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Counterplans on the Topic The Honorable James R. Stevenson, Ph.D, J.D., M.D., Th.D., A.F., A.D.N.

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Presentation on theme: "Counterplans on the Topic The Honorable James R. Stevenson, Ph.D, J.D., M.D., Th.D., A.F., A.D.N."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counterplans on the Topic The Honorable James R. Stevenson, Ph.D, J.D., M.D., Th.D., A.F., A.D.N.

2 Private actor CPs Free market vs. federal funding and direction ▫Contract private organizations ▫“Prizes” CP ▫Private actor fiat Great solvency evidence both ways ▫Bureaucracy/NASA sucks sometimes ▫So do private companies NB: politics, spending (budget tradeoff)

3 Agent & Process CPs Do the plan through another agent or legislative process ▫XO ▫NASA ▫DOD ▫Delegation ▫Commission ▫Courts NB: Politics Sketchiness rating: 2-3/5

4 Process CPs, cont. Crucial blocks: ▫AT: Perms ▫AT: Links to politics ▫AT: Rollback ▫Theory Spreading out the 1AR is key

5 Aff vs Process CPs Solvency deficits—funding, rollback, credibility Offense on the NB CP links to politics Perm/competition tricks (do the CP) Theory ▫Includes all of the plan ▫Reduces debate to politics

6 International actor CPs Do the plan through another country—test “US key” warrant ▫India ▫China ▫Japan ▫UN ▫EU NB: Politics, other DAs to America Sketchiness: 2/5 – but coop w/ x country is worse

7 Int’l actor CPs, cont. Crucial blocks: ▫Solvency front + backlines ▫Heg bad ▫Generic DA answers—UQ tricks ▫Theory The debate will probably come down to US leadership vs your net benefit and a solvency deficit

8 Aff vs Int’l Actor CPs US key warrants*** ▫Leadership ▫Economy ▫Available tech/funding ▫Relations advantages/DAs Country-specific DAs Answer the NB Theory

9 Consult CPs Consult another country/entity over the plan + relations NB ▫NATO ▫Japan ▫China ▫EU ▫Russia Sketchiness rating: 5/5 ▫Make that like 10/5

10 Consult CPs, cont. Consult is a game of its own Crucial blocks ▫Perm: do both ▫Perm: do plan and consult (on something else) ▫Perm: do CP ▫Lie perm ▫Rollback perm ▫Consult isn’t normal means ▫Delay ▫Functional > textual competition You really need to be block heavy/spread the 1AR

11 Answering consult CPs See previous page—go perm-crazy Answer the NB—it probably sucks (esp. UQ) Theory is very viable. Very, very viable. The block will try to spread out the 1AR—so either go all in on one or two args or flow really well

12 Advantage CPs Solves an advantage or impact—stacked together to solve as much of the 1AC as possible NB: Politics, case/impact turns Often requires only a few solvency cards and a politics link shield block Sketchiness: 1/5 (worse if each plank is conditional)

13 Advantage CPs, cont. Common advantage CPs: ▫Global warming—RPS, adaptation ▫Competitiveness—education/fix NCLB ▫Hegemony—end strength, nuke carriers* ▫Terrorism—multilateral terror prevention ▫Economy—stimulus/investment** *less effective on this year’s topic **less effective in current economic environment

14 Answering Advantage CPs Don’t read generic advantages/impacts! Solvency deficits Perm CP links to net benefit (ptx) DAs to CP

15 Word PICs PIC out of a certain word in the resolution/plan Often critical in nature “Manned”/“Unmanned” “Development” Old classics: “Should” “The USFG”

16 Answering word PICs Don’t say stupid words in your plan text, e.g. “manned” or “unmanned” Theory, theory, theory

17 Other random, stupid CPs Condition CP Sunset CP Delay CP

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