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Methods of Therapy Overview of the history and methods of therapy. n Psychotherapy n History of treatment of psychological disorders n Methods of therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods of Therapy Overview of the history and methods of therapy. n Psychotherapy n History of treatment of psychological disorders n Methods of therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods of Therapy Overview of the history and methods of therapy. n Psychotherapy n History of treatment of psychological disorders n Methods of therapy

2 Methods of Therapy n “The only difference between me and someone who is mad, is that I am not mad!” Salvador Dali Radio Lab ( n Season Three: “Placebo” Learning Objectives: n History (eras) of Therapy n Types of Therapies

3 Psychotherapy n Psychotherapy defined n Four parts of Psychotherapy

4 History of Therapies n Asylums u Bedlam u La Bicetre n Mental hospitals n Community mental health centers

5 Psychodynamic Therapy Sigmund Freud n Free Association n Catharsis (Abreaction)

6 Humanistic Therapy n Person Centered Therapies u Carl Rogers n Transactional Analysis u Thomas Harris - “I’m OK” n Gestalt Therapy u Fritz Perls

7 Cognitive Therapy n Rational-emotive therapy u Albert Ellis n Four cognitive errors u compare to Critical Thinking principles.

8 Behavior Therapy n Behavior Modification n Various Methods

9 Group Therapy n Encounter Groups n Couple Therapy n Family Therapy

10 Methods of Therapy n The common thread: u Freud n Does Psychotherapy work?

11 Biological Therapies n Drug Therapies u Antianxiety (benzodiazapines) u Antipsychotic (major tranquilizers) u Antidepressants (MAOI / SSRI) u Lithium

12 Biological Therapies n Drug Therapies n Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) u old version u new and improved ?!?! n Psychosurgery n Prefrontal Lobotomy

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