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Published byAusten McBride Modified over 9 years ago
Energy Frontier DIS Studies on Physics with the LHeC and the FCC_he Max Klein U Liverpool and CERN For the LHeC Study Group Talk at the 1 st FCC_hh Workshop, CERN, Geneva, 27. May 2014 Beyond HERA QCD (PDFs) Nuclear Structure Electroweak Higgs BSM A Way Forward new web page since weekend
Deep Inelastic Scattering [eh e’X] e+e-e+e- hh eh Parton momentum fixed by electron kinematics Incl. NC (γ,Z) and CC (W ± ) independent of hadronisation Rigorous theory: Operator expansion (lightcone) Parton momentum distributions to be measured in DIS Collider- HERA: y h =y e : Redundant kinematics HERA-LHeC-FCC-eh: finest microscopes with resolution varying like 1/√Q 2 X electromagnetic radius Finite p Radius Quarks Quark Gluon Dynamics ? Stanford SLAC FNAL CERN HERA LHeC FCC-he 100 years of lp scattering 5 orders of magnitude deeper into matter
Beyond HERA L low no access to high x (or H) E low DGLAP seemingly ok at low x Discoveries were beyond 319 GeV.. Need: L=O(10 34 ) for H, high Q 2 ; high precision for high x (e-h); N 3 LO (H,alphas-s) acceptance: electrons up to 179 (low Q 2 ), hadrons down to 1 (fwd jets) HERA has been a huge success, and of crucial relevance for the LHC, final data to come
(Un)certainty on PDFs Light Quarks: valence x 0.8, d v x>0.6 light sea (related to strange) -8% ATLAS/F 2, light sea quark asymmetry, d/u=? Isospin relations (en!) ?? Strange: unknown, =dbar? strange valence? Charm: need high precision to % for α s (recent HERA 5%) Beauty: HERA 10-20%, bb A? Top: tPDF at high Q 2 >M t 2 - unknown Gluon: low x, saturation?, high x - unknown medium x: preciser for Higgs! Recent review: cf E.Perez, E.Rizvi 1208.1178, in RPP..unintegrated, diffractive, generalised, polarised, photonic, nuclear PDFs ??? A new, required level of determination of PDFs can only be achieved with the LHeC.
High Q 2 HERA LHeC FCC-he 175 GeV 60 GeV Rutherford backscattering of dozens of TeV e- energy ϑ h =1 o
Low x 179 o @ 180 GeV.. very low x requires not the maximum of E e ----------- For x < 10 -3 no (average) energy deposition exceeding the electron beam energy x HERA LHeC FCC-he 60 GeV Very low x reaches direct range of UHE neutrino physics
Design Report 2012 CERN Referees arXiv:1206.2913 The theory of DIS has developed much further: J.Blümlein Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 69(2013)28 DIS is an important part of particle physics: G.Altarelli, 1303.2842, S.Forte, G.Watt 1301:6754
Strong Coupling Constant s least known of coupling constants Grand Unification predictions suffer from s DIS tends to be lower than world average (?) LHeC: per mille - independent of BCDMS. Challenge to experiment and to h.o. QCD A genuine DIS research programme rather than one outstanding measurement only. 1/ fine structure weak strong Two independent QCD analyses using LHeC+HERA/BCDMS
9 Scenario “B”: (Lumi e +/- p = 50 fb -1 ) Ep=7 TeV, Ee=50 GeV, Pol=±0.4 – Kinematic region: 2 < Q 2 < 500 000 GeV 2 and 0.000002 < x < 0.8 Scenario “H”: (Lumi e - p = 1 fb -1 ) Ep=1TeV, Ee=50 GeV, Pol=0 – Kinematic region: 2 < Q 2 < 100 000 GeV 2 and 0.000002 < x < 0.8 Typical uncertainties: Full simulation of NC and CC inclusive cross section measurements including statistics, uncorrelated and correlated uncertainties – based on typical best values achieved by H1 – Statistical it ranges from 0.1% (low Q 2 ) to ~10% for x=0.7 in CC – Uncorrelated systematic: 0.7 % – Correlated systematic: typically 1-3% (for CC high x up to 9% ) Simulated LHeC Data (Note=CDR=OLD) Max Klein, Voica RadescuLHeC 2014 This set is available on LHAPDF
10 Valence quark distributions Current knowledge is limited at high x: – Lumi barrier – challenging systematic – nuclear effects – Effects of higher twists LHeC could improve the knowledge of the valence at high x to a precision of: – 2% (uval) x=0.8 – 4% (dval) x=0.8 Important for d/u limit clarification Now… dval uval dval uval …Then
Voica Radescu11 Unconstrained setting at low x Usual assumptions for light quark decomposition at low x may not necessary hold. Relaxing the assumption at low x that u=d, we observe that uncertainties escalate : One can see that for HERA data, if we relax the low x constraint on u and d,the errors are increased tremendously! However, when adding the LHeC simulated data, we observe that uncertainties are visibly improved even without this assumption. Further important cross check comes from the deuteron measurements, with tagged spectator and controlling shadowing with diffraction… constrained (u=d)unconstrained
Strange Quark Distribution High luminosity High Q 2 Small beam spot Modern Silicon NO pile-up.. First (x,Q 2 ) measurement of the (anti-)strange density, HQ valence? x = 10 -4.. 0.05 Q 2 = 100 – 10 5 GeV 2 Initial study (CDR): Charm tagging efficiency of 10% and 1% light quark background in impact parameter
F 2 charm and F 2 beauty from LHeC Hugely extended range and much improved precision (δM c =60 HERA 3 MeV) will pin down heavy quark behaviour at and far away from thresholds, crucial for precision t,H.. In MSSM, Higgs is produced dominantly via bb H (Pumplin et al), but where is the MSSM..
Top PDF TDF Vtb 6 VFNS - at very high Q 2 top gets ‘light’ momentum fraction
FCC_hh and L(gg) Need to know the PDFs much better than so far, for nucleon structure, q-g dynamics, Higgs, searches, future colliders FCC-hh, and for the development of QCD. The LHC will provide further constraints too but cannot resolve them precisely (MCS). Snowmass13 QCD WG report J.Rojo
xg at low x No clue about xg for x < 10 -4 Evolution law may not be DGLAP Affects FCC-pp rates because x=M/sqrt(s) exp(+-y)
Gluon Saturation at Low x? LHeC H1 Gluon measurement down to x=10 -5, Saturation or no saturation (F 2 and precise F L ) Non-linear evolution equations? Relations to string theory, and SUSY at ~10 TeV? cf H.Kowalski, L.Lipatov, D.Ross, arXiv:1205.6713
Vector Mesons Precision Measurements of vector mesons and diffraction to very high M X ~ xg 2 Higher energy (1/x), higher A 5 TeV W = √ (ys) extends to ~ 4 TeV at FCC-he Black body limit, interference pattern of σ HERA LHeC FCC-he
LHeC-FCC_he: Electron Ion Collider Precision QCD study of parton dynamics in nuclei Investigation of high density matter and QGP Gluon saturation at low x, in DIS region. Extension of kinematic range in lA by 4-5 orders of magnitude will change QCD view on nuclear structure and parton dynamics May lead to genuine surprises… -No saturation of xg (x,Q 2 ) ? -Small fraction of diffraction ? -Broken isospin invariance ? -Flavour dependent shadowing ? Expect saturation of rise at Q 2 s ≈ xg α s ≈ c x -λ A 1/3 LHeC is part of NuPECCs long range plan since 2010 L eN ~ 10 32 cm -2 s -1 FCC-he
Energy Frontier DIS Nestor Armesto Chavannes 1/14
Energy Frontier DIS Hannu Paukkunen, Chavannes LHeC Workshop 1/14
Electroweak Physics in ep In Deep Inelastic Scattering: Polarisation Asymmetry A - (Q) NC-to-CC Ratio R- for P=±0.8 Measure weak mixing angle redundantly with very high precision of about 0.0001 as a function of the scale. 1% δM top is about δ = 0.0001 PDF uncertainty comes in at second order and ep provides very precise PDFs LHeC *) *) first rough estimate, scheme dependent, syst+thy errors..
Scale dependence of sin 2 θ W Preliminary illustration
Top Quark Physics
From Higgs facility (LHeC) to Higgs ‘factory’ (FCC-he) Cross section 1pb ep vHX Luminosity > 10 34 crucial for H HH 0.5 fb and rare decays First sets of Parameters for LR and RR
H bbar ep (new) Simulation 100 fb -1 Ellis Kay (U Liverpool) ~ ok with M.Tanaka (Tokyo) Master Thesis 5/14 with U.Klein Next: PGS LHeC detector + optimisation pp 2013: Measurement ATLAS CONF-2013-079 ep νH(bb)X charged currents σBR~120 fb S/B ~1-2 crucial for QCD of H μ=0.1 1% coupling at 1 ab -1 pp X 1 W(lν)H(bb)X 2 associated VH σBR~130 fb S/B <~0.01 μ~40
HH and tHt in ep Polarisation, max lumi, tuning cuts, bb and WW decays may provide O(10%) precision - tentative FCC-he unpolarised Cross section at 3.5 TeV: total : 0.7 fb fiducial : 0.2 fb using pt(b,j)>20 GeV ΔR(j.b)>0.4 η(j) <5 η(b) < 3 New Tentative Studies Require time for reliable result (detector, analysis, backgrounds..) Uta Klein, Masahiro Khuze, Bruce Mellado et al
Exp uncertainty of predicted H cross section is 0.25% (sys+sta), using LHeC only. Leads to H mass sensitivity. Strong coupling underlying parameter (0.005 10%). LHeC: 0.0002 ! Needs N 3 LO HQ treatment important … Theory uncertainties on H in pp - LHC O.Brüning and M.Klein arXiv:1305.2090, MPLA 2013 Need MUCH better PDFs, MUCH better alpha_s and N 3 LO [FCC_hh: O(800)pb, 0.001, DGLAP?, scales, ep 0.3%]
PDFs and HL-LHC Searches With high energy and luminosity, the LHC search range will be extended to high masses, up to 4-5 TeV in pair production, and PDF uncertainties come in ~ 1/(1-x), CI effects? LHeC: arXiv:1211.5102 ATLAS October 2012 “Physics at High Luminosity”
HL-LHC - Searches LHeC BSM poster at EPS13 M.D’Onofrio et al. see also arXiv:1211:5102 Relation LHeC-LHC Simulated PDFs from LHeC are on LHAPDF (Partons from LHeC, MK, V.Radescu LHeC-Note-2013-002 PHY) High precision PDFs are needed for the HL-LHC searches in order to probe into the range opened by the luminosity increase and to interprete possibly intriguing effects based on external information.
Contact interactions (eeqq) 4/18/2013Monica D'Onofrio, LHeC MiniWorkshop New currents or heavy bosons may produce indirect effect via new particle exchange interfering with /Z fields. Reach for (CI eeqq): 25-45 TeV with 10 fb -1 of data depending on the model 33 ATLAS and CMS constraints on eeqq CI (expected up to 30-40 TeV at c.o.m. 14 TeV LHC) Similar to LHC
Energy Frontier DIS
LeptoQuarks Study in Progress G.Azuelos LHeC FCC 60 GeV FCC 175 GeV
Practical Steps
60 GeV electron beam energy, L= 10 33 cm -2 s -1, √s=1.3 TeV: Q 2 max = 10 6 GeV 2, 10 -6 < x< 1 Recirculating linac (2 * 1km, 2*60 cavity cryo modules, 3 passes, energy recovery) Ring-ring as fall back. “SAPHIRE” 4 pass 80 GeV option to do mainly: γγ H. CDR CDR Footprint of the LHeC ERL Electron Beam for synchronous ep and pp OP @ LHC
ERL Test-Facility at CERN (LTFC) Jlab-CERN-Mainz 802 MHz Cavity cryo module under design B. Rimmer, E.Jensen, K. Aulenbacher et al TARGET PARAMETER*VALUE Injection Energy [MeV] 5 Final Beam Energy [MeV] 900 Normalized emittance γε x,y [μm] 50 Beam Current [mA]10 Bunch Spacing [ns]25 (50) Passes3 SCRF, ERL, Magnet Tests, Photon and ep Physics, Injector to LHeC… Design by 2015 A. Bogazc, A.Valloni et al
Energy Frontier DIS
FCC-he Detector (B) – 0.1 P.Kostka et al. Crab cavities for p instead of dipole magnet for e bend to ensure head on collisions 1000 H μμ may call for better muon momentum measurement H HH 4b (and large/low x) call for large acceptance and optimum hadr. E resolution Detector for FCC scales by about ln(50/7) ~2 in fwd, and ~1.3 in bwd direction Full simulation of LHeC and FCC-he detectors vital for H and H-HH analysis
Further Path Determined with IAC + Mandate Mandate 2014-2017 Advice to the LHeC Coordination Group and the CERN directorate by following the development of options of an ep/eA collider at the LHC and at FCC, especially with: Provision of scientific and technical direction for the physics potential of the ep/eA collider, both at LHC and at FCC, as a function of the machine parameters and of a realistic detector design, as well as for the design and possible approval of an ERL test facility at CERN. Assistance in building the international case for the accelerator and detector developments as well as guidance to the resource, infrastructure and science policy aspects of the ep/eA collider. The IAC was invited in 12/13 by the DG with the following *) IAC Composition End of February 2014 + Oliver Brüning Max Klein ex officio Guido Altarelli (Rome) Sergio Bertolucci (CERN) Frederick Bordry (CERN) Stan Brodsky (SLAC) Hesheng Chen (IHEP Beijing) Andrew Hutton (Jefferson Lab) Young-Kee Kim (Chicago) Victor A Matveev (JINR Dubna) Shin-Ichi Kurokawa (Tsukuba) Leandro Nisati (Rome) Leonid Rivkin (Lausanne) Herwig Schopper (CERN) – Chair Jurgen Schukraft (CERN) Achille Stocchi (LAL Orsay) John Womersley (STFC)
Herwig Schopper (Chair IAC) at Chavannes in the Panel Discussion with the CERN Directorate Clarification and Tradition
Summary of the LHeC Physics Programme CDR, arXiv:1211.4831 and 1211.5102 New since CDR: Higgs discovered, 10 33 10 34, and the FCC horizon – much to do Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities Mark Twain, cited by Stan Brodsky at Chavannes
CERN: LHC+FCC: the only realistic opportunity for energy frontier deep inelastic scattering Huge step in energy (Q 2,1/x) and 3 orders of magnitude higher luminosity than HERA
“Critical gravitational collapse”“BFKL evolution and Saturation in DIS” 5d tiny black holes and perturbative saturation Talk by A.S.Vera at LHeC Workshop 2008 Circles in a circle V. Kandinsky, 1923 Philadelphia Museum of Art
46 LHeC Study group and CDR authors [May13]
Electroweak Physics in ep [sin 2 θ W ]
Nuclear Parton Distributions DataDIS lADIS νADY lldAu π ± dAu π o p BaseRef. EPS09+-+-+MSTWJHEP DSSZ+++++CTEQ6PRD nCTEQ+-+--CTEQ6Prel. NLO QCD fits of nuclear correction factors with reference to a proton PDF set Very restricted range of DIS measurements “no predictive power below x ~ 0.01” FGS Single pion data used to constrain the gluon – depends on fragmentation fct., thy uncertain No flavour decomposition (strange may be large, charm, bottom?) Further assumptions: no nuclear effects in D, isospin invariance, Δχ 2 tolerances.. *) *) see also Hirai, Kumano, Nagai, 0709.3038 (2007 )
Present nPDFs A.Kusina May 2013 Pittsburgh DIS input data from NMC and SLAC π o input from RHIC For full set of plots cf D.De Florian 1112.6324 Frankfurt, Guzey, Strikhman, 1106.2091 Strong variations of results and just parametric behaviour at x < 0.01
High Precision DIS Q 2 >> M Z,W 2, high luminosity, large acceptance Unprecedented precision in NC and CC Contact interactions probed to 50 TeV Scale dependence of sin 2 θ left and right to LEP A renaissance of deep inelastic scattering Solving a 30 year old puzzle: α s small in DIS or high with jets? Per mille measurement accuracy Testing QCD lattice calculations Constraining GUT (CMSSM40.2.5 ) Charm mass to 3MeV, N 3 LO
The strong coupling constant J.Bluemlein, Why Precision, arXiv:1205.4991 α s is the worst measured fundamental coupling constant. Is there grand unification? In DIS, values (NNLO) range from 0.113 to 0.118. τ leads to about 0.120 Lattice predictions seem to determine the world average. The LHeC has the potential to measure αs to permille accuracy (0.0002) from a consistent data set. This leads to high precision understanding of all related effects (low x, δM c =3MeV) and pQCD at N 3 LO
What HERA could not do or has not done HERA in one box the first ep collider E p * E e = 920 * 27.6GeV 2 √s=2√E e E p =320 GeV L=1..4 10 31 cm -2 s -1 ΣL=0.5fb -1 1992-2000 & 2003-2007 Q 2 = [0.1 -- 3 * 10 4 ] GeV 2 -4-momentum transfer 2 x=Q 2 /(sy) ≅ 10 -4.. 0.7 Bjorken x y ≅ 0.005.. 0.9 inelasticity Test of the isospin symmetry (u-d) with eD - no deuterons Investigation of the q-g dynamics in nuclei - no time for eA Verification of saturation prediction at low x – too low s Measurement of the strange quark distribution – too low L Discovery of Higgs in WW fusion in CC – too low cross section Study of top quark distribution in the proton – too low s Precise measurement of F L – too short running time left Resolving d/u question at large Bjorken x – too low L Determination of gluon distribution at hi/lo x – too small range High precision measurement of α s – overall not precise enough Discovering instantons, odderons – don’t know why not Finding RPV SUSY and/or leptoquarks – may reside higher up … The H1 and ZEUS apparatus were basically well suited The machine had too low luminosity and running time HEP needs a TeV energy scale machine with 100 times higher luminosity than HERA to develop DIS physics further and to complement the physics at the LHC. The Large Hadron Collider p and A beams offer a unique opportunity to build a second ep and first eA collider at the energy frontier.
xg at low x Uncertainty holds to high Q2 and the evolution will not be DGLAP -It needs ep to resolve this
Energy Frontier DIS U Klein at FCC kickoff on H in ep: ‘simple’ cut based analysis, clean(er) final state, no pileup
Higgs in pp HL-LHC and PDF uncertainties 4/30/2014Monica D'Onofrio, DIS2014, Warsaw Studies for High Luminosity LHC shows that PDF uncertainties will be a limiting factor for several channels at the HL-LHC With LHeC: huge improvements in PDFs and precision in S full exploitation of LHC data for Higgs physics Similar conclusion and relations expected for FCC-he FCC-hh 56
collider parameterse ± scenariosprotons speciese±e± e±e± e±e± p beam energy [GeV]6012025050000 bunch spacing [ s] 0.125233 0.125 to 33 bunch intensity [10 11 ] beam current [mA]47729.81.6384 (max) rms bunch length [cm] rms emittance [nm]6.0, 3.07.5, 3.754, 20.06, 0.03 x,y *[mm] 5.0, 2.54.0, 2.09.3, 4.5500, 250 x,y * [ m] 5.5, 2.7 b-b parameter 0.130.0500.0560.017 hourglass reduction0.420.360.68 CM energy [TeV] luminosity[10 34 cm -2 s -1 ]211.20.07 Tentative Parameters for FHeC (RR) F.Zimmermann at Beijing 16.12.13
TOBB ETU KEK Accelerator Design: Participating Institutes SourcePower [MW] Cryogenics (linac) 21 Linac grid power 24 SR compensation 23 Extra RF cryopower 2 Injector 6 Arc magnets 3 Total 78
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