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اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن ، صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه ، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعاً

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Presentation on theme: "اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن ، صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه ، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعاً"— Presentation transcript:


2 اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن ، صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه ، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعاً ، وتمتعه فيها طويلاً

3 Ghusl after sunset Take Ghusl (Bath) with the thought of washing away sins & as if its your last Ghusl To remain awake all night in worship (Du’aas, Salaat, Quran recitation and Istighfaar (with attention to seeking forgiveness). Namaze Shab and its duas. Recite Namaze Ja’afar-e-Tayyar Mafaatih (pg. 46) RECOMMENDED ACTS FOR THE NIGHT OF 15 TH SHABAAN

4 A’maal for the 15 th night of Sha’aban. Importance of this Holy Night the night of 15th Sha’baan, “night of Baraat”, is the most auspicious night after “Night of Qadr” The Holy Prophet (S.A.) had said: on the night of 15th Shaa’baan the Almighty takes decisions in the matters of rizq, life & death & welfare of the people. 3.Imam Muhammad Al Baqir(as) &Ja’far as Saadiq (as) the Almighty Alláh has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to Him tonight.

5 Dua Kumayl - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 62) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Dua Kumayl Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169)


7 Recite Dua Kumayl for Seeking forgiveness. In Hadith, it is mentioned that Kumayl ibn Ziyad said, "I was sitting with my master Amir al-Mominin ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib (peace be upon him) in Masjid Kufa and a group of companions were also sitting with him. One of them asked him what the meaning of the verse 'Whereupon every wise command is made clear.' (Surah ad-Dukhan, Verse 4) The Imam (peace be upon him) replied, The meaning of this is the night of the 15th of Sha‘ban. I swear by the One who holds the life of ‘Ali in His hands there is not a single servant of Allah except that all the good and bad that will reach him in this year is divided up and handed out on the 15th of Sha‘ban and this good and bad will continue from the 15th of Sha‘ban until the next year on the same night. The servant who stays up this night and recites the Du‘a of Khidr will have his supplications answered." This dua taught to Kumayl ibn Ziad is now known popularly as Dua e Kumayl

8 Imam Jaa’far bin Muhammad As Sadiq (A.S.) had advised the faithfuls to pray a 2 Raka’t Namaaz tonight, after Ishaa prayers, as under: In the first Raka’t recite Soorah Al Faatih’ah and Soorah Al Kaafiroon. In the second Raka’t recite Soorah Al Faatih’ah and Soorah Al Ikhlaas. After the Salaam recite “Tasbih of Faatimah Zahraa A.S.”. ie -subhanallah’ thirty-three times, ‘alhamdulillah’ thirty-three times, and ‘allahu-akbar’ thirty-four times

9 To recite Sura-e-Yasin three times with three different intentions: The 1st one with intention of long life The 2nd one for safeguard against misfortunes The 3rd one for to be saved from sudden deaths

10 2 Rakat Namaaz & Tasbih A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. 2 Rakat Namaaz After Surah Al-Hamd recite In 1st rak’ah, Sura-e-Kaafiroon in In 2nd rak’ah Sura-e-Tawhid (Qul huwallaah) Then do tasbih in this format : SUB-HAANALLAAH (x 33), AL HAMDU LILLAAH (x 33), ALLAAHU AKBAR (x 34).

11 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) Du’a NO 1 in A’amaal Book or

12 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

13 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

14 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ بِحَقِّ لَيْلَتِنا وَمَوْلُودِها O my Alláh for the sake of this night we are now in, for the sake of he who was born tonight,

15 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَحُجَّتِكَ وَمَوْعُودِها Thy decisive argument, Thy “promise”,

16 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الَّتي قَرَنْتَ اِلى فَضْلِها that Thou joined with it as a favour to keep alive its superiority,

17 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَضْلاً فَتَمَّتْ كَلِمَتُكَ صِدْقاً وَعَدْلاً لا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِماتِكَ so Thou fulfilled Thy words truly and justly; no one can change Thy Words

18 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا مُعَقِّبَ لاِياتِكَ nor obscure Thy signs.

19 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. نُورُكَ الْمُتَاَلِّقُ Thy Light, soft, pleasant and caressing,

20 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَضِياؤُكَ الْمُشْرِقُ Thy splendour, had come in view bright and brilliant,

21 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْعَلَمُ النُّورُ في طَخْياءِ الدَّيْجُورِ for the “Bright sigh”, (so far) invisible and hidden in the obscurity of the darkness,

22 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الْغائِبُ الْمَسْتُورُ the covering had been taken off,

23 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. جَلَّ مَوْلِدُهُ وَكَرمَ مَحْتِدُهُ his arrival in this world was the basis of all kindness,

24 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْمَلائِكَةُ شُهَّدُهُ the Angels stood witness.

25 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاللهُ ناصِرُهُ وَمُؤَيِّدُهُ Almighty Alláh will help him and support him when the promise

26 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اِذا آن ميعادُهُ (the event of the beginning of his reign) come true,

27 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْمَلائِكَةُ اَمْدادُهُ the Angels will be among his troops,

28 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. سَيْفُ الله الَّذي لا يَنْبُو (he will be) a fatal blow from Alláh that will never miss the aim

29 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَنُورُهُ الَّذي لا يَخْبُو a light from Him that will never grow dim,

30 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَذُو الْحِلْمِ الَّذي لا يَصْبُو a gentle matured disposition that will never jeopardize the truth.

31 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. مَدارُ الَّدهْرِ The motive and reason of the course of events,

32 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَنَواميسُ الْعَصْرِ the honour and estimation of time,

33 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَوُلاةُ الاَْمْرِ the “Ulil—Amr” (in charge of Alláh’s affairs).

34 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْمُنَزَّلُ عَلَيْهِمْ ما يَتَنَزَّلُ في لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ Accompany that which comes down in the “Grand Night”

35 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَصْحابُ الْحَشْرِ وَالنَّشْرِ the controllers of the Day of Judgement and resurrection,

36 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. تَراجِمَةَ وَحْيِهِ interpreters of the “Revelations”,

37 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَوُلاةُ اَمْرِهِ وَنَهْيِهِ and those who make known what to do and what not to do.

38 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ فَصَلِّ عَلى خاتِمِهم وَقائِمِهِمْ الْمَسْتُورِ عَوالِمِهِمْ O Alláh send blessing on their seal and representative, un seeable to their people,

39 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ وَاَدْرِكَ بِنا أَيّامَهُ وَظُهُورَهُ وَقِيامَهُ make his days, his return, his time, reach maturity, (let us be with him),

40 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاجْعَلْنا مِنْ اَنْصارِهِ as his helpers,

41 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاقْرِنْ ثارَنا بِثارِهِ let us be his attacking comrades to hunt up and eliminate the beasts (in human shapes),

42 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاكْتُبْنا في اَعْوانِهِ وَخُلَصائِهِ register our names as his supporters

43 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَحْيِنا في دَوْلَتِهِ ناعِمينَ and sincere friends, bring us to life again in his reign,

44 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَبِصُحْبَتِهِ غانِمينَ وَبِحَقِّهِ قائِمينَ gentle and loving, happy and satisfied in his company, and steadfast in his cause,

45 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنَ السُّوءِ سالِمينَ free from sins,

46 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ O the Most Merciful!

47 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعالَمينَ وَصَلَواتُهُ عَلى سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّد خاتَمِ النَّبِيّينَ وَالْمُرْسَلينَ (All) praise is for Alláh, the Lords of the worlds! His blessings be on our Chief, Muhammad, the Last Prophet and Messenger,

48 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَعَلى اَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ الصّادِقينَ وَعِتْرَتِهَ النّاطِقينَ and on his dependable “Ahlul Bayt”, his truth—revealing children,

49 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْعَنْ جَميعَ الظّالِمينَ and condemn all the oppressors

50 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واحْكُمْ بَيْنَنا وَبَيْنَهُمْ يا اَحْكَمَ الْحاكِمينَ. and keep back from evil they unleash at us, O the Best Ruler!

51 Short Du’a - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

52 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Dua Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) Du’a NO 3 in A’amaal Book or Du'a as taught by Imam Sadiq (as) to Ismail bin Fadhal Hashamy

53 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

54 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

55 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ اَنْتَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ O Alláh, You are, The Ever- living, the self-subsiding,

56 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظيمُ، الْخالِقُ الرّازِقُ The most High, the Mighty The Creator, the Provider,

57 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الُْمحْيِي الْمُميتُ، الْبَديءُ الْبَديعُ The Giver of life and death, The Initiator, the Originator

58 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. لَكَ الْجَلالُ For You is is Glory

59 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ الْفَضْلُ and Excellence,

60 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلكَ الْحَمْدُ Praise

61 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ الْمَنُّ and Grace,

62 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ الْجُودُ Generosity

63 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ الْكَرَمُ and Honor.

64 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ الاَْمْرُ For You is the Order,

65 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ الَمجْدُ، وَلَكَ الْشُّكْرُ and Magnificence and gratitude.

66 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَحْدَكَ لا شَريكَ لَكَ You are Alone, there is no partner for You.

67 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا واحِدُ يا اَحَدُ O One, O Absolute one.

68 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا صَمَدُ O he who has not given birth

69 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا مَنْ لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُواً اَحَدٌ nor was He born, and there is none equal to Him.

70 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّد وَآلِ مُحَمَّد Bless Muhammad and his family,

71 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاْغفِرْ لي وَارْحَمْني and forgive me, have mercy on me,

72 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاكْفِني ما اَهَمَّني and suffice for what is important to me.

73 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاقْضِ دَيْني Fulfill my debts,

74 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَوَسِّعْ عَليَّ في رِزْقي and increase my sustenance.

75 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَاِنَّكَ في هذِهِ اللَّيْلَةِ كُلَّ اَمْر حَكيم تَفْرُقُ For Surely, on this night, every affair is decreed,

76 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمَنْ تَشاءُ مِنْ خلْقِكَ تَرْزُقُ and You provide sustenance to whomever You please from your creation.

77 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَارْزُقْني وَاَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرّازِقينَ So provide me, for You are the best of the providers.

78 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَاِنَّكَ قُلْتَ وَاَنْتَ خَيْرُ الْقائِلينَ النّاطِقينَ واسْأَلُو اللهَ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ And You have said, and You are the best of those who say and utter, "And ask Alláh from His Bounty"

79 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَمِنْ فَضْلِكَ أسْأَلُ So I ask You from Your Bounty,

80 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاِيّاكَ قَصَدْتُ and You only I seek,

81 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وابْنَ نَبِيِّكَ اعْتَمَدْتُ and on the son of Your Prophet I lean,

82 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ رَجَوْتُ in You I have hope,

83 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَارْحَمْني يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ. then have mercy on me, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

84 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 166) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

85 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 167) Du’a NO 2 in A’amaal Book or Recite Dua which the Holy Prophet(saws) used to recite during this eve

86 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

87 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

88 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ اقْسِمْ مِنْ خَشْيَتِكَ ما يَحُولُ بَيْنَنا وَبَيْنَ مَعْصِيَتِكَ O Allah, grant us a part of Your fear, that acts as a barrier between us and Your disobedience,

89 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنْ طْاعَتِكَ ما تُبَلِّغُنا بِهِ رِضْوانَكَ Your obedience, that helps us achieve Your pleasure,

90 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنَ الْيَقينِ ما يَهُونُ عَلَيْنا بِهِ مُصيباتُ الدُّنْيا the certainty that makes the miseries of the world seem insignificant.

91 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ اَمْتِعْنا بِاَسْماعِنا وَاَبْصارِنا وَقُوَّتِنا ما اَحْيَيْتَنا O Allah, make us enjoy, our hearing, our sight,

92 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاجْعَلْهُ الْوارِثَ مِنّا our strength as long as You Keep us alive.

93 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واجْعَلْ ثأرَنا عَلى مَنْ ظَلَمَنا Make us take rise against those who oppress us,

94 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَانْصُرنا عَلى مَنْ عادانا and help us against those who show animosity to us.

95 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا تَجْعَلْ مُصيبَتَنا في دينِنا Place not our miseries in our religion,

96 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا تَجْعَلِ الدُّنْيا اَكْبَرَ هَمِّنا and let not this world be our biggest concern,

97 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا مَبْلَغَ عِلْمِنا nor the extent of our knowledge.

98 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا تُسَلِّطْ عَلَيْنا مَنْ لا يَرْحَمُنا and do not appoint over us one who has no mercy on us,

99 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِرَحْمَتِكَ يا اَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمينَ. by your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

100 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

101 Recite 100 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. سُبْحانَ اللهِ Glory be to Alláh.

102 Recite 100 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَالْحَمْدُ للهِ All praise be to Alláh

103 Recite 100 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا اِلـهَ إلاَّ اللهُ There is none worthy of worship besides Alláh

104 Recite 100 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واللهُ اَكْبَرُ Alláh is the Greatest

105 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Du’a NO 5 in A’amaal Book or Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167)

106 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

107 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

108 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا مَنْ اِلَيْهِ مَلْجَأُ الْعِبادِ في الْمُهِمّاتِ O He to whom the bondmen turn to in the event of urgent important matters;

109 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاِلَيْهَ يَفْزَعُ الْخَلْقُ فىِ الْمُلِمّاتِ and unto whom run for help the people when the misfortune strikes!

110 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا عالِمَ الْجَهْرِ وَالْخَفِيّاتِ and unto whom run for help the people when the misfortune strikes!

111 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا مَنْ لا تَخْفى عَلَيْهِ خَواطِرُ الاَْوْهامِ وَتَصَرُّفُ الْخَطَراتِ O He who knows the hidden as well as the evident! O He who is not unaware of the bias of the suspicious mind, and the clever activity of the fanciful deviating intellect!

112 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا رَبَّ الْخَلايِقِ وَالْبَرِيّاتِ O Lord of the cosmos and the creatures dwelling therein!

113 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا مَنْ بِيَدِهِ مَلَكُوتُ الاَْرَضينَ وَالسَّماواتِ O He who exercises full authority over the domain of the heavens and the earths!

114 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَنْتَ اللهُ لا اِلـهَ إِلاّ اَنْتَ Thou art Alláh, There is no God save Thou,

115 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَمُتُّ اِلَيْكَ بِلا اِلـهَ إِلاّ اَنْتَ I stride apace unto Thee with “There is no god save Thou” (on my lips),

116 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَيا لا اِلـهَ اِلاّ اَنْتَ اجْعَلْني في هِذِهِ اللَّيْلَةِ مِمَّنْ نَظَرْتَ اِلَيْهِ فَرَحِمْتَهُ وَسَمِعْتَ دُعاءَهُ فَاَجَبْتَهُ therefore O "There is no god save Thou”, treat me tonight like the one whom Thou paid attention, took pity and heard his prayer, and, aware of his trembling,

117 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَعَلِمْتَ اسْتِقالَتَهُ فَاَقَلْتَهُ tolerated and overlooked his past misdeeds

118 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَتَجاوَزْتَ عَنْ سالِفِ خَطيئَتِهِ وَعَظيمِ جَريرَتِهِ and may mistakes to give answer to his cry of help,

119 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَقَدِ اسْتَجَرْتُ بِكَ مِنْ ذُنُوبي I surrender myself to Thee alongwith my transgressions

120 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَجَأتُ اِلَيْكَ في سَتْرِ عُيُوبي and make a request to please keep my defects undisclosed.

121 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ فَجُدْ عَلَيَّ بِكَرَمِكَ وَفَضْلِكَ O my Alláh put me again in good condition (because) Thou art Generous and kind,

122 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاحْطُطْ خَطايايَ بِحِلْمِكَ وَعَفْوِكَ take off the loads of my errors (because) Thou art loving and oft-forgiving,

123 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَتَغَمَّدْني في هذِهِ اللَّيْلَةِ بِسابِغِ كَرامَتِكَ cover me with Thy mercy tonight (because) Thou shows generosity in abundance,

124 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاجْعَلْني فيها مِنْ اَوْلِيائِكَ الَّذينَ اجْتَبَيْتَهُمْ لِطاعَتِكَ let me be tonight among Thy friends whom Thou elected to obey Thee,

125 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واخْتَرْتَهُمْ لِعِبادَتِكَ when Thou selected to worship Thee,

126 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَجَعَلْتَهُمْ خالِصَتَكَ وَصِفْوَتَكَ and kept them sincerely attached and committed to Thee.

127 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ اجْعَلْني مِمَّنْ سَعَدَ جَدُّهُ O my Alláh let me be like the one who finds happiness in his efforts

128 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَتَوَفَّرَ مِنَ الْخَيْراتِ حَظُّهُ and makes full use of the good fortune made available to him,

129 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاجْعَلْني مِمَّنْ سَلِمَ فَنَعِمَ let me be like the one who kept from evil, therefore, lived a life free of cares;

130 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَفازَ فَغَنِمَ exercised self-control, therefore won easily.

131 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاكْفِني شَرَّ ما اَسْلَفْتُ Spare and free me for the cravings I have accumulated,

132 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاعْصِمْني مِنَ الاْزدِيادِ في مَعْصِيَتِكَ prevent me from the wasteful conduct that transgress Thy bounds,

133 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَحَبِّبْ اِلَيَّ طاعَتَكَ وَما يُقَرِّبُني مِنْكَ وَيُزْلِفُني عِنْدَكَ discipline me in Thy obedience which will direct me to Thy neighbourhood, very near to Thee.

134 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. سَيِّدي اِلَيْكَ يَلْجَأُ الْهارِبُ My Lord and master with Thee the hunted refugee take refuge,

135 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنْكَ يَلْتَمِسُ الطّالِبُ the beseecher humbly makes a request to Thee,

136 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَعَلى كَرَمِكَ يُعَوِّلُ الْمُسْتَقْيِلُ التّائِبُ the repentant guilty, apologetic, relies on Thy liberal kindness,

137 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَدَّبْتَ عِبادَكَ بالتَّكَرُّمِ Thou trained and educated Thy servants thoroughly to be kind and liberal,

138 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَنْتَ اَكْرَمُ الاَْكْرَمينَ Thou art the most kind of all those who show kindness;

139 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَمَرْتَ بِالْعَفْوِ عِبادَكَ وَاَنْتَ الْغَفُورُ الَّرحيمُ Thou developed Thy servants to be forgiving and compassionate, Thou art Of-Forgiving Merciful.

140 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ فَلاتَحْرِمْني ما رَجَوْتُ مِنْ كَرَمِكَ O my Alláh do not keep from me that which I expect to get from Thy generosity,

141 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا تُؤْيِسْني مِنْ سابِغِ نِعَمِكَ do not send me away from Thy boundless reservoir of bounties,

142 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلا تُخَيِّبْني مِنْ جَزيلِ قِسْمِكَ في هذِهِ اللَّيْلَةِ لاَِهْلِ طاعَتِكَ do not exclude me from the share Thou distribute freely tonight to the people who obey Thee,

143 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاجْعَلْني في جُنَّة مِنْ شِرارِ بَرِيَّتِكَ and take me in under Thy sanctuary to protect me from the evil of the wild creatures.

144 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. رَبِّ اِنْ لَمْ اَكُنْ مِنْ اَهْلِ ذلِكَ فَاَنْتَ اَهْلُ الْكَرَمِ وَالْعَفْوِ وَالْمَغْفِرَةِ Lord! If I am not among the deserving, Thou art Liberal, indulgent, and Oft-Forgiving,

145 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَجُدْ عَلَيَّ بِما اَنْتَ اَهْلُهُ لا بِما اَسْتَحِقُّهُ so give me to my heart’s content in accordance with Thy (Omni) potence, not what I deserve;

146 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَقَدْ حَسُنَ ظَنّي بِكَ because my expectations are very high,

147 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَتَحَقَّقَ رَجائي لَكَ my hopes live in hope of sure fulfillment,

148 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَعَلِقَتْ نَفْسي بِكَرَمِكَ I cling to and hang on Thy liberal generosity,

149 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَاَنْتَ اَرْحَمُ الرّاحِمينَ وَاَكْرَمُ الاَْكْرَمينَ verily Thou art the most Merciful of all who show mercy, and the most generous of all who vie in generosity.

150 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ واخْصُصْني مِنْ كَرمِكَ بِجَزيلِ قِسْمِكَ O my Alláh designate me clearly to obtain freely my share from Thy bounties.

151 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَعُوذُ بِعَفْوِكَ مِنْ عُقُوبَتِكَ I seek refuge with Thy forgiveness to avoid the penalty Thou may decide,

152 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاغْفِر لِيَ الَّذنْبَ الَّذي يَحْبِسُ عَلَيَّ الْخُلُقَ be lenient to me in the matter of sins that have wrapped up and held in check my refinement,

153 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَيُضَيِّقُ عَليَّ الرِّزْقَ and thus brought me into distress,

154 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. حَتى اَقُومَ بِصالِحِ رِضاكَ (so that) I take steps to be good for the sake of Thy pleasure,

155 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَنْعَمَ بِجَزيلِ عَطائِكَ live in ease and peace on account of Thy uninterrupted endowments,

156 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَسْعَدَ بِسابِغِ نَعْمائِكَ and prosper on account of Thy countless bounties.

157 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَقَدْ لُذْتُ بِحَرَمِكَ As I enjoy Thy protection and lay myself at the mercy

158 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَتَعَرَّضْتُ لِكَرَمِكَ of Thy generosity,

159 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واَسْتَعَذْتُ بِعَفْوِكَ مِنْ عُقُوبَتِكَ take refuge with Thy forgiveness to avoid the penalty Thou may decide

160 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَبِحِلْمِكَ مِنْ غَضَبِكَ and with Thy indulgence to avoid Thy anger,

161 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَجُدْ بِما سَأَلْتُكَ وَاَنِلْ مَا الَْتمَسْتُ مِنْكَ give me that which I asked for, and made a request to Thee most humbly,

162 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَساَلُكَ بِكَ لا بِشَيء هُوَ اَعْظَمُ مِنْكَ. I beseech Thee; For Thee nothing is beyond Thy power.

163 Short Dua – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 167) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

164 A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. PLEASE GO INTO SAJDAH And recite the following:

165 Recite 20 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا رَبُّ

166 Recite 7 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا اَللهُ

167 Recite 7 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةَ إِلاّ بِاللهِ

168 Recite 10 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. مآ شاءَ اللهُ

169 Recite 10 times A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. لا قُوّةَ إِلاّ بِاللهِ

170 A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

171 Hajaat A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban.

172 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) Du’a NO 4 in A’amaal Book or (THIS DUA IS RECOMMENDED TO BE RECITED AFTER EVERY NAMAAZ E SHAFA’A OF NAMAAZ E SHAB AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR 15TH NIGHT OF SHAABAN ) Shaykh Toosi (R.A.) and Kafami (R.A.) have advised the faithfuls to recite the Dua'a for 15th Night of Sha'aban

173 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

174 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

175 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اِلـهي تَعَرَّضَ لَكَ في هذَ اللَّيْلِ الْمُتَعَرِّضُونَ O` my Alláh the seekers have presented before You their requests in this night

176 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَقَصَدَكَ الْقاصِدُونَ and the ambitious has resolved to reach Your guidance

177 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَاَمَّلَ فَضْلَكَ وَمَعْرُوفَكَ الطّالِبُونَ and the seekers are hoping Your grace and bounties.

178 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَلَكَ في هذَا اللّيْلِ نَفَحاتٌ وَجَوائِزُ وَعَطايا وَمَواهِبُ تَمُنُّ بِها عَلى مَنْ تَشاءُ مِنْ عِبادِكَ And in this night you bestow Your hidden bounties, the provisions, gifts and presents upon those of Your creatures whom You please

179 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَتَمْنَعُها مَنْ لَمْ تَسْبِقْ لَهُ الْعِنايَةُ مِنْكَ and You deny the same to the one for whom no divine decree has been ordained.

180 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَها اَنَا ذا عُبَيْدُكَ الْفَقيرُ اِلَيْكَ And here I am you worthless bondmen in want but

181 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الْمُؤَمِّلُ فَضْلَكَ وَمَعْرُوفَكَ hopeful for getting grace and bounties.

182 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَاِنْ كُنْتَ يا مَولايَ تَفَضَّلْتَ في هذِهِ اللَّيْلَةِ عَلى اَحَد مِنْ خَلْقِكَ O` my Master bestow favour on anyone in this night, from among Thy created beings

183 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَعُدْتَ عَلَيْهِ بِعائِدَة مِنْ عَطْفِكَ And multiply profits and gains for him out of love and affection,

184 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. فَصَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّد وَآلِ مُحَمَّد الطَّيِّبينَ الطّاهِرينَ please bestow Your blessings no Mohammad and his pure and purified progeny,

185 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الْخَيِّرينَ الْفاضِلينَ the best of the learned,

186 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَجُدْ عَلَيَّ بِطَولِكَ وَمَعْرُوفِكَ يا رَبَّ الْعالَمينَ and be kind to bestow on me Your wealth and bounties. O` the Lord of the worlds!

187 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَصَلَّى اللهُ عَلى مُحَمَّد خاتَمِ النَّبيّينَ وَآلِهِ الطّاهِرينَ وَسَلَّمَ تَسْليماً Bless Muhammad, the last Prophet, and his pure children, with worthy blessings,

188 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اِنَّ اللهَ حَميدٌ مَجيدٌ Verily Alláh is praise worthy and glorious.

189 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ اِنّي اَدْعُوكَ كَما اَمَرْتَ فَاسْتَجِبْ لي كَما وَعَدْتَ اِنَّكَ لا تُخْلِف الْميعادَ. O` Alláh I invoke you as taught by You. You therefore grant me my requests as You did promise. You surely do not go against Your promise.

190 Short Dua - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

191 Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. PLEASE GO INTO SAJDAH And read:

192 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. سَجَدَ لَكَ سَوادي وَخَيالي I prostrate my self in adoration before Thee, my thoughts

193 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَآمَنَ بِكَ فؤادي and feelings in close attention, putting faith in Thee from the bottom of my heart.

194 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. هذِهِ يَدايَ وَماجَنَيْتُهُ عَلى نَفْسي These are my two hands and that which they pluck and gather for me,

195 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يا عَظيمُ تُرْجى لِكُلِّ عَظيم O the Great, (to do) every noble deed reliance is upon Thee,

196 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 169) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اِغْفِرْ لِيَ الْعَظيمَ فَاِنَّهُ لايَغْفِرُ الذَّنْبَ الْعَظيمَ إِلاّ الرَّبُّ الْعَظيم. forgive my serious offences because, beyond a shadow of doubt, no one can forgive the grave trangression except the Great Lord.

197 Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. SIT DOWN & PLEASE AGAIN GO INTO SAJDAH And read:

198 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَعُوذُ بُنُورِ وَجْهِكَ الَّذي اَضاءَتْ لَهُ السَّماواتُ وَالاَْرَضُونَ I adhere close to the Light of Thy Being that had illuminated the heavens and the earths,

199 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وانْكَشَفَتْ لَهُ الظُّلُماتُ removed and exposed the darkness,

200 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَصَلَحَ عَلْيْهِ اَمرُ الاَْوَّلينَ وَالاْخِرينَ put in order the “operation”, from the beginning to the end,

201 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. مِنْ فُجْأَةِ نِقْمَتِكَ at all times free from violent and unexpected changes to the worse,

202 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنْ تَحْويلِ عافِيَتِكَ absence of recovery and adjustment

203 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنْ زَوالِ نِعْمَتِكَ and discontinuation of the supply of natural resources.

204 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ ارْزُقْني قَلْباً تَقِيّاً نَقِيّاً O Alláh give me a knowing fearing, clean conscience,

205 Short Dua in Sajda – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وَمِنَ الشِّرْكِ بَرياً لا كافِراً وَلا شَقِياً. free from hypocrisy, which is neither renegade nor villainous.

206 Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. THEN KEEP YOUR RIGHT CHEEK ON THE SAJDAGAH (MOHR) And read:

207 Short Dua keeping right cheek on Sajdagah – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. عَفَّرْتُ وَجْهي فِي التُرابِ وَحُقَّ لي اَنْ اَسْجُدَ لَكَ I put my face on the earth and roll in the dust because it is imposed as a duty that I prostrate myself in adoration before Thee

208 Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. THEN KEEP YOUR LEFT CHEEK ON THE SAJDAGAH (MOHR) And read:

209 Short Dua keeping left cheek on Sajdagah – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. عَفَّرْتُ وَجْهي فِي التُرابِ وَحُقَّ لي اَنْ اَسْجُدَ لَكَ I put my face on the earth and roll in the dust because it is imposed as a duty that I prostrate myself in adoration before Thee


211 Salavat taught by 4 th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Salawat taught By Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.) Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) Du’a NO 8 in A’amaal Book or

212 Salawat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

213 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ In the name of Alláh, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

214 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. شجرة النبوة the tree of prophet hood

215 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وموضع الرسالة and the abode of Your Messages,

216 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ومختلف الملائكة the place of visits of the angels,

217 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ومعدن العلم the mine of Your Knowledge

218 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وأهل بيت الوحي. and the people of the Holy House of revelation.

219 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد الفلك الجارية O` Allah I bestow Your blessing on Mohammad and his progeny who are a boat sailing

220 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. في اللجج الغامرة in the deep waters of fathomless sea.

221 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. يأمن من ركبها Safe is he who boarded it

222 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ويغرق من تركها and drowned is he who discarded it.

223 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. المتقدم لهم مارق Those who went ahead of them were misled

224 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. والمتأخر عنهم زاهق and those legged behind them were ruined

225 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واللازم له لاحق. and those who adhered to them were united with them.

226 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد الكهف الحصين O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his progeny who are the strong refuge,

227 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وغياث المضطر المستكين rescue for the distressed and the helpless,

228 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وملجأ الهاربين shelter for the fugitives

229 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وعصمة المعتصمين. and the protection of the seekers of protection.

230 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد صلاة كثيرة O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his Progeny with plenty of Your blessings

231 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. تكون لهم رضا ولحق محمد وآل محمد أداء وقضاء which should please them and for Mohammad and his family a fulfillment of obligation and its conclusion.

232 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بحول منك وقوة يا رب العالمين. By Your strength and might, O` the Lord of the Worlds!

233 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الأبرار الأخيار O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his progeny, the pure, the virtuous, the good.

234 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الذين أوجبت حقوقهم whose rights You have made obligatory

235 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وفرضت طاعتهم وولايتهم. And made incumbent their obedience and acknowledge their mastership.

236 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد واعمر قلبي بطاعتك O` Allah! Bless Mohammad and his progeny and fill my heart with Your obedience,

237 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ولا تخزني بمعصيتك وارزقني مواساة من قترت عليه من رزقك Do not humiliate me with Your disobedience and grant me compassion for the one whom You have given less of Your sustenance

238 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بما وسعت علي من فضلك through what You have granted me of Your grace,

239 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ونشرت علي من عدلك And spread for me of Your justice,

240 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وأحييتني تحت ظلك And have kept me alive under Your Protection.

241 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وهذا شهر نبيك سيد رسلك This is the month of Your Prophet The Chief of Your Messengers,

242 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. شعبان Sha’ban,

243 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الذي حففته منك بالرحمة والرضوان Which You have lightened (the burden) by Your mercy and pleasure,

244 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. الذي كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله يدأب لك في صيامه وقيامه in which the Messenger of Allah blessings of Allah be on him and his family, persevered in fasting and standing up (in worship)

245 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. في لياليه وأيامه During its night and days,

246 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. بخوعا لك في إكرامه وإعظامه Favorable with You in giving it (Sha’ban) its (due) respect and honor,

247 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. إلى محل حمامه till his last breath.

248 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم فأعنا على الاستنان بسنته فيه O Allah, so help us to follow his ways in it,

249 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ونيل الشفاعة لديه and achieve his intercession.

250 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم واجعله لي شفيعا مشفعا O Allah, make him for me, an intercessor, a medium (one whose intercession is accepted)

251 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وطريقا إليك مهيعا A smooth path towards You,

252 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. واجعلني له متبعا Make me from his followers,

253 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. حتى ألقاك يوم القيامة عني راضيا until I meet you on the day of Judgement and You are pleased with me,

254 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وعن ذنوبي غاضيا overlooking my sins,

255 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. قد أوجبت لي منك الرحمة والرضوان awarding me from You, mercy and pleasure

256 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. وأنزلتني دار القرار And sending me to the eternal home,

257 Salavat taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. ومحل الأخيار. and place of the best

258 Salavat Taught by 4th Imam (A.S.) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 156) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد O Alláh send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

259 اللهم كن لوليك الحجة ابن الحسن ، صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه ، في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ، ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً ، حتى تسكنه أرضك طوعاً ، وتمتعه فيها طويلاً

260 A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Short Dua to be recited from tonite until rest of the month Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 170) Short Dua to be recited tonight & rest of the month – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 170)

261 Short Dua to be recited tonight & rest of the month – Mafateeh Al Jinaan (Pg. 171) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. اَللّـهُمَّ اِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ غَفَرْتَ لَنا فيما مَضى مِنْ شَعْبانَ فَاغْفِرْ لَنا فيما بَقِيَ مِنْهُ O Alláh if Thou has not forgiven us during the previous days of Sha’aban, then please be merciful to us in the days that now remain.

262 Ziyarat of Imam Hussein (A) - Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 438) A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Ziyarat of Imam Hussein (A) Mafateeh Al Jinaan (pg. 438) Please rise & face towards Iraq Recite Ziarat of Imam Husayn(as) & Special Ziarat of Imam Husayn(as) for on this night of 15 Shaban as all the Prophets & Angels visit the Imam on this night

263 Namaaz Hadiya Ziarat A’maal for the 15th night of Sha’aban. Please recite 2 Rakats As Hadiya Ziyarat


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