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Political Science 120 Mr. Spencer. WHAT IS POLITICS? The struggle for power and the management of conflict. The governing of a political entity, such.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Science 120 Mr. Spencer. WHAT IS POLITICS? The struggle for power and the management of conflict. The governing of a political entity, such."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Science 120 Mr. Spencer

2 WHAT IS POLITICS? The struggle for power and the management of conflict. The governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.

3 Etymological Definition Greek – –Has its origins in Ancient Greece. All city states were referred to as polis Latin – –Politicus was an adjective that was used to describe anything “of the state”

4 Or does it mean: Poli in latin means “many” Tics means “blood sucking parasites”

5 WHAT IS POLITICAL SCIENCE? Study of how people come together with other people to create an organized, stable existence. It is the study of: who has the power? How did they get the power? What are they doing with the power? How can it be taken from them?




9 WHERE DO WE SEE POLITICS? Provinces Communities National level Schools Organizations etc

10 WHY STUDY IT? To be informed and to know an individual’s role, if any. To think about your political stance. To understand who has and who does not have power and what powers or rights.

11 POLITICAL TERMINOLOGY “Canadian government might be described as federal rather than unitary, limited monarchy rather than republic, parliamentary rather than presidential, democratic rather than authoritarian, bicameral rather than unicameral, and usually majority rather than minority.”

12 Key Canadian Political terms Bicameral Cabinet Charter Conservative Constitution Democracy Ideology Left/right wing Liberal Monarchy Proportional Rep. Republic Responsible Gov. Republic Unitary Federalism Unitary Government Governor General

13 Key Political player in Canada and Abroad List some of the key players in Canadian politics throughout the past and today as well. Who are some of the major international players throughout history and today?

14 Key Players Brian Gallant Barak Obama Stephen Harper Hosni Mubarak - Egypt Momar Kadafi - Libya Benito Mussolini - Italy Bashar al-Assad - Syria Kim Jong Il Fidel Castro Josef Tito John A Macdonald William Lyon MacKenzie King Adolf Hitler

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