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Using Mobile Devices to Collect Private Sector Feedback on Government Service Delivery Overview of Guidance Note and Insights for Inspections Management.

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1 Using Mobile Devices to Collect Private Sector Feedback on Government Service Delivery Overview of Guidance Note and Insights for Inspections Management John R. Wille Amman, Jordan June 2014

2 ♦ Increases transparency, which reduces information asymmetries ♦ Reduces corruption opportunities by minimizing face-to-face interaction ♦ Increases accountability of government staff by providing opportunity for private sector to provide feedback ♦ Improves information-sharing across government, enhancing regulatory oversight ♦ Reduces costs of compliance for business and administrative costs for government How ICT Supports Improved Governance 2 …The World Bank Group has supported the deployment of many web- based tools for collecting G2C feedback, but now beginning to leverage the reach of mobile apps for G2B interactions

3 ♦ Business Licensing and Permitting – Specific feedback can be collected from business owners on their experience during the process of obtaining business licenses (e.g., time required, efficiency of staff, transparency of rate calculation) ♦ Business Inspections – Businesses can report on their experience in receiving business inspections (e.g., time required, knowledge and helpfulness of inspector) ♦ Trade Logistics – Freight carriers can report on queue times at border crossings and availability of inspectors ♦ Healthcare – Regulators can collect feedback on quality of services and patient safety issues from both public and private providers Potential Areas to Collect Feedback 3

4 Direct beneficiary feedback on G2B service delivery experience ♦ Feedback provided through Web interface or mobile devices ♦ Mobile apps offer the opportunity to collect more structured information (e.g., ratings, average waiting time), as well as summarize feedback through online “management dashboards” ♦ Management dashboards can display: – Time series information on service delivery quality by “product” (e.g., specific license) or location (e.g., district office) – Benchmarking against peer group or defined service standard – Anecdotal information on service delivery problems or examples of exceptional service provision …If implemented early in the reform process, feedback mechanism can also be a project M&E tool!

5 Implementing a Mobile Feedback Mechanism: Key Phases and Issues Collect DevelopResolveAnalyze Objectives Nature of feedback Government capacity Funding and sustainability SMS or App? Devices and OS supported Software tools Hosting and support Survey content How is feedback collected? Promotion and incentives How feedback is summarized and displayed Performance by unit? Time series analysis? How to act on feedback received How to communicate response to feedback providers

6 Many Technologies and Hosting Solutions Available  Open source software tools (e.g., Open Data Kit, FormHub) – project teams can use local developers to customize and host;  Proprietary tools (e.g., Magpi, CommCare) – vendors help with setup and provide hosting on a software-as-a-service model; …Technology costs typically $50-70K plus ongoing hosting and maintenance

7 Prerequisites for Success ♦ Capacity of Government to sustain applications ♦ Accountability for and development of back office processes for handling feedback ♦ Easily accessible by users through appropriate technologies (e.g., SMS, web, and smartphone/tablets) ♦ Established and announced service delivery standards ♦ Active solicitation of feedback/marketing of mechanism ♦ Evidence that Government is actually listening

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