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Overview about PBR in Estonia Workshop on enforcement on Plant Variety Rights 4.03.2008 Pille Ardel Plant Production Inspectorate Head of Variety Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview about PBR in Estonia Workshop on enforcement on Plant Variety Rights 4.03.2008 Pille Ardel Plant Production Inspectorate Head of Variety Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview about PBR in Estonia Workshop on enforcement on Plant Variety Rights 4.03.2008 Pille Ardel Plant Production Inspectorate Head of Variety Department

2 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 2 Topics  History  Today’s situation  Growing in small scale  Information about variety

3 Overview about PBR in Estonia History

4 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 4 Plant Variety Rights Act Passed 9 December 1994 Published RT I, 1994, 23, 385

5 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 5 Plant Variety Rights Act Passed 25 March 1998 Entered into force 1 July 1998 Published RT I 1998, 36/37, 553

6 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 6 UPOV CONVENTION The Law on the acceptance of the International convention for the protection of new varieties of plants Passed 15 March 2000 Announced President of the Republic with decision nr 754 From 23 March 2000 Published RTII, 05.04.2000, 7, 42 Estonia is the member of the International convention for the protection of new varieties of plants from 24 September 2000

7 Overview about PBR in Estonia Today’s situation

8 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 8 Plant Propagation and Plant Variety Rights Act Passed 8 December 2005 Entered into force 1 January 2006 Published RTI 2005, 70, 540; RT I 2007, 6, 32; RT I 2006, 28, 211; RT I 2007, 6, 32

9 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 9 Government of the Republic of Estonia Regulation The statute of the Plant Varieties Register Government of the Republic of Estonia Regulation No. 52 of 28 February 2006 Entered into force 6 March 2006 Published RTI, 03.03.2006, 11, 77

10 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 10 Regulations of MoA The format for the application, the information to be submitted in the application, a list of documents to be annexed to the application and the procedure for application for the registration of a variety Regulation of MoA No 17 from February 7th 2006 Published RTL, 23.02.2006, 18, 319

11 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 11 Regulations of MoA The procedure for variety listing and the list of plant species subject to variety listing; the procedure for carrying out the registration trials and trials for value, cultivation and use of varieties; the minimum requirements for the characteristics of agricultural plant and vegetable species and the requirements for maintenance checks of varieties carried out in the course of supervision Regulation of MoA No 38 from March 24th 2006 Published RTL, 07.04.2006, 30, 529

12 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 12 Regulations of MoA The list of the plant species for what the growing of the seed and propagating material of protected varieties is allowed in small quantities Regulation of MoA No 37 from March 24 2006 Published RTL, 07.04.2006, 30, 528

13 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 13 PBR in Estonia  Ministry of Agriculture Plant Health Department  Plant Production Inspectorate Variety Department

14 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 14 The holder’s exclusive right Is to:  produce  market  import  export  possess the seed and propagating and cultivating material of the variety for the purposes listed before or authorise other persons for those purposes

15 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 15 A protected variety may be used without authorisation by the holder of rights :  in scientific research and in official trials carried out for the purposes of comparison of varieties  as parental material for breeding new varieties  for personal use with no commercial purposes

16 Overview about PBR in Estonia Growing in small scale

17 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 17 Growing in small scale  The Law § 36 (2)  in order to obtain agricultural products, and to produce such seed and material for use within its own enterprise without having to enter into a licence agreement and without paying a licence fee  except for the seed and propagating material of hybrid and synthetic species

18 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 18 Growing in small scale  where up to 10 hectares of arable land is used for growing the agricultural species  up to 1 hectare of arable land is used for growing potatoes  grassland, which are in use or are intended for use for a period over five years shall not be included in the arable land used for growing small quantities of plants

19 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 19 The list of species The list of the plant species for what the growing of the seed and propagating material of protected varieties is allowed in small quantities Regulation of MoA No 37 from March 24 2006

20 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 20 Species FODDER CROPS  chick pea  yellow lupin  lucerne  field pea  field bean  common vetch

21 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 21 Species OIL AND FIBRE CROPS  swede rape  turnip rape  flax / linseed

22 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 22 Species CEREALS  oat  barley  rye  triticale  wheat POTATO

23 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 23 Growing in bigger scale  An undertaker must pay a reasonable fee to the holder of the plant variety right  Such reasonable fee must be significantly lower than the licence fee payable by a producer of the seed of the variety of the same plant species or by a supplier engaging in the production of the propagating material of the variety of the same plant species

24 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 24 The size of the reasonable fee  shall be agreed on between the holder of rights and the undertaker  has not been agreed a fee which does not exceed one half of the licence fee payable by a producer of the seed of the variety of the same plant species or by a supplier engaging in the production of the propagating material of the variety of the same plant species

25 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 25 Keeping of records Who? An undertaker growing small quantities An undertaker growing bigger quantities For what? the quantities of seed or propagating material produced from the protected variety

26 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 26 Providing information To whom? inform the holder of the plant variety right the registrar

27 Overview about PBR in Estonia Information about variety

28 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 28 Under PBR In total 84 varieties in process 11 varieties  From Estonian applicants 64,5  From abroad 19,5

29 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 29 Under PBR SpeciesNo of Varieties Apple 7 Plum 2 Pear 1 Raspberry 3 Cranberry 6 Black currant4 Fruit Crops in Total23 Clematis L.6

30 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 30 Under PBR Species No of Varieties Estonian breeder Foreign breeder Cocksfoot101 Meadow fescue110 Red fescue220 Easten goat’s rue 110 Italian ryegrass 110 Westerwold ryegrass 101 Perennial ryegrass 220 Lucerne 321 Reed canary grass 110 Timothy 220 Smooth-stalked meadowgrass 110 Red clover 220 White clover 110 Total 19163

31 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 31 Under PBR Species Number of varieties Estonian breeder Foreign breeder Oats422 Rye 110 Wheat 532 Turnip rape707 Swede rape10,5 Field pea 202 Garden pea 220 Field bean 220 Potato 660

32 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 32 Applicants Applicant Varieties protected Jõgeva SAI31 Eesti Maaülikool15 Svalöf Weibull AB10 Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke KG6 Nigula looduskaitseala6 Aili Kivistik6 Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd.3 Asta Kask3 Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut1 Nordsaat Saatzucht GmbH1 Malopolska Hodowla Roslin HBP Spolka z.o.o.1 Jõgeva SAI/Svalöf Weibull AB1 Total84

33 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 33 PBR in Estonia

34 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 34

35 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 35

36 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 36

37 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 37

38 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 38 Contact: Plant Production Inspectorate Variety Department 71020 Viljandi Vabaduse sq 4 Phone/fax: 43 34 650 Phone 43 33 946 E-mail:

39 4.03.2008 Workshop on Enforcement on PBR in Tallin AGR 26580 39 Thank You for attention!

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