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Rock Cycle Unit.

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1 Rock Cycle Unit

2 WarmUp (2-25-13) How are rocks made?
Igneous Rock is formed from cooled lava Sedimentary Rock forms from eroded rock layers Metamorphic Rock forms from changed sedimentary rock Agenda: WarmUp Lava Pillows How It’s Made Lottery 5. Bill Nye 6. Poster

3 WarmUp ( ) Explain the difference between weathering and erosion. Weathering: the breaking of rock by wind, rain, ice, etc. Erosion: the movement or carrying of sediments Agenda: WarmUp How It’s Made Bill Nye Finish Poster

4 -Fication=To make into
Rock Cycle Poster 2.Weathing of Igneous Rock: Rain and wind breaks the rock: This called WEATHERING Erosion : The removal of rock is called erosion: Water erodes through carrying the rock 3 Deposition Broken rocks run to ocean as SEDIMENT and are dropped when they become too heavy for wind or water Igneous Rock 1.Crystallizationof Igneous Rock: Igneous rock is formed from cooled magma. 5 Metamorphism :Sedimentary rocks are squeezed by heat and pressure and are changed into completely new rock… these are called METAMORPHIC ROCKS 5 Melting back into Magma: Metamorphic rock is pushed down and is melted by high heat and volcanism… this magma may become igneous some day. Sedimentary Rock Metamorphic Rock 4 Compaction and Lithification Deposited rocks are squeezed together and cemented into SEDIMENTARY rock through LITHIFICATION Subduction : Sedimentary rock is carried down below other plates because ocean plates are heavier. *** Lithos-= Stone -Fication=To make into

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