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Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Update Region 5 February 27, 2006.

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1 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Update Region 5 February 27, 2006

2 What’s New? RF letter, February 2, 2006 Final planning directives (January 31, 2006) Lead Forest (Cleveland) – substantial progress – completed rough draft EMS Modoc and Sequoia – aspects approved by FLT’s

3 A Reminder - Must Have EMS to Use 2005 Regs 36 CFR 219.5 – must establish an EMS for each unit 36 CFR 219.14 – Transition period ends when EMS established, Or, on January 7, 2008 (whichever comes first) Plan revisions initiated after Jan. 5, 2005 must use new regs. Plan amendments initiated in transition period may use 1982 Regs, or may use 2005 Regs if an EMS is established. Plan amendments initiated after Jan. 7, 2008 must use 2005 Regs, so need an EMS.

4 What is an EMS? Definition – “That part of the overall management system which includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.” Say what we do, do what we say.

5 ISO 14001 Requirements 4.2 Environmental Policy 4.3.1 Environmental Aspects 4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements 4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Programs 4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority 4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness 4.4.3 Communication 4.4.4 Documentation 4.4.5 Control of Documents 4.4.6 Operational Control 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response 4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement 4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance 4.5.3 Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action 4.5.4 Control of Records 4.5.5 Internal Audit CHECK DO PLAN ACT 4.6 Management Review

6 EMS+Transition Schedule RF Letter (2/2/2006) (fiscal years) 2006 – 2007 Cleveland (lead), LTBMU, Modoc, Sequoia 2007 - 2008Plumas, Tahoe, Lassen, Eldorado, Stanislaus 2008 – 2009Klamath, Six Rivers, Mendocino, Shasta- Trinity 2009 - 2010Inyo, Angeles, Los Padres, San Bernardino

7 FSM 1300 – Management Chapter 1330 – New Mgmt Strategies “This chapter contains direction for management initiatives that have agency-wide impact. These programs tend to be innovative and experimental, to challenge or reform traditional ways of conducting agency business, and cease to exist once their findings or results are incorporated into ongoing programs and policies.”

8 1331.01 Authority Required to use EMS through Executive Order 13148, Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management, April 21, 2000. 36 CFR 219.5 - the scope of an EMS will include the land management planning process. The EMS shall conform to the consensus standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO in 14001: Environmental Management Systems Requirements (FSM 1921.9)

9 1331.04 Responsibility Chief reports EMS progress to EPA, OMB, OFEE (Office of the Federal Environmental Executive) RF coordinates across units, leads large scope issues Forest Supervisors shall establish an EMS on their unit

10 1331.1 EMS Structure and Establishment Address priority environmental issues Continually improve performance Conform to ISO 14001 Keep a copy of ISO 14001 for public review

11 EMS Timing FSM 1331.1 An EMS is established, implemented, and maintained on an administrative unit when an independent audit has verified conformance with the ISO 14001 Standard and the system is working. Plan amendments, or plan revisions conform to 36 CFR 219.5 and 219.14 as having an EMS established when an internal audit (ISO 14001 (4.5.5)) and management review (ISO 14001 (4.6)) are completed before the effective date of the forest plan approval document. The required independent audit shall be conducted within one year following the approval of the forest plan revision or amendment.

12 FSM 1921.9 EMS Requirements for LMP 1. Must establish an EMS… include the scope of the unit’s activities, products, and services implementing the plan. 2. Must conform with ISO 14001. 3. Plan revision/amendments under 36 CFR 219 may be approved once: 1. EMS internal audit, and 2. Management review are complete.

13 Connecting the Organization With the Public An EMS allows an organization to identify issues which may become a concern to the public An EMS indicates to the public that an organization is aware and responding to environmental issues An EMS provides a forum for discussion and reaction to environmental interests of the public

14 Key Messages – Sally Collins 1. EMS improves efficiency. 2. EMS increases employee morale. (helps people understand what is expected, reduce errors, and provide a means to report and correct problems) 3. EMS can improve public understanding and credibility. (through communication of procedures and through auditing requirements) 4. EMS will improve results on the ground. (spend less time predicting what might happen, and more time learning what does happen – and adapting) 5. EMS can reduce pollution liabilities in facilities management.

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