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Improving life for local people Our Journey With StaffPlan.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving life for local people Our Journey With StaffPlan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving life for local people Our Journey With StaffPlan

2 Improving life for local people The Challenge 1.Affects staff salaries 2.High profile service to the public 3.Radical change to DSO role 4.Unproven Auto Allocation processes 5.Reconstructing the management relationship between DSO and home help

3 Improving life for local people Implementation Team 1 DSO (full time) 1 ICT project worker (full time) Project Manager (20% of time) This grew to include two additional posts: 1 Admin Assistant (full time) 1 ICT project worker (part-time)

4 Improving life for local people Implementation Group 2 Local Managers Implementation Staff Assistant Director Head of ICT QA Manager Lead Officer on Home Care

5 Improving life for local people Proposed Service Model Separate out scheduling from staff management/service user support Major efficiencies envisaged from having admin staff scheduling home helps Agreement to pilot the approach in one team of 5 DSOs and 100 home helps

6 Improving life for local people Outcome of Pilot Separation out of scheduling was not successful Too many handoffs Confusion of who does what Agreed to resume DSO role as schedulers

7 Improving life for local people What We Learnt From Pilot Service users and carers liked a weekly summary of services DSOs had to learn to trust Auto Allocation Home helps had mixed views of new system Supply and demand now much more transparent The audit trail was essential in quashing rumour and suspicion

8 Improving life for local people Efficiencies We compared two 13 week blocks a year apart. This showed: Working on days off 37hours+Hours worked Travel Pilot-84%-72%-6%-14% All Other-23%-6%-3%-4%

9 Improving life for local people Roll-Out 15 month period to cover 14 teams Production of DVD to sell the change Belated recognition that initial data inputting was better done by DSOs than by admin Post-implementation support for 3-4 weeks per team was vital

10 Improving life for local people What our service users think Survey carried out in 2006 and repeated Feb – April 2009 (mid implementation). This shows: 1.Those always kept informed of changes in care increased from 39% to 40.7% 2.Those stating that care workers do things they want doing jumped from 68.2% to 73.3% 3.Those believing care workers always spend less time with them than they should dropped from 4.5% to 0.8%

11 Improving life for local people Balanced Scorecard Telephone Timesheet data Frameworki data HR system About to include StaffPlan Roster data to reconcile planned and actual visit times and length

12 Improving life for local people The Next Two Years Initial savings have been identified for each team but there is more to be realised Two posts have been created to support and consolidate practice We need to rethink our approach to recruitment to ensure ICT skills have a higher profile

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