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How Much Are Teens in Russia Like Teens in Other Countries?

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Presentation on theme: "How Much Are Teens in Russia Like Teens in Other Countries?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Much Are Teens in Russia Like Teens in Other Countries?

2 Цели урока : познавательный аспект – знакомство с организациями и субкультурами в России ; реалиями и понятиями Harley Davidson, lend – lease, 1970s in Russia; развивающий аспект – развитие оперативной памяти, способности к сравнению, развитие дедуктивного мышления, развитие способности к функционально – адекватному восприятию грамматических структур и их использованию ; воспитательный аспект – формирование уважительного отношения к представителям различных групп ; учебный аспект – формирование грамматических навыков чтения и говорения ; сопутствующая задача – развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием.

3 Vocabulary work T: Look at the board. Match the questions with the answers. 1. What does she look like? 2. What does she like? 3. What is she like? 4. Are Ted and Frank alike? a) Music and dancing. b) Cheerful but disorganized. c) Yes, they are twins. d) She’s tall with dark hair.

4 Like is usedAs is used -for similarities She’s just like a little kitten. -after feel, look, smell, sound + noun It sounds like techno. He looks like Dick. -with nouns, pronouns or – ing form to express similarity This tastes like coffee. Is that your brother? You look like him. It was like sailing. -to say what somebody or something really is (jobs or roles) He works as a driver. (He’s a driver.) -in certain expressions: as usual, as…as, as much, such as, the same as. Nick came late as usual. -in clauses of manner to mean “in the way that” Do it as I showed you.

5 Teenagers in Russia like teenagers in other countries go in for sport

6 Leisure Time Teenagers in Russia enjoy holidays, festivals like Christmas, New Year, school parties, different games.


8 School Young people in Russia study at schools and wear school uniforms as young people in Great Britain do.

9 Jigsaw reading (ex. 3, p.84-85 )

10 1) Her illness was … we at first thought. (serious) 2) Sorry, I’m late. It took me … to get here … I expected. (long) 3) My backache is … it was yesterday. (painful) 4) She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much … she looks. (old) 5) Your English has improved. You speak a lot … you did when we last met. (fluently) 6) Health and happiness are … money. (important) 7) We always go camping. It’s much … staying in a hotel. (cheap) 8) I like the countryside. It’s … and … living in a town. (healthy/peaceful)

11 Answers 1. more serious than; 2. longer … than; 3. more painful than; 4. older than; 5. more fluently than; 6. more important than; 7. cheaper than; 8. healthier (or more healthy) and more peaceful than.

12 Homework Exercise 3.4 p.85 Exercise 9 (Reader) p.38

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