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1 Tehniline ülevaade uusimast füüsikast CERN’is Endel Lippmaa 20. Detsember 2006, TTÜ.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Tehniline ülevaade uusimast füüsikast CERN’is Endel Lippmaa 20. Detsember 2006, TTÜ."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Tehniline ülevaade uusimast füüsikast CERN’is Endel Lippmaa 20. Detsember 2006, TTÜ

2 2 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will accelerate two counter-rotating beams of protons to energies of 7 TeV, about a million times larger than the energies of radioactive decay. The goal will be to have protons from one beam collide with protons from the other, hence the name "Collider”.

3 3 L arge H adron C ollider Tunnel

4 4 This is the underground tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator ring, where the proton beams are steered in a circle by magnets. The LHC is the accelerator facility (in France and Switzerland).

5 5 Cross section LHC tunnel

6 6 Leading Proton Detection 147m180m220m0m308m338m420 430m        IP Q1-3 D1 D2Q4Q5Q6Q7B8Q8B9Q9B10B11Q10     Jerry & Risto  = 0.02

7 7 ACCESS to DS5 Travel for ~ 400 m in the LSS and DS –LSS1/5 very radioactive regions (~ KGy/y) –DS : ~ 1 KGy/y foreseen close to the missing magnet and Q11 –Both the passage trough this zone and the work to be done at the cryostat have to be carefully planned with Radiation Protection Group. –At least a few hours are needed before access is granted after a beam dump: Flush fresh air in the tunnel RP technician has to inspect the zone

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9 9 Schematics of the ATLAS Detector

10 10 EVENT


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13 13 Värskemad uudised – CMS installeerimine NEW

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20 20 Leading Proton Detection 147m180m220m0m308m338m420 430m        IP Q1-3 D1 D2Q4Q5Q6Q7B8Q8B9Q9B10B11Q10     Jerry & Risto  = 0.02

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22 22 Configuration of the Experiment CMS What is the CMS  TOTEM detector configuration? Roman Pot Station at 147 / 220m Aim at detecting colour singlet exchange processes with the leading protons scattered at small angles with respect to the beam. Roman Pot Station at 147/220m CASTOR? T1 T2 CASTOR? CMS  TOTEM Meeting Risto Orava CERN 23.9.2005 ZDC

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26 26 The Roman Pot unit Three measurement pots : two verticals, one horizontal Integrated beam position monitor Interconnection bellow between horizontal and vertical pots Vacuum compensation system interconnected to the machine vacuum Individual stepper motors to drive the pots Adjustable jacks to align the RP unit in the tunnel

27 27 Roman Pot pre-series delivered and mounted

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32 32 3D Detectors and Active edges 3D TECHNOLOGY E-field line contained by edge (p) electrode EDGE SENSITIVITY <10  m Side view Top view Pictures of processed structures Brunel, Hawaii, Stanford 2003  EDGE SENSITIVITY <10  m  COLLECTION PATHS ~50  m  SPATIAL RESOLUTION10-15  m  DEPLETION VOLTAGES < 10 V  DEPLETION VOLTAGES~105 V at 10 15 n/cm 2  SPEED AT RT3.5 ns  AREA COVERAGE 3X3 cm 2  SIGNAL AMPLITUDE24 000 e before Irradiation  SIGNAL AMPLITUDE15 000 e - at 10 15 n/cm 2 50  m pitch S. Parker, C. Kenney 1995

33 33 3D DETECTORS MAKING OF THE HOLES Deep, reactive–ion etchings to produce HIGH ASPECT RATIO of over 18:1, near vertical holes. The fabrication of 3D structures depends on the capability of etching narrow holes with high precision in the silicon bulk. Deep reactive ion etching has been developed for Micro-Electro- Mechanical Systems (MEMS). Photo of the plasma (violet colour) from the porthole of the STS (Surface Technology Systems) while etching a silicon wafer

34 34 KEY STAGES THAT MAKE THIS TECHNOLOGY POSSIBLE 1.WAFER BONDING (mechanical stability). After complete processing this support wafer will be removed. 2. PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY 3. MAKING THE HOLES 4. FILLING THE HOLES 5. DOPING THE HOLES AND ANNEALING 6. METAL DEPOSITION 3D process consists of > 100 steps


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39 39 Detector Control Systems


41 41 Näited rakendustest The Medipix2 ASIC is a high spatial, high contrast resolving CMOS pixel read- out chip working in single photon counting mode. It can be combined with different semiconductor sensors which convert the X-rays directly into detectable electric signals. This represents a new solution for various X-ray and gamma-ray imaging applications

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