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Questioning Reality Hieronymus Bosch and Salvador Dali Reflect Plato Historical Analysis of Metaphysics Influence on the Arts Microsoft ® PowerPoint ®

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Presentation on theme: "Questioning Reality Hieronymus Bosch and Salvador Dali Reflect Plato Historical Analysis of Metaphysics Influence on the Arts Microsoft ® PowerPoint ®"— Presentation transcript:

1 Questioning Reality Hieronymus Bosch and Salvador Dali Reflect Plato Historical Analysis of Metaphysics Influence on the Arts Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® Presentation

2 The Garden of Earthly Delights Figure 1. Bosch, H. (Artist). (1504).

3 The Garden of Earthly Delights Defining Characteristics Artist: Hieronymus Bosch – circa 1490-1516 Triptych: side panels represent the beginning of time and the end of time Presents a fantastical view of reality that calls into question the nature of reality itself

4 The Persistence of Memory Figure 2. Dali, S. (Artist). (1931).

5 The Persistence of Memory Defining Characteristics Artist: Salvador Dali, 1931 Calls both reality and time into question According to the Museum of Modern Art (n.d.),“Dalí painted this work with ‘the most imperialist fury of precision,’ but only, he said, ‘to systematize confusion and thus to help discredit completely the world of reality.’”

6 Influence of Metaphysics Plato was one of the early philosophical voices that questioned reality. His cave allegory describes prisoners who have only seen shadows, which is reality to them. One prisoner breaks free and discovers the source of the shadowy images, realizing in the process that what he thought was real was actually an illusion. Plato asks us to examine whether we are existing in a cave of our own creation. Similarly, Bosch and Dali are questioning reality and asking us to do the same.

7 References Bosch, H. (Artist). ( 1504 ).The Garden of Earthly Delights [Painting]. Retrieved from content/uploads/2009/01/the-garden-of-earthly- delights.jpg Dali, S. (Artist). (1931). The Persistence of Memory [Painting]. Retrieved from ct_id=79018 Museum of Modern Art. (n.d). The Collection. Retrieved from ct_id=79018

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