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Families on the Periodic Table Elements on the periodic table can be grouped into families bases on their chemical properties. Each family has a specific.

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Presentation on theme: "Families on the Periodic Table Elements on the periodic table can be grouped into families bases on their chemical properties. Each family has a specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Families on the Periodic Table Elements on the periodic table can be grouped into families bases on their chemical properties. Each family has a specific name to differentiate it from the other families in the periodic table. Elements in each family react differently with other elements.

2 Properties of Metals Metals are elements that are good conductors of electric current and heat. They tend to be shiny and bendable. Physical Properties- 1. Luster- shiny and reflective 2. Malleable- can be hammered or rolled 3. Ductile- can be pulled out or drawn into long wires 4. Thermal conductivity- ability of an object to transfer heat 5. Electrical conductivity- ability of an object to carry electric current

3 Chemical Properties- 1. Reactivity- the ease and speed an element combines or reacts with other substances 2. Corrosion- the deterioration of a metal

4 ALKALI METALS Group 1 Hydrogen is not a member, it is a non-metal All are metals and solid at room temp 1 Valence Electron Soft and silvery, shiny Very reactive, esp. with water Conduct electricity Color the Alkali metals pick

5 ALKALINE EARTH METALS Group 2 Metals Solids at room temp 2 electrons in the outer shell White, silvery, and malleable Reactive, but less than Alkali metals Conduct electricity Color the Alkaline Earth Metals purple

6 TRANSITION METALS Metals Almost all are solids at room temp (Hg) Good conductors of heat and electricity. 1 or 2 Valence Electrons Less Reactive than Alkali and Alkaline Earth Can bond with many elements in a variety of shapes. Color the transition metals blue

7 Mixed Metals Group 3 3 electrons in the outer shell Most are metals Boron is a metalloid-is acts like a metal and a non-metal Reactive Solid at room temp The dark blue are the mixed metals. Color your mixed metals orange

8 Lanthanides and Actinides (Rare Earth Metals) Some are Radioactive The rare earths are silver, silvery- white, or gray metals. Conduct electricity Many of the actinides are not found in nature, only made in labs Color the lanthanides yellow and the actinides red

9 4.4 Nonmetals and Metalloids Physical properties of nonmetals They lack the properties of metals Poor conductors of electric current and heat Dull and brittle Low densities Most are gases at room temperature Chemical properties They will gain or share electrons when they react with other atoms.

10 What are the Families containing Nonmetals??? In Group 14, carbon is the only nonmetal. In Group 15, nitrogen and phosphorus are the two nonmetals. In Group 16, oxygen, sulfur, and selenium are the three nonmetals. Group 17, contains the nonmetals fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. These are also known as Halogens, which means “salt forming.” These are very reactive!

11 Noble Gases- Group 18, they do not form compounds because they do not gain, lose, or share electrons. They are usually nonreactive. Color the noble gases gold

12 Nonmetals are orange- don’t forget Hydrogen Color the nonmetals blue- don’t forget hydrogen

13 Metalloids Between the metals and nonmetals lie the metalloids. They have some properties of metals and some properties of nonmetals. Solid at room temperature Brittle, hard, and somewhat reactive Great conductors of electric current Color the metalloids green

14 This is what your table should look like…

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