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1, Quantum Diaries and Social Media Kevin Munday 14 July 2011

2 State of 2

3 3 Current state of From logs Averaging ~130K visits from ~50,000 unique sites per month Peaked at ~135,000 in May

4 4 Current state of From Google analytics Averaging ~30K visits from ~20K unique visitors/month Greatest hits (Jan-June)  Home page (44%)  Blog watch (7%)  Image Bank Search (2%)  Particle Physics Glossary (1.6%)  Photowalk Press release (1.1%)

5 5 Where does traffic come from? From Google analytics Direct 44% Google 23% Links from Fermilab 5% Links from QD 2%

6 What this tells us Lots of RSS traffic Blogwatch is popular Glossary is popular (and needs attention) 6

7 7 Current state of NewsWire ~3,694 subscribers (up 189 since November) 31 distributed so far this year Constant monitoring during US business hours 24/7/365 when arranged and/or notified

8 The Week of Interactions Published every Monday as a digest of weekly postings 411 subscribers Highlights:  News  NewsWires  Images  Video  Quantum Diaries 8

9 9 News ~700 news items posted year-to-date, archived and added to RSS this year

10 Google standing No. 1 (of 2,040) for “particle physics news” No. 1 (of 5MM) for “high energy physics news” No. 21 (of 36MM) for “particle physics” No. 6 (of 9.4MM) for “particle physics images” No. 14 (out of 166MM) for “physics images” 10

11 Home page features Lab publications, etc. Added to right column Day of publishing 11

12 Image bank Some collaboration submissions Some community submissions Added whenever related to release Scans regularly Could still use help 12

13 State of Quantum Diaries 13

14 New model Individual Diarists Institutions  CERN  Fermilab  Triumf  BNL  KEK  (IN2P3 to come) US/LHC 14

15 QD Editor: Chris Knight Coordinates adding/managing diarists Provide monthly traffic report “Hot Topics” Manages social media 15

16 QD Stats From Google Analytics ~22,000 visits/month ~60,000 page views/month 16

17 State of Social Media 17

18 Twitter @ParticleNews  3,153 followers and counting @Quantum_Diaries  442 Followers 18

19 Facebook 1,212 likes 19

20 Moving forward 20

21 Web committee Reconstitute Reinvigorate Expert-level review of content needed. 21

22 Mobile version? It’s a small world 5% of traffic mobile now Will only increase 22

23 What we know Higher “bounce rate” (they are looking for one thing) iPhone/iPad dominate 23

24 Mobile Simple interface RSS-based view of news/press releases Lightweight iPhone app 24

25 Feedback? Handy hotlines for press releases for anything 25

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