do we know about sport supplements? What do we wonder about sport supplements?

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2 K NOW W ONDER L EARN What do we know about sport supplements? What do we wonder about sport supplements?

3 HOW IT ALL BEGAN…. Gatorade - 19_____s Powerbar - 19_____s Gels -19_____s EXPLOSION in the industry In 2010 the USA had ______ billion dollars in sales

4 S UPPLEMENTS : THE FACTS Some performance supplements can ________ athletes achieve peak performance Poor regulation in supplement industry leads to: Marketing type Exaggerated or completely invents unproven benefits Supplement practices not based on sound science Have left athletes confused and at risk Money is being wasted on things that do not work Being distracted away from factors that can really enhance health, recovery and performance ____________________________________________!!!

5 S UPPLEMENT C ATEGORIES _________________________________ Practical/ convenient*** Contains ___________ found in ___________________ Sports drinks, bars, gels, liquid meal replacements _________________________________ Vitamins/ minerals**** Maybe necessary due to deficiency _________________________________ Contain nutrients or food components in large amounts Reported to affect exercise metabolism and biochemistry 1-3% performance enhancement Lack of research = unsafe Not for under 18 years

6 S PORTS D RINKS : C ARBOHYDRATE - ELECTROLYTE DRINKS Balanced ______ and ______ Designed for: ___________ and ___________ during exercise __________ delivery of fluid and fuel Composition: 4-8% ___________________ (preferably mixed) Large amounts of _____________ Other _________________ (magnesium, potassium, calcium) Protein or amino acids are not necessary No benefit of drinking sports drinks outside of sports – Just __________________________

7 Marketing Brilliance… Prime. Perform. Recover.

8 H OW D OES T HIS W ORK ? The G Series…. 1.“Prime” 25 g Carbs – __________________________ Vitamin B 2.“Performance” Sugar – _______________________________ 210 mg Sodium – ______________________ 55 mg Potassium – _____________________ 3.“Recover” 14 g Carbs 16 g Protein

9 S PORTS B ARS Major role: concentrate form of ______ to meet fuel needs for pre, during, and post exercise Composition: CHO Protein Fortified with vitamins and minerals Portable and convenient Good for encouraging fueling around exercise Highly digestible Often overused

10 E RGOGENIC A IDS Ergogenic aids are used by some athletes to: Improve physical appearance Prevent and/or treat injuries, illnesses, or disease Cope with stress Increase athletic potential Bridge the “genetic gap” Three types of Ergogenic Aids: 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________

11 E RGOGENIC A IDS Nutritional supplements include: Vitamins and minerals ____________ and amino acid supplements Carnitine Creatine Caffeine

12 M ULTIVITAMINS AND MINERALS Energy requirements are high but lots of chances to take in with _________________ Situations where supplements may be needed: Long periods of travel Energy restriction or weight loss Fussy eaters Commonly used to provide a _____________ False sense of security Not a replacement for poor ________________ and ___________________

13 P ROTEIN P OWDERS Useful if no practical way to consume sufficient food Very _________________ Very large amounts of protein and little other nutrients (________ g/serving) No more or less effective than food for building muscle mass Other alternatives: Homemade fruit smoothies Liquid meal supplements 20 g of skim milk powder added to regular milk

14 C ARNITINE Carnitine is advertised as a “___________” that claims to: Decrease __________ production _________________ Delay fatigue Spare ___________ Induce loss of body fat Enhance aerobic and anaerobic capacity Experimental data has __________ to support these theories

15 C REATINE Creatine is an oral supplement that claims to increase: Phosphocreatine storage in muscle _______________________ Effectiveness of creatine supplement still unclear More studies need to be conducted on the _________ of long-term use

16 C AFFEINE Regularly consumed by ______ adults Found in coffee, cola, energy drinks, specialized sports foods and supplements Generally safe compound in low to moderate amounts Greater risk in children Evidence suggests caffeine increases performance during prolonged endurance and intense ____________ exercises ___________________________

17 N OW LETS LOOK AT SOME SAMPLES : Name of product What category Try to determine ingredients Why someone would take it Would you take it? Why or why not?

18 N EXT CLASS : The Illegal Performance Enhancements

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