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Physical & Chemical Changes. What is a physical change? In physical changes, matter may look, act, or feel different. But it is still the SAME thing.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical & Chemical Changes. What is a physical change? In physical changes, matter may look, act, or feel different. But it is still the SAME thing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical & Chemical Changes

2 What is a physical change? In physical changes, matter may look, act, or feel different. But it is still the SAME thing. The molecules have NOT changed.

3 Types of Physical Changes Breaking Crushing Cutting Bending Melting Freezing Boiling

4 Examples of Physical Changes If you tear, fold, or crumple a piece of paper, it looks different. But it is still a piece of paper. If you break, sharpen, or chew on a pencil, it looks different. But it is still a pencil.

5 Ice can change to water. Water can change to ice. It’s still H 2 O either way.

6 Liquid water can change to water vapor when it is heated. Water vapor can change to liquid water when it is cooled. It’s still H2O either way.


8 What is a chemical change? In chemical changes, matter becomes something completely different. The molecules have changed.

9 Examples of Chemical Changes Think about baking a cake. The batter is a liquid mixture of flour, sugar, water, and other ingredients. When you heat it in the oven, the batter turns into a yummy solid. You can’t ever change it back into flour, sugar, water, and other ingredients. The batter has become something new.

10 If you leave iron out for a long time, it will rust. When fireworks change colors, a chemical change is happening. If you light a match, it can never be the same again. Examples of Chemical Changes

11 Show Me! Draw an example of a physical change. Draw an example of a chemical change.

12 You Decide! frying an egg

13 This is a chemical change. The egg can never go back to the way it was before.

14 boiling water

15 This is a physical change. The water vapor that is produced will condense into liquid water when it cools.

16 burning gasoline

17 This is a chemical change. Once your car has used the gasoline, it can never be used again.

18 breaking glass

19 This is a physical change. It looks different, but it’s still glass.

20 compressing (squeezing) a spring

21 This is a physical change. It looks different, but it’s still a spring.

22 souring milk

23 This is a chemical change. Rotten foods and drinks can never go back to the way they were before. One big clue is the smell. Strong odors can be a sign of a chemical change.

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