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AWF MTIC VAT hearing of the European Court of Auditors Committee on Budgetary Control Brussels, 14 July 2008 Carlo van Heuckelom HoU Property and financial.

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Presentation on theme: "AWF MTIC VAT hearing of the European Court of Auditors Committee on Budgetary Control Brussels, 14 July 2008 Carlo van Heuckelom HoU Property and financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWF MTIC VAT hearing of the European Court of Auditors Committee on Budgetary Control Brussels, 14 July 2008 Carlo van Heuckelom HoU Property and financial crime unit – SC4 DMS # 326522

2 Europol Mission −European Union’s law enforcement organisation that processes criminal intelligence −To support the law enforcement agencies in the EU member states in their fight against serious forms of organised crime Objectives −Facilitating information exchange −Providing Operational Analysis −Providing expertise and technical support Legal Framework - Article 2 Europol Convention −Activity involves 2 or more MS −Indication of organised crime −Activity is part of Europol’s mandated crime area

3 Europol’s Fraud Mandate Legal Framework −Art 29 and art 30 of the European Union Treaty −Art 280 of the European Community Treaty Declaration to the Council Decision (OJ C362/2 of 18/12/2001) −Re tax and customs fraud, Europol competency to improve the effectiveness and cooperation of MS competent authorities for the functioning of the criminal law enforcement system −Must take account of OLAF’s competency for fraud Extension of Europol mandate −1 January 2002 – mandate extended to deal with fraud

4 AWF MTIC ( open since 2 April 2008) Purpose of the file −Missing trader intra-community fraud −Related offences AWF members −Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, UK, Eurojust and Norway Groups of persons on whom data are stored −Criminals, Suspects, Witnesses, Contacts and Associates, Victims, Informants Additional information stored −Details on Companies, Means of Transport, Means of Communication, Financial Information, Means of Identification

5 Analytical Work File (AWF) a platform for Pan European integrated crime analysis Storage of Nominative data Dynamic process to link objects, entities and documents To identify links between national inquiries To enable the production of strategic and operational reports To support investigations Detection of recurrent patterns OC groups identification DOCUMENTS


7 Data protection

8 Project Plan Aim of the AWF is: −To contribute in the identification of the organisers and dismantling of their criminal networks/groups in committing MTIC fraud and related criminal activities −To prioritise the scope of the AWF in targeting the most prevalent modus operandi of MTIC fraud 2008 main objectives: −Support and co-ordinate at least 2 criminal investigations −Support the tracing of proceeds from MTIC fraud to the total of at least 5 million € (or equivalence) Constraints: −Data quantity and quality

9 Data Collection Plan Contributions: −Category operational facts and intelligence (hard/soft data) generated by controls and/or investigations −Context: Every contribution should provide sufficient contextual information such that the relevance of the facts submitted is clear – especially for new cases) −Raw Materials: AWF MTIC wants to receive working documents created during the course of investigations/controls −Evaluation: Use of handling/evaluation codes −Transmission Info-Ex via Liaison Bureaux

10 Analysis Group Structure/Role Europol AWF Project Team −Experts, analysts, seconded officers The Member States −National Contact Points −ENU −ELO’s Associated Members −Eurojust/Norway Terms and acronyms −Target Groups −Typologies*: Missing Trader, Buffer Trader, Broker, Conduit Trader, Defaulting Trader, Crossed Invoicer, Third Party Payments (*FATF – report ‘laundering the proceeds of VAT carousel fraud’ – Feb 2007)

11 Practical Benefits Clear strategy Better Intelligence Real Time support (Mobile office solution) Greater understanding Partnership working Co-ordinated action against the OCGs Complementary action to 1 st Pillar dispositions

12 Complementarity of AWF MTIC Administrative Investigation EU regulation 1798/2003 (multi lateral controls), Naples II convention Focus on detection of fraud − Identification of companies − deregistration of VAT numbers − little or no focus on the identification and arrest of the masterminds − restricted coercive powers Criminal Investigation Criminal laws, bi- or multilateral agreements for mutual legal assistance, Europol convention, Eurojust, Naples II convention Focus on repression of fraud − Full range of coercive powers − Identification of the individuals orchestrating the fraud − Analysis of the modus operandi applied − Priority is the dismantling of organised crime groups − Tracing and recovery of the proceeds from MTIC crime


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