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Ancient History 10 December 1 st, 2014. Ancient Athens.

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1 Ancient History 10 December 1 st, 2014

2 Ancient Athens

3 Athens City States- A City state can be defined as an interdependent, self governing city such as Sparta, Athens and in today’s world Vatican City City States- A City state can be defined as an interdependent, self governing city such as Sparta, Athens and in today’s world Vatican City Polis was what Greeks referred to City-States as Polis was what Greeks referred to City-States as

4 How many? There were hundreds of City States within Ancient Greece There were hundreds of City States within Ancient Greece Approximately 300 or so Approximately 300 or so However two rose above the rest and became the principal City-States, though they rose to importance by vastly different methods However two rose above the rest and became the principal City-States, though they rose to importance by vastly different methods

5 Athens DemocracyPlatoOlympicsColoniesPhilosophy School, tradition, future

6 Sparta WarWarriors Love of Country

7 City States began to become prevalent around 750 BCE City States began to become prevalent around 750 BCE Aspects of City States: independence, customs, politics, citizen treatment Aspects of City States: independence, customs, politics, citizen treatment Population ranged between 10-15 thousand Population ranged between 10-15 thousand

8 History of Athens Artifacts found on the Acropolis and below in region called Agora that date to as far back as 5000 BCE Artifacts found on the Acropolis and below in region called Agora that date to as far back as 5000 BCE Legend of how Athens gained its name Legend of how Athens gained its name Athenian King Cecrops named city after himself but the Gods thought it so beautiful that it deserved immortal name Athenian King Cecrops named city after himself but the Gods thought it so beautiful that it deserved immortal name

9 Athena

10 Poseidon

11 Athena Goddess of reason, activity, arts and literature Daughter of Zeus who was born from his forehead fully grown and in armour Favourite child Embodiment of wisdom, reason & purity

12 Poseidon God of Sea and Protector of Aquatic life Zeus older brother 2 nd most powerful God Creator of Horses Standoffish demeanour

13 History of Athens 8 th - 6 th century a prosperous community economically, but no more then any other City State The marble and clay was useful for skilled potters which made money Politcal power lay in the hands of large aristocratic families

14 Social prestige and political power = property and military prowess Not all people had political power Aristotle- “...supreme offices went by birth and wealth” Wealthy economy and harmony Wealth = dedications made at sanctuaries

15 Social Unrest By 6 th century tensions were high between the rich and poor Sharecroppers Sell self into slavery to pay off debt

16 Solon’s reforms Solon is elected by the people as magistrate and lawgiver Wants to be just, goes into exile to not be pressured Cancelled debts, freed enslaved Athenians but left power with aristocracy

17 Class Divisions Solon divided the people into 4 different class divisions based on the ownership of properity The more you have the higher up you are 1) Pentekosiomedimnoi- the highest level Could produce 500+ measures of grain a yr Gained highest offices

18 2) Hippeis (knights)- owned horses Could produce 300+ measures of grain a year 3) zeugitai (teamsters) – had 2 oxen for plowing Could produce 200+ measures of grain a year

19 4) Thetes (labourer)- the lowest of the citizens, they were just above slaves Worked the land and did not own much of their own However could never actually be enslaved by fellow citizens Could sit in assembly and vote

20 The road to Democracy Political participation was duty of citizen not privilege Reforms did not establish democracy but on the way Gave important rights to the middle class Not all good things last... New form of gov’t comes in a generation

21 Tyranny Tyrant- this was a single individual who took power illegally, instead of in a manner approved by the State, usually through force Tyrant- this was a single individual who took power illegally, instead of in a manner approved by the State, usually through force This government was in a way two faced This government was in a way two faced Arose in the 6 th century within Athens and many other Greek City States

22 Reign of Peisistratos Seized power in 546 BC and ruled until death in 527 BC Succeeded by two sons; Hippias & Hipparchos He was head of aristocratic family, used force for seizure

23 Tyranny is good and bad Aristotle described him as a good and just man who worked for the peace within all situations Generally a very well liked man His reign created the 1 st public works that Athens had seen in centuries

24 Temple of Zeus in Athens

25 Created Temples to honour the gods but his most important building project was that of a new aqueduct system This system brought fresh clean water into the city and helped the people greatly, like our water system

26 The leadership of his Sons Hippias was the elder of the two and he was considered wise, he controlled the political matters Hipparchos is younger and has much more literary tastes as well as enjoying the fruits of life

27 Death of Tyrant 514 BC Hipparchos is stabbed to death The killers are applauded and honoured with statues Interesting way to treat people after they killed your leader

28 Tyranny becomes what we know today Hippias becomes a ruthless tyrannical leader He has citizens executed and exiled Seeks to avenge the death of his brother No longer trusts the people who put his family in power

29 Destruction of Tyranny The Alkmaeonidai family decides to take power (ironic that they would destroy Tyranny by becoming tyrants themselves) Bribe oracle at Delphi to make Sparta help them By 510 BC the tyrants are pushed out of Athens

30 Two Leaders emerge Kleisthenes vs Isagoras Kleisthenes has the support of the common people through his idea of new constitution Isagoras uses Spartan muscle

31 Exile 700 Athenian families exiled including Kleisthenes Exile does not work When constitution is questioned the commoners rise up in arms and throw out Sparta and Isagoras ys ys

32 The beginning of Democracy 508-507 BC the footprints of Democracy begin to form King Kleomenes of Sparta not happy about being thrown out, plans to invade with massive Army Convinced last minute to back out...viewed as the first huge win for Democratic people

33 Kleisthenes

34 10 new tribes Creation of new administration units called phylai, and the abolishment of the old aristocratic power All citizens were assigned to one of the tribes Tribe was community, common place where new bonds were formed with ppl from different regions like a dorm, essential for democracy

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