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The most Awesome coolest digital bill of rights in the world. By: Brandon O’Melia And Brian Koontz.

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Presentation on theme: "The most Awesome coolest digital bill of rights in the world. By: Brandon O’Melia And Brian Koontz."— Presentation transcript:

1 The most Awesome coolest digital bill of rights in the world. By: Brandon O’Melia And Brian Koontz

2 Right One You would have the freedom of to not give away your address. You also have the freedom to not give away personal information. You have the freedom to stand up for yourself and not take cyber bullying

3 Right Two The main thing you would use to protect yourself is a password. you could use ant-virus to protect yourself from viruses. We could use a computer lock to protect our computers. We use usernames to protect us.

4 Right Three You don’t have to let people use your account. You don’t have to tell people your password unless you are told to. You don’t have to give your password or username to a person who emails you because they might be a hacker.

5 Right Four No one can search your account unless they get permission from someone because he thinks you do bad things on there. Some bad things are calling people names. some other things could be looking up inappropriate stuff. They could be doing bad things online and people have to get evidence to get you in trouble so be careful what you do online.

6 Right Five. No one can delete your account with out a free trial. No one can shut down your computer with out a trial. You can be sent to jail or fined for most of the stuff you do but some stuff you can so don’t do it. Just don’t get in so much trouble

7 Right Six The government can not hold you in jail until you are guilty. You have the right to know what you are going to court for doing online. The trial has to be public for everyone to see. The jury has to be decided by people in your area.

8 Right Seven You have the right to a jury when it is a civil case.(a law case between two people rather than between you and the government).you can have a case between you and some guy you hacked or made kill himself because of cyber bullying.

9 Right Eight The people cant make you pay more to get out of jail when you do something bad online. They cant do cruel or unusual punishments to you for swearing online even when it is offensive.

10 Right Nine Just because these rights are listed in the constitution doesn’t mean you have other rights to do. Some of these rules are like don’t swear on certain website.dont hack accounts.

11 Right Ten Anything that the Constitution doesn't say that Congress can do should be left up to the states, or to the if you delete someones account it should be left to the state and the people.if you swear to little kids you can get introuble by the state and the people.

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