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Lesson 13. Lesson 13 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence AppraisalnounEvaluation or estimation of worth I will need an official appraisal of my house.

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1 Lesson 13

2 Lesson 13 #1 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence AppraisalnounEvaluation or estimation of worth I will need an official appraisal of my house before I can sell it.

3 Lesson 13 #2 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence Base AdjectiveLow or inferior in position or quality Lying and Cheating are base actions

4 Lesson 13 #3 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence CandidAdjectiveA)Frank; honest; expressing one’s honest opinion. B)Not posed or rehearsed A)I was hurt by my sister’s candid opinion of my outfit. B)The candid photograph caught me with my eyes shut.

5 Lesson 13 #4 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence criterionNounA standard judgment. The only criterion for membership in the theater club is an interest in plays.

6 Lesson 13 #5 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence DexterityNoun a)Skill and grace in physical movement. b)Cleverness a)We marvel at the dexterity of the magician whose quick movements seem to make objects disappear and reappear. b)With great dexterity, the politician avoided answering the embarrassing question.

7 Lesson 13 #6 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence LegitimateAdjectiveA)lawful; proper and acceptable B)Genuine A)Taking the employees to the conference was a legitimate use of the company visit. B)You have a legitimate complaint, and our company will investigate it.

8 Lesson 13 #7 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence MediocreAdjectiveModerate to inferior in quality; ordinary Much to his fans’ dismay, the hip-hop star gave only a mediocre performance.

9 Lesson 13 #8 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence MeritoriousAdjectiveWorthy; deserving of praise. Mr. Ray received an award for meritorious service to the park district.

10 Lesson 13 #9 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence TruismNounA statement of self- evident truth; a saying that, while true, has been overused A popular truism is “Haste makes waste.”

11 Lesson 13 #10 WordPart of Speech DefinitionSentence ValidateVerbTo establish or confirm the truth or legality of something. The art gallery was able to validate the owner’s claim that the painting was by Salvador Dali.

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