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Homeland Security and the Media Homeland Security and the Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeland Security and the Media Homeland Security and the Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeland Security and the Media Homeland Security and the Media

2 Air Force Public Affairs Telling the Air Force story is a force multiplier that creates virtual force projection and presence around the world. Public Affairs delivers candid and timely counsel and guidance to commanders on decisions that affect the Air Force’s ability to accomplish its mission AFI 35-101

3 Homeland Security and the Media Army Public Affairs Fundamental tool of competent leadership Critical element of effective battle command Essential part of mission accomplishment AR 46-1, Public Affairs Operations

4 Homeland Security and the Media “Every senior leader must set the example by taking a proactive rather than reactive approach to dealing with the media.” General Dennis Reimer Former Army Chief of Staff

5 The Media is our partner in a free and open democracy Homeland Security and the Media “It is a newspaper’s duty to print the news and raise hell.” Anonymous

6 Homeland Security and the Media Reactive Posture –Hurricane Katrina

7 Homeland Security and the Media Proactive Posture –Vigilant Guard –Planning –Coordination –Training –Access

8 Homeland Security and the Media You can tell your story… …or someone else will. Who will get to Mom first?

9 Whom do the American people trust? Homeland Security and the Media 17 19 54 65

10 Homeland Security and the Media It’s YOUR interview. Do it YOUR way.

11 Homeland Security and the Media SECURITY – Force/Information Protection ACCURACY – Facts, not conjecture PROPRIETY – Ethics, good taste POLICY – Guidance, SOPs Guidelines For Release of Information (SAPP)

12 Homeland Security and the Media Command Messages Short statements that convey information about your organization; key phrases that you want the public to remember Have 3-5 command messages prepared to insert into your comments as you are being interviewed

13 Homeland Security and the Media Utah Guard Command Messages The Utah National Guard protects the homeland here at home and overseas. We are present here in a supporting role and answer to the governor, our commander in chief. The versatility of the Guard makes it uniquely qualified to fulfill this mission

14 Homeland Security and the Media Conveying Command Messages General to Specific: Our primary mission in the Guard is to protect the homeland. My unit does this by doing A, B, and C. Specific to General: My unit does A, B, and C. This supports our primary mission to protect the homeland.

15 Homeland Security and the Media In all dealings with the media: Do be professional Do speak on the record Do discuss only those things for which you have responsibility or recognized expertise

16 Homeland Security and the Media In all dealings with the media (continued): Don’t speculate or respond to “What if? Don’t say it if you don’t want it on the news Avoid exact numbers: “Approximately…”

17 Homeland Security and the Media Media Interview Tips 1. Stay in your lane. Defer questions outside your area of responsibility to the PAO, who will arrange an interview with at subject-matter expert. 2. You are in control of the interview. Think before you answer. Take the time you need. Restate your response if necessary.

18 Homeland Security and the Media Media Interview Tips (continued) 3. Speak in plain English. Avoid acronyms. Use language a sixth-grader would understand. 4. Don’t speculate. It’s OK to say you don’t know the answer.

19 Homeland Security and the Media Media Interview Tips (continued) 5. Treat the media professionally, even if they become aggressive. 6. Consult with the PAO before doing the interview. He/She can be present if you desire.

20 Homeland Security and the Media Media Interview Tips (continued) 7. Use “bridging” to transition from what you cannot talk about to a topic which you can talk about. Example: “I’m not able to respond to that because (state reason); however I can tell you that (command message).”

21 Homeland Security and the Media Interview Techniques for TV Relax; be confident; like you’re with a friend Speak in short (10-second) sound bites Make each sound bite a complete thought Look the interviewer in the eye Natural body language, don’t rock on your heels Don’t repeat negative questions

22 Homeland Security and the Media PAO Support During Local Crisis: Minimal, concentrated at JIC Pre-deployment briefings May not be available at field locations Media cards issued to each Soldier/Airman Commander is Spokesperson Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR)

23 Homeland Security and the Media Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) UPAR is your point of contact with the PAO, can serve as media escort in your area of operations Direct PAO support will be minimal; trained UPAR will pay dividends for you

24 Homeland Security and the Media Summary Air Force/Army Public Affairs Doctrine Proactive vs. Reactive SAPP/Command messages Dealings with the Media PAO Support During Crisis UPAR Program

25 Homeland Security and the Media Questions?

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