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Physical and Chemical Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Changes
By Lindsey Sinquefield

2 Physical Change Nothing new is formed Change in shape Change in size
Change in state of matter

3 Examples of Physical Change
Cutting paper Sharpening a pencil Melting ice Breaking glass

4 Chemical Change Something new is formed Change in color
Energy has been released

5 Examples of Chemical Change
Molded bread Baking cookies Lighting a match Rust on a piece of metal

6 Chemical or Physical Change?

7 Physical Change

8 Chemical or Physical Change?
A burning match

9 Chemical Change

10 Chemical or Physical Change?
Rust on a chain

11 Chemical Change

12 Chemical or Physical Change?
Cutting Wood

13 Physical Change

14 “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”
Let’s Play!!

15 Physical and Chemical Changes
Size Something New is Formed Physical and Chemical Changes Change in Color Changes Shape Energy is Released Changes State

16 Extend and Enrich Experiements and More! – Activity TV –

17 Sources Internet4classrooms –
Game templates –

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