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Objectives: 1.Be able to simplify expressions by applying the Rules of exponents Critical Vocabulary: Product of Powers Property Power of a Power Property.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives: 1.Be able to simplify expressions by applying the Rules of exponents Critical Vocabulary: Product of Powers Property Power of a Power Property."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives: 1.Be able to simplify expressions by applying the Rules of exponents Critical Vocabulary: Product of Powers Property Power of a Power Property Power of a Product Property Quotient of powers Property Power of a Quotient property

2 I. Exponent Properties Example 1: Simplify: 3 2 3 3 a n a m = a n + m 3535 243 Check:9 27= 243 Example 2: Simplify: x 7 x 4 x 11 Example 3: WE WILL ALWAYS WRITE OUR FINAL ANSWER IN SIMPLIFIED ROOT FORM Example 4:

3 I. Exponent Properties Example 1: Simplify: 3 2 3 3 a n a m = a n + m 3535 243 Check:9 27= 243 Example 2: Simplify: x 7 x 4 x 11 Example 3: Example 4: WE WILL ALWAYS WRITE OUR FINAL ANSWER IN SIMPLIFIED ROOT FORM

4 (a n ) m = a nm I. Exponent Properties Example 5: Simplify: (3 2 ) 3 3636 729 Check:9 9 9 = 729 Example 6: Simplify: (x 7 ) 4 x 28 Example 7: Example 8:

5 I. Exponent Properties (ab) m = a m b m Example 9: Simplify: (32) 3 3 3 2 3 27 8216 Check:(6) 3 216 Example 10: Example 11:

6 I. Exponent Properties a n /a m = a n-m Example 12: Simplify Check: Example 13: Example 14:

7 I. Exponent Properties (a/b) m = a m /b m Example 15: Simplify Check: Example 16:

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