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Published byEvan Sullivan Modified over 9 years ago
1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Beamlines Qun Shen NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Director NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee Meeting February 8-9, 2011
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Baseline Scope, Cost, Schedule & Staffing Progress since December 2009 Baseline scope of project beamlines Design Progress on Beamlines Cost & Schedule Performance Risks & Mitigation Plans Look Ahead FY11 Goals Issues Conclusions
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Facilities Scope WBS 1.04: All phases of specification, design, procurement, installation, and commissioning of the six insertion device beamlines and instruments included in the project scope. Includes activities associated with planning the fully built-out facility, interacting with the user community. WBS 1.06.03: Integrated testing and pre-operations WBS 1.02.02: R&D in support of experimental facilities
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Facilities Cost Baseline Changes implemented since Dec. 2009: PCR-10-127: transfer of HXN satellite building scope $1.56M to CFD PCR-10-160: update of user instrument plans $149K PCR-11-172: additional engineering staff $752K in FY11 for beamline design Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Current Baseline ($K) 1.2.2 Experimental R&D19,167 1.4 Experimental Facilities70,029 1.4.1 Expt. Facilities Management4,828 1.4.2 & 1.4.6 Standard Components70 1.4.5 User Instruments64,014 1.4.7 Optics Labs1,117 1.6.3 Experimental Facilities Pre-ops3,824 Grand Total93,020
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress and Activities since Dec. 2009 Completed hiring of beamline and R&D staff scientists and engineers Completed initial high-energy-resolution optics test at the R&D beamline Completed MLL deposition system assembly and initial MLL growth runs Defined detailed scope and cost baseline for all six project beamlines Finalized location assignments for all six project beamlines Completed preliminary design reports of all six project beamlines, interacting with beamline advisory teams Updated schedule baseline to include phased construction in coordination with beneficial occupancy and accelerator installation activities Developed Experimental Facilities Beamline Readiness Plan for CD-4 Continued to work with community and planned for additional beamlines
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Experimental Facilities Staffing NSLS-II Experimental Facilities is essentially fully staffed as planned All 12 scientists (including Group Leaders) for project beamlines All 6 mechanical engineers for project beamlines (3 since Oct.’09) 2 additional beamline engineers (matrixed/MOU) for standard components 4 additional engineering physicists and engineering support staff Openings to be filled and upcoming positions: Scientific associate for optics fabrication Experimental controls Manufacturer/procurement liaison engineer Deputy Division Director
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES WBS 1.04 Experimental Facilities 1.04.02-04, 06 Standard Components A. Broadbent WBS 1.04 Experimental Facilities Q. Shen Interface & Beamline Manager – A. Broadbent Experimental Facilities fully staffed as planned Reporting and budgetary line responsibilities within NSLS-II project are unchanged in new Photon Sciences Directorate Coherent Hard X-ray Scattering A. Fluerasu X-ray Powder Diffraction E. Dooryhee Coherent Soft X-ray Scatter. C. Sanchez- Hanke Sub-um Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy J. Thieme Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Y. Chu Inelastic X-ray Scattering Y. Cai 1.04.07 Optics Laboratories Q. Shen 1.04.01 Experimental Facilities Management Q. Shen
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamline Baseline Scope & Budget Following independent Conceptual Design Review (Oct 2009), external Cost Review (Dec 2009), and extensive internal analyses and discussions with BATs (Jan-Feb 2010), baseline scope and cost were finalized for all six project beamlines (PCR-10-108) Overall strategy was to optimize the experimental facilities scope across the six project beamlines within the current budget Consolidated efforts/resources to ensure the baseline scopes are designed to Deliver cutting-edge initial scientific capabilities for each of the six project beamlines Enable new user science in initial phase of NSLS-II operations Minimize risks within the baseline scope given current understanding of beamline optics and technology The full conceptual designs of individual beamlines are retained, including both baseline scope and scope additions required for upgraded capabilities Scope items that are not in the baseline are identified as upgrade options and will be implemented when future funds become available
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Baseline Initial Science Capabilities BeamlineBaseline CostInitial Scientific Capabilities$11.1M Inelastic scattering at ~ 9.1 keV with CDDW scheme or alternative Single experiment hutch designed for ~1 meV & ~0.1 meV Initial ~1 meV spectrometer with improved resolution tail$14.4M Nano-XRF/XRD at 6-25 keV with MLL/FZP or alternative Long beamline, design capable of ~1 nm spatial resolution Satellite building for environmental isolation and stability Initial science microscope with ~10 nm resolution$10.1M XPCS at 6-15 keV with monochromatic or pink beam Consolidated small-angle/wide-angle endstation instrument Fast dynamics studies down to sub-millisecond range$10.7M Two branches for polarization-dependent coherent scattering and XMCD spectroscopy in 0.2-2 keV High coherent flux and fast polarization switching$11.1M Micro-XRF/XANES in 4.7-23 keV with 100 nm resolution Beamline designed to add zone-plate branch as an upgrdae$ 9.4M High flux/resolution/time-resolved powder diffraction in 40-70 keV Beamline designed to add dedicated PDF branch as an upgrade
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Six Beamlines in Construction Project Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) Coherent Hard X-ray Scattering (CHX) Coherent Soft X-ray Scattering & Polarization (CSX) Sub-micron Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy (SRX) X-ray Powder Diffraction (XPD) XPD 28-ID HXN 3-ID SRX 5-ID IXS 10-ID CHX 11-ID CSX 23-ID Note: Beamline locations have been finalized for the six project beamlines
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Beamline Schedule Phased installation based on locations of beamlines and availability of given pentant Schedule has 3-week float between end of accelerator installation and start of BL activity
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Beamline Design Progress Conceptual Design Dec. 2009 Preliminary Design Nov. 2010 HXN Beamline HXN First Optic Enclosure
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress in Beamline Designs All major interfaces with accelerator and facilities are finalized and captured in RSI documents, incl. insertion devices, front-end, satellite building, utilities, controls, etc. All beamline synchrotron beam and Bremsstrahlung ray-tracing are completed All major beamline components layouts/locations and design specifications are finalized, including experimental hutches, white-beam transport systems, optical systems such as mirrors and monochromators; Reference engineering designs needed for long-lead-time components are completed End-station instrument engineering conceptual designs are developed and finalized All six BATs have completed the reviews of beamline preliminary designs twice in FY10; Interactions at BAT review meetings very helpful in finalizing the PDRs Internal safety reviews of the six beamlines have been completed by the Beamline Design and Safety Review Committee instituted by the ESH group Preliminary design reports have been completed, & contain all up-to-date design information necessary to start long-lead-time procurements
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Beamline Related Reviews & Workshops Conceptual design cost review, Dec 14-15, 2009 ASD/XFD Internal Review of ID Straight Section Space, Feb 23, 2010 Weekly ASD/XFD Joint Informational Meetings, Mar-Sep 2010 Design Review Meetings for HXN Satellite Building, Feb-Apr 2010 Workshop on Scientific Computing and Data Acquisition, Apr 19-21, 2010 Beamline Development User Workshops, April – June 2010 Internal ESH Review of Draft Statement of Work on Radiation Enclosures, July 2010 Internal Design and Safety Review for six project beamlines, Sep-Oct 2010 BAT Review Meetings for six project beamlines, July - Sep 2010 ASD/XFD External Review of Insertion Devices, Sep 15, 2010 Experimental Facilities Preliminary Design Review, Oct 19-20, 2010 Procurement kick-off meeting for long-lead-time beamline components, Dec 1, 2010 Project beamline informational meetings, Dec 7-10, 2010 Internal reviews of refined optical specifications, Jan-Feb, 2011
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Hard X-ray Nanoprobe (HXN) Satellite Bldg 100% design completed; following many design requirement and value engineering discussions Construction contract awarded to LOB contractor NIST Vibration Criterion Stabability Specifications: Vibration: VC-F minimum; goal to achieve VC-G Temperature Inside hutch: ± 0.1 C (long term), ± 0.05 C (~1 hr) Temperature Outside hutch: ± 1.0 C (long term), ± 0.5 C (~4 hr) Equilibrium temp reached in 30 minutes
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Long-Lead Time Components Preliminary design of radiation enclosures completed; Technical specs and SOW being handed over to procurement Preliminary designs of all major standard x-ray optical components are completed; Procurement documents (specs & SOW) progressing on schedule Major endstation instruments conceptual and preliminary designs are well advanced – on schedule to be finalized as the designs progress
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES HXN Endstation with MLL-based Microscope MLL mount with compact laser interferometer system Conceptual design of HXN microscope completed; Preliminary design in progress It includes innovative design features based on compact nanopositioning system Development in collaboration w/ APS/CNM Rafael Lozano (GEM student working with E. Nazaretski) won 1 st Place Award in Technical Presentation at 2010 GEM Annual Board Mtg
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Overall Cost and Schedule Assessment CPI = 1.02 SPI = 0.98 WBS 1.04 – Experimental Facilities (Dec 2010): Cost: CPI is 1.02 on budget Schedule: SPI is 0.98; slight improvement since October as work related to beamline preliminary designs were completed
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CategoryDescriptionRisk Ranking Mitigation Plans User Instruments (XFD-01) Design maturity of each beamline could lead to potential cost increases HighExercise value engineering; Share designs when applicable; Adopted lessons learned from other facilities on cost saving measures; Collaborate or use designs from other facilities Beamline Optics (XFD-Low-02) Delay of vendor delivery for beamline optics LowStart procurement early; Careful vendor selection with specific contract milestones; Provide close monitoring of production progress. Risks and Mitigation Plans
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ItemDescriptionResponse F17 Project should develop a detailed plan for the complete beamline installation scope, dealing specifically with manpower needs, coordination with contractors (who will not have left the site), as well as scientific rationale for particular choices. Phased beamline installation plan has been developed and implemented in the NSLS-II Project official schedule. It includes installations of all required baseline beamline components that are necessary to meet CD-4, as well as coordinated schedule with ring building beneficial occupancy and accelerator installations F19The detailed choreography associated with the experimental beamline commissioning, transition to operations, role of the schedule float, and formal readiness requirements needs better definition. Draft commissioning and readiness plan for the six project beamlines has been created. Commissioning, transition to operations, schedule float, and formal readiness requirements are planned to be detailed out in 2011. Responses to PAC 2009 Review
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES FY11 Goals Start procurement of long-lead-time beamline components, and start to closely monitor vendor performance Complete preliminary designs of remaining beamline components and endstations Advance nanofocusing and high-energy-resolution optics development in support of endstation designs of HXN and IXS beamlines Conduct an external review to assess optics progress affecting design decisions at the end of FY11; Start procurement of advanced long-trace profiler instrument for optical metrology Start hiring experimental controls engineers to work on endstation specific controls Develop a formal CD-4 readiness plan and a detailed commissioning plan for transition to operations Continue to work with community and coordinate & support development of additional beamlines at NSLS-II
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Issues Procurement process: many experimental facilities staff unfamiliar with DOE/BNL procurement documentation requirements and process Started educational sessions with help from procurement group Make use of examples and lessons-learned from experiences so far in the project Plan to hire a manufacturing/procurement liaison engineer to assist technical staff in procurement process; PCR approved; Interviews ongoing Unique endstation and optical designs for HXN, IXS, and XPD: require local engineering expertise and flexible production plan Current plan is to design and assemble HXN and IXS endstations in-house, with a combination of vendor and in-house fabrications of different components Also possible to outsource design effort as design-only contract to a vendor XPD double Laue monochromator procurement will include development of a prototype as first article, with final system fabricated by vendor after acceptance of the prototype by NSLS-II
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary NSLS-II project beamlines fully staffed as planned, with additional mechanical engineers and engineering physicists hired to engage in designs of standard beamline components and special x-ray optics systems Excellent progress made in beamline designs and optics development Beamline preliminary designs completed and documented; Design maturity meets the requirement specified in Experimental Facilities Final Design Plan Procurement plans for long-lead-time components in place; Staffing levels consistent with procurement strategies at beamlines Issues and risks identified and mitigation plans developed Transition from design into production phase in progress
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