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Cell Project! By: Taylor Yates.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Project! By: Taylor Yates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Project! By: Taylor Yates

2 Animal Cell

3 Plant Cell

4 FACTS ABOUT CELLS! There are trillions of cells in your body.
We have many different kind of cells. Cells reproduce Cells come in all shapes and sizes. The skin cell is the fasted growing cell. Cells make up organisms Cells are so small that to look at them you have to look under a strong microscope.

5 Cell Theory All living things are made of one or more cells.
The cell is the smallest unit o a living thing. Cells come from other cells.

6 CELL PARTS Organelles- small structures inside of cells that perform specific functions for the cell Nucleus- directs the activities of the cell Cell Membrane- thin , flexible covering that surrounds the cell and lets food ,water , and gasses enter the cell. It also allows wastes to leave the cell Ribosomes- assemble proteins within the cell

7 CELL PARTS Cell Wall- In plant cells only, it is a rigid outer layer that surrounds the cell membrane. It potects the cell. Cytoplasm- Jellylike substance that contains many chemicals to keep a cell functioning Lysosomes- helps the cell break down nutrients Vacoules- Store water , food , waste , and other substances

8 CELL PARTS Golgi Apparatus- receives proteins and processes them for shipment outside the cell Mitochondria- “power house” of the cell; produces energy Chloroplasts- only in plant cells, contain chlorophyll which which captures sunlight for use in photosynthesis

9 Difference Between Cells
The plant cell has one big vacuole and a animal cell has a few small vacuoles. A plant cell has a cell wall and a animal cell doesn’t. The plant cell has chloroplasts and the animal cell doesn’t.

10 THE END!!(:

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