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A View from the FCC’s Office of Engineering & Technology NSMA Spectrum 2008 May 21, 2008 Julius P. Knapp Chief Office of Engineering and Technology Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "A View from the FCC’s Office of Engineering & Technology NSMA Spectrum 2008 May 21, 2008 Julius P. Knapp Chief Office of Engineering and Technology Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 A View from the FCC’s Office of Engineering & Technology NSMA Spectrum 2008 May 21, 2008 Julius P. Knapp Chief Office of Engineering and Technology Federal Communications Commission Note: The opinions in this presentation are those of the author and may not necessarily represent those of the Federal Communications Commission

2 2 DTV Transition DTV transition: February 17, 2008 OET working closely with other B/O’s: –Addressing various technical matters –Supporting Wilmington, NC test Supporting NTIA’s coupon eligible converter box program

3 3 Public Safety / Private Partnership FCC adopted rules and conducted auction for Public Safety/Private Partnership Second Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making adopted May 14, 2008 –Objective to make partnership successful –Invites broad comment –Intent to provide greater specificity Invites comment on technical issues and includes a technical appendix

4 4 Medical Devices Notice of Proposed Rule Making and notice of Inquiry in ET Docket 06-135 Proposed to expand medical implant communications service from 402–405 MHz to 401-406 MHz Alfred Mann Petition for Rule Making proposes wideband medical micropower network service in the 413 – 419 MHz, 426-432 MHz, 438-444 MHz and 451-457 MHz bands GE Health Care Petition for Rule Making proposes the allocation of spectrum on a secondary basis in the 2360-2400 MHz band and for the adoption of service rules under Part 95 for the operation of wireless medical ‘body sensor networks’

5 5 3650 MHz: A Hybrid Licensing Approach FCC designated 3650 – 3700 MHz for nationwide, non-exclusive licensed operations: –Avoids licensing via auction –No first-in-time right of interference protection Licensees register fixed and base stations in public database Licensees must cooperate in selection and use of frequencies to avoid harmful interference with other nearby licensees Equipment must use A Contention-based protocol: –Establishes rules by which each device is provided a reasonable opportunity to operate –Defines the events that must occur when two or more devices attempt to simultaneously access the same channel Has been considerable interest in this spectrum

6 6 Ongoing Matters Broadcast Auxiliary Service relocation; Sprint/Nextel waiver (Docket 02-55) Broadband Radio Service relocation – petition for recon. (Docket 00-256) Digital Audio Radio Service / Wireless Communications Service – terrestrial DARS repeaters / mobile WCS & interference protections Clarity petition for waiver (reconsideration) to provide video service at truck stops in the broadcast auxiliary band at 2025 – 2110 MHz Federal Earth Station allocation status – NTIA petition for rule making Spectrum innovation test bed AWS 1 relocation AWS 2 & 3 service rules (WT Docket No. 07-195 et al)

7 7 TV “White Spaces” FCC First R&O and Further NPRM (ET Docket 02-380) adopted 10/12/06 Permits fixed devices on certain TV channels after the DTV transition, explores a number of issues such as whether to permit personal/portable devices and makes proposals towards adopting final rules Extensive record developed Device has cognitive or sensing capability to identify vacant channels “White Spaces” Are channels left vacant in each market Transmits in vacant channel

8 8 TV White Space Testing Public Notice in January announced FCC Lab to conducting further tests on TV White Space Device prototypes Currently testing devices from Adaptrum; Motorola and Pillips Tests open to the public Field tests will begin soon Adaptrum Motorola Philips

9 9 Unlicensed Devices: Outstanding Matters Notice of Proposed Rule Making to allow increased power in the 57 – 64 GHz band (ET Docket 07-113) Notice of Proposed Rule Making to consider a spectrum etiquette in the 915 MHz & other bands (ET Docket 03-201) Ultrawideband devices: –Introduction of wireless USB devices –Ultravision waiver petition 5 GHz unlicensed device DFS testing Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) Court remand

10 10 Thank you!

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