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Welcome to Curriculum Night! Walnut Hills Elementary 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night! Walnut Hills Elementary 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night! Walnut Hills Elementary 2015-2016

2 Learning Targets ●We understand the basic routines and procedures of first grade. ●We know how to access classroom information and communicate with the classroom teacher. ●We are familiar with the foundations of first grade curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

3 Nuts and Bolts... ●Snacks o Healthy Snacks encouraged ●Homework ●Absences/Tardies o Attendance line 987- 2742

4 Communication is the Key! ●Blogs--Bookmark and check often! o Subscribe to blog for e-mail updates ●E-mail is the best way to contact the teachers ●Parent University opportunities ●Horton’s blog for updates on professional learning

5 PBIS ●Focus on positive behaviors and choices ●Incorporated into daily morning meetings ●Individual and Classroom Management Plans ●Assemblies/Celebrations

6 Curriculum ●Access to grade level curriculum ●Integrated curriculum-bridge content areas together ●End of year expectations o Beginning/Developing is fine in November!

7 1st Grade Reading Expectations ●Demonstrates active word solving strategies ●Reads fluently ●Explain the major differences between fiction and nonfiction texts ●Uses illustrations and details in a story to describe story elements ●Identifies the main idea and retells key details of a text ●Reads grade level texts (level I by the END of 1st grade)

8 Reading Expectations

9 Reading With Your Child ●What is a Just Right book? (I PICK) ●Problem solving when reading with your child at home ●There’s more to reading than “sounding out the word” *Look for parts/chunks they already know in the word *Check the beginning letter *Blend the letters together (Stretch it out - rubber band) *Look for context clues *Break a word apart with their fingers *Practice with sight words so these words can be recognized easily.

10 Reading With Your Child

11 1st Grade Math Expectations ●Extend the counting sequence (2’s, 5’s and 10’s past 120) ●Read and writes numbers (to 120) ●Fluently adds ●Fluently subtracts ●Solves word problems using addition and subtraction

12 1st Grade Math Expectations ●Tells and writes time (hour and ½ hour) ●Represents and interprets data ●Understands place value ●Uses a combination of coins to count and exchange money within $1.00 (P,N,D,Q) ●Applies knowledge of attributes to construct shapes

13 Everyday Math ●Spiral approach ●Manipulatives used to teach concepts o Concrete-Semi Concrete-Abstract ●Home Links o communication between home and school o not meant to be frustrating o responsibility

14 1st Grade Writing Expectations ●Revise to strengthen writing ●Edit for grade level conventions (beginning with a capital letter, capitalizing I and names, punctuation) ●Write to inform ●Develop narrative writing using characters, setting, and events ●Writes opinion pieces with supporting reasons on topics or texts

15 Science and Social Studies ●Sun & Moon ●Solids & Liquids ●Plants & Animals Settling in the United States American Symbols Changes in Communities (communication and transportation) Goods and Services; Producers and Consumers Leadership Types of Communities

16 Instruction ●Workshop Approach o Allows for differentiation o Collaboration/choice Mini-Lesson 7-10 min Whole Group Focused Lesson ApplicationStudents working independently, in partners or in small groups Teacher working with small groups and conferring with students Closing 10-15 min Whole class sharing Students sharing their thinking Teacher can revisit a skill

17 Assessment ●Benchmarks o September, December, April ●Ongoing o Frequent feedback between teacher and student ●Rubrics and self assessments

18 Progress Report Rubric Math Rubric Reading Rubric Writing Rubric Social Studies Rubric Science Rubric Behavior Rubric Beginning (I understand a little bit but I still need a lot of help from my teacher) Developing (I mostly understand but sometimes I still need my teacher’s help) Secure (I can do it all of the time without my teacher’s help) Exceeds (I do it on my own in a lot of different ways)

19 First Grade Collaboration ●Reading Lab-Mrs. McEnroe o Meets daily (20-30 min) with students who qualify and need extra reading support o students benefit from double dose of reading ●First Grade PLC o First Grade Team o Mrs. Horton o Mrs. McEnroe o Mrs. McClurg o Mrs. Marron and Mrs. Ferguson o Related Arts Team

20 PARTY VOLUNTEERS PTO will send out a sign-up Fall Harvest Party - October 30th ●Time depends on what the team/teacher has decided ●Only 3 parent volunteers per party Winter Party - December 22nd ●Time depends on what the team/teacher decides ●Only 3 parent volunteers per party Valentine's Day - February 12th ●Time depends on what the team/teacher decides ●Only 3 parent volunteers per party ●NO Candy (per student/parent handbook)

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