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Perspective in Painting Interior Perspective. Canelletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) San Marco c. 1730.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspective in Painting Interior Perspective. Canelletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) San Marco c. 1730."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspective in Painting Interior Perspective

2 Canelletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) San Marco c. 1730

3 Canaletto Grand Canal c. mid 1730

4 Ancient Camera Obscura

5 Modern Camera Obscura

6 Camera Lucida

7 Office at Night, Edward Hopper

8 Office at Night Edward Hopper 1940

9 Nighthawks Edward Hopper 1942

10 The Art of Painting Jan Vermeer 1666

11 Bedroom at Arles, Vincent van Gogh 1888

12 The Night Cafe Vincent van Gogh 1888

13 Window of Vincent's Studio at St Paul's Hospital Vincent van Gogh 1889

14 The staircase landing, rue de Miromesnil Edouard Vuillard 1891

15 Disintegration of the persistence of memory Salvador Dali 1952

16 Christ de Gala Salvador Dali 1978

17 Ashtray and Doors Richard Diebenkorn 1962

18 Corner of Studio, Sink Richard Diebenkorn 1963

19 Flood plain Joanne Tod 1993

20 Temporary installation Joanne Tod 1993

21 Maira Kalman Breakfast in Kentucky 2008

22 Maira Kalman Indian Bedroom 2006

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