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By ALB Digestive Physiology

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1 By ALB Digestive Physiology
VITAMIN A By ALB Digestive Physiology

2 I. VITAMINS A. History B. What are vitamins? C. Classifications
1. Water soluble 2. Fat soluble

3 II. VITAMIN A A. History B. Forms C. Metabolism
1. Digestion and Absorption 2. Storage 3. Release

4 D. Sources, yellow and deep green vegetables 2.good quality hay and pasture

5 E. Functions 1. Vision 2. Growth, Repair, and Cell Differentiation 3. Health of Epithelial Cells 4. Pregnancy and Fetal Development 5.Protection Against Infection

6 6. Cancer Prevention 7. Other F. Uses 1. Eye Care 2. Skin Disorders 3. Psoriasis 4. HIV

7 G. Deficiencies (Causes and Signs)
1. Examples 2. Causes 3. Signs -eyes -skin -growth

8 -immune system -thyroid -cancer H. Interrelations with other Nutrients 1. Vitamin E 2. Calcium, Iron, and Zinc 3.Drugs

9 I. CATIONS 1. Supplements 2. Toxic Effects J. Supplements 1. Sources 2. Use of

10 References Bloomfeild, Molly M., Lawrence J. Stephens. Chemistry and the Living Organism. 6th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York Pp Raven, P.H., G.B. Johnson. Understanding Biology. 3rd ed. Wm. C. Brown, Duluque, IA Pp Cunha, Tony J. Horse Feeding and Nutrition. 2nd ed. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego Pp Harper, Fredrick, et al. Feeding to Win II. Eqine Research Inc., Grand Praire, TX Pp Adams, R.H.,et al. Veterinary Treatments and Medications for Horsemen. Equine Research Inc., Grand Praire, TX Pp Talor, R.E., Ralph Bogart. Scientific Farm Animal Production. 3rd ed. Macmillan Publishing, New York P.70, pp Pond, W.G.,et al. Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding. 4th ed. John Wiley and Sons. New York. Pp

11 Now you know why Popeye eats his spinach.

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