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The Urinary System.

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1 The Urinary System

2 Function Remove nitrogenous wastes
Maintain electrolyte, acid-base, and fluid balance of blood Homeostatic organ Acts as blood filter Release hormones: calcitriol & erythropoietin

3 Kidneys as Filters Diuretic- loose water; coffee, alcohol
Antidiuretic- retain water; ADH Aldosterone- sodium & water reabsorption, and K+ excretion GFR= 180 liters (50 gal) of blood/day liters are reabsorbed back into blood Excrete a protein free filtrate


5 Maintaining Chemical Homeostasis
The Urinary System

6 The Urinary System

7 General Functioning of the Kidney
blood filtration General Functioning of the Kidney tubular reabsorption and secretion urine “refreshed” blood

8 Nitrogenous Wastes urea uric acid ammonia

9 Organs of the Urinary System
kidneys ureters Organs of the Urinary System urinary bladder urethra

10 Kidney Anatomy renal pyramids renal pelvis renal cortex renal capsule
renal medulla renal capsule ureter

11 nephron renal artery renal vein Kidney Anatomy

12 Nephron Functioning blood filtration
tubular reabsorption and secretion urine “refreshed” blood

13 efferent arteriole glomerulus Bowman’s capsule afferent arteriole proximal convoluted tubule artery distal convoluted tubule peritubular capillaries loop of Henle vein collecting duct

14 renal cortex renal medulla
Each kidney contains over 1 million nephrons and thousands of collecting ducts Glomerulus DCT renal cortex renal medulla PCT Collecting duct Loop of Henle

15 Glomerular Filtration
efferent arteriole afferent arteriole Glomerular Filtration Bowman’s capsule glomerulus Filters blood; proteins can’t pass through

16 Composition of Glomerular Filtrate
Water Small Soluble Organic Molecules Mineral Ions

17 Proximal Convoluted Tubule
Reabsorbs: water, glucose, amino acids, and sodium. 65% of Na+ is reabsorbed 65% of H2O is reabsorbed 90% of filtered bicarbonate (HCO3-) 50% of Cl- and K+

18 Loop of Henle Creates a gradient of increasing sodium ion concentration towards the end of the loop within the interstitial fluid of the renal pyramid. 25% Na+ is reabsorbed in the loop 15% water is reabsorbed in the loop 40% K is reabsorbed in the loop

19 Distal Convoluted Tubule
Under the influence of the hormone aldosterone, reabsorbs sodium and secretes potassium. Also regulates pH by secreting hydrogen ion when pH of the plasma is low. only 10% of the filtered NaCl and 20% of water remains

20 Collecting Duct Allows for the osmotic reabsorption of water.
ADH (antidiuretic hormone)- makes collecting ducts more permeable to water-- produce concentrated urine

21 Urine Water- 95% Nitrogenous waste: urea uric acid creatinine Ions:
sodium potassium sulfate phosphate From the original 1800 g NaCl, only 10 g appears in the urine

22 Hormonal Control of Kidney Function

23 Hormonal Control of Kidney Function
high plasma solute concentration low blood volume heart receptors hypothalamus

24 Hormonal Control of Kidney Function
hypothalamus posterior pituitary antidiuretic hormone collecting ducts

25 Hormonal Control of Kidney Function

26 INQUIRY List several functions of the kidneys.
What does the glomerulus do? What are several constitutes you should not find in urine? What is specific gravity? What two hormones effect fluid volume and sodium concentration in the urine? Where are the pyramids located in the kidney? What vessel directs blood into the glomerulus? Where does most selective reabsorption occur in the nephron?

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