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“Video camera – A Camera made for recording images on a videotape or transmitting them to the computer screen”  Sense it transmits into the computer.

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3 “Video camera – A Camera made for recording images on a videotape or transmitting them to the computer screen”  Sense it transmits into the computer that’s why you see videos on certain websites  But usually They are very Expensive

4  The first video cameras where invented in the Support of television or Tv.  The first video camera was invented in the 1920s  Then was evolved into color in the early 1950s

5  John Logie Baird invented the first ever video camera all in one  John Baird’s invention was influenced by the camera for he wanted moving pictures  John Baird’s invention was usually used for shows on TV

6  Well the camera had influenced John Baird here are some that were influenced by the video camera   Someone in the UK invented a bouncing video camera  Steve Sasson invented the digital camera

7  Well it was evolved by having it first in black and white  Soon became in very detailed color  Then came the hand held video camera which was made for you to be able to carry it around

8  Well people have made video cameras in computers  They have made hand-held cameras making it lighter than a regular video camera  "Available computers, software and cameras have made it so affordable that anybody can make 'videos' and charge pennies for low- quality work.“ –Paul Lee

9 New Old  The new version has color  The newer version can be hand held or put on a tripod  People have there own camera now and it’s used for entertainment on the internet  The very first one ever to be invented had no color or black & white film  The older version was usually on a tripod  People didn’t own one they only used it for movies

10  I see my technology changing into cameras that can be holographic  It can be able to make videos from your phone and you can upload it to your camera  There is nothing really else I can think of because almost everything has been invented for video cameras  There is nothing really else I can think of because almost everything has been invented for video cameras

11 Google images

12 Hope you enjoyed Kitty’s and puppies are adorable also unicorns and rainbows

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