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Advertising 3 rd Grade Economics Lesson. Be An Ad Detective! Advertisers place their ads and logos all over. Be an ad detective and see if you can find.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising 3 rd Grade Economics Lesson. Be An Ad Detective! Advertisers place their ads and logos all over. Be an ad detective and see if you can find."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising 3 rd Grade Economics Lesson

2 Be An Ad Detective! Advertisers place their ads and logos all over. Be an ad detective and see if you can find the hidden ads. s/betheaddetective_1.html s/betheaddetective_1.html

3 Logos What do you think of with each of these logos?

4 Jingles What do you think of when you hear these jingles? php?lesson_number=645&&flash_name=e m645_quiz_template_v3b.swf php?lesson_number=645&&flash_name=e m645_quiz_template_v3b.swf Companies know that people remember logos and catchy jingles.

5 TV Advertising Most TV shows have commercial breaks to show advertisements. What kinds of ads are shown during the shows you watch? What do these products have in common? -Are they usually things that young people would want to buy? Why do you think these products are advertised? -Companies want young people to know about their products and buy them.

6 Advertising Techniques Humor grabs people’s attention. Celebrities: Ads use movie stars, cartoon characters, and pro athletes to promote products. Popular Music Bright colors Words like “new,” “amazing,” or “free” can be effective.

7 TV Commercials We will watch some commercials to determine what techniques advertisers are using to sell their products. As you watch, think about what strategies Gatorade is using to grab your attention and persuade you to buy the product.

8 Analyzing the Gatorade Ad Who is the target audience for this commercial? -Athletes How does this ad try to grab people’s attention? - Using famous athletes - strong beat to the music

9 Gatorade: The Real Message What message is Gatorade trying to send to young people in this ad? –They will feel cool, tough, and strong like the athletes shown if they drink Pepsi. *Do you think these messages are true?

10 Different Types of Messengers Advertisers try to pick messengers they think people will trust. –Famous People: People may want to buy a product to be more like a celebrity. (Example: Buying Nike golf clubs to play more like Tiger Woods) –Experts: Dentists may recommend a certain toothbrush or toothpaste –Ordinary People: Some people like the opinion of ordinary people, such as a mom’s opinion about how well a laundry detergent cleaned her kids’ clothes.

11 Levi’s Jeans Ad What kind of messenger did Levi’s use? –They used humor with an ordinary person to get your attention. Who is the target audience? –Young people, Hispanic Americans What is the message? –Levi’s jeans can make you feel special and cool.

12 What is the message? –Dan Jansen is an inspirational celebrity, and he is associated with VISA. The ad makes it seem like you will be strong and have perseverance like him if you use a VISA credit card.

13 What type of messengers are used in this commercial? What is the message? What do you think the makers of Crest or Aquafresh would say about this ad?

14 Product Placement With TiVo and DVR, companies know that many people do not watch commercials. They pay to place their product directly in the show so viewers can’t miss their ad. -Example: American Idol judges always drink Coca-Cola.

15 Conclusions You are constantly being faced with advertisements and you cannot always trust the ads. Ask yourself: Who is advertising this product? How are they grabbing my attention? Who is the messenger? What is the real message? You make the decision!

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