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3 Drafting Skills What is the difference between sketching and technical drawing? Is it necessary to use CAD to create drawings for a design project?

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2 3 Drafting Skills What is the difference between sketching and technical drawing? Is it necessary to use CAD to create drawings for a design project? Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

3 3 Drafting Skills Identify the important part of a CAD system used to create technical drawings. Define the relevant terms related to CAD systems. Recognize the traditional tools most often used to create technical drawings. Recall the important terms related to traditional drawing tools. Show the use of traditional tools and CAD to draw lines, circles, arcs, curves, and erase parts of a drawing. Produce measurements and scale drawings through the use of scales, dividers, and CAD. Identify standard pencil grades, and identify those most commonly used for technical drawing. Recognize the types and thicknesses of the various lines in the alphabet of lines. Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 3 Drafting Skills All engineers should possess some basic
skills as they enter the profession Sketches and technical drawings are products of the engineering design process Engineers must understand the principles behind drafting to work through the design process successfully Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

5 Using Technical Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Technical Drawing Tools Computer-Aided Design/Drafting (CAD) > computer-aided design/drafting (CAD) computer software and related hardware that supplements or replaces traditional hand tools in creating models and technical drawings

6 Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools A CAD System Consists of: CAD Software > CAD software application component of a computer-aided drawing system

7 Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools A CAD System Consists of: CAD Software Display Devices > display devices viewing component of CAD systems; also known as monitors

8 Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools A CAD System Consists of: CAD Software Display Devices Input Devices > input devices equipment used to enter data and interact with software programs such as CAD systems

9 Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools A CAD System Consists of: CAD Software Display Devices Input Devices Output Devices > output devices devices such as printers, plotters, and film recorders, used to make hard copies of drawings created on screen

10 Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Identifying Computer-Aided Drawing Tools A CAD System Consists of: CAD Software Display Devices Input Devices Output Devices Storage Devices > storage device medium for storing and retrieving information as needed

11 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Traditional Tools

12 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Pencils Eraser Paper Scale CAD Templates > scale instrument used to measure distances on technical drawings > templates devices used to assist in the drawing of repetitive features, such as circles and ellipses

13 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Types of Scales Combination Scale > combination scale instrument used to measure distances that has engineering, metric, and architectural components

14 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Types of Scales Combination Scale Architect's Scale > architect’s scale instrument used to create drawings of structures, such as a building or a factory floor layout

15 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Types of Scales Civil Engineer’s Scale Combination Scale Architect's Scale > civil engineer’s scale decimal scale used to divide into multiple units of 10

16 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Types of Scales Civil Engineer’s Scale Combination Scale Architect's Scale Mechanical Engineer’s Scale > mechanical engineer’s scale instrument used to draw mechanical parts, either fractionally divided into 1/16 or 1/32, or decimally divided into 0.01 or 0.02

17 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools Types of Scales Civil Engineer’s Scale Combination Scale Architect's Scale Mechanical Engineer’s Scale Metric Scale > metric scale scale used to create scaled technical drawings using SI units

18 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools The International Standards Organization (ISO) developed the International System of Units. > International Standards Organization (ISO) international organization that established the metric standard > International System of Units system of metric standard; also known as Systeme Internationale

19 Using Traditional Drawing Tools
3.1 Drafting Tools Using Traditional Drawing Tools CAD Templates > templates devices used to assist in the drawing of repetitive features, such as circles and ellipses

20 3.1 Drafting Tools Identify five traditional tools used in technical drawing.

21 3.1 Drafting Tools Compare the architect’s, civil engineer’s, and mechanical engineer’s scales.

22 3.1 Drafting Tools Explain why an engineer might choose to use a CAD system instead of traditional drawing tools to create technical drawings.

23 Drawing a Line Through Two Points
3.2 Drafting Techniques Drawing a Line Through Two Points

24 Drawing Parallel Lines
3.2 Drafting Techniques Drawing Parallel Lines

25 Drawing Perpendicular Lines
3.2 Drafting Techniques Drawing Perpendicular Lines

26 Drawing Lines at Angles Relative to a Given Line
3.2 Drafting Techniques Drawing Lines at Angles Relative to a Given Line

27 Drawing Irregular Curves
3.2 Drafting Techniques Drawing Irregular Curves To draw long, irregular curves, a device called a spline is used. > irregular curves types of curves that are not circles or arcs; also known as French curves > spline long, flexible device used to draw long, irregular curves

28 Using Multiview Projections
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using Multiview Projections > multiview drawing collection of flat 2D drawings that work together to show an accurate representation of the overall object

29 Using Multiview Projections
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using Multiview Projections When creating a multiview drawing of a design, the selection and orientation of the front view is an important first step.

30 Using Multiview Projections
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using Multiview Projections Isometric Orthographic > isometric view of a sketch of an object in a three-dimensional view > orthographic view or sketch of an object that shows how an object looks from the front, top, right, or other views

31 Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques There is a certain technique, or standard set of methods, followed when creating multiview sketches. The technique includes line conventions, proportioning, and methods for creating circles, arcs, and ellipses. > multiview sketches collection of drawings that require certain line conventions, proportioning, and methods for creation

32 Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques Sketched Alphabet of Lines

33 Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques Line Types on an Engineering Sketch

34 Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques Precedence of Lines

35 Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques
3.2 Drafting Techniques Using the Multiview Sketching Techniques Center Line Conventions

36 3.2 Drafting Techniques Lettering > Examples of ANSI Standards
set of standards used in an industry set by the American National Standards Institute

37 3.2 Drafting Techniques Lettering >
Most CAD systems can make use of the same fonts available in word processing systems. > font size and style of a particular typeface

38 3.2 Drafting Techniques Lettering >
Type size is measured in points. There are 72 points per vertical inch. > type size measurement, in points, of text size

39 3.2 Drafting Techniques Lettering Important Text Terms

40 Other CAD Text Variables
3.2 Drafting Techniques Lettering Other CAD Text Variables Text Slant Text Rotation Text Aspect Ratio > text slant variable used to create individual text characters at an angle away from vertical > text rotation angle, measured from horizontal, used to create entire lines of text at an angle > text aspect ratio numerical ratio of the width versus the height of individual characters

41 Including Text on Drawings
3.2 Drafting Techniques Lettering Including Text on Drawings Title Block Revision Block Bill of Materials General Notes Dimensions

42 3.2 Drafting Techniques Explain how different types of straight lines can be drawn.

43 3.2 Drafting Techniques Summarize the types of text that are included on technical drawings.

44 3.2 Drafting Techniques Evaluate the need to use conventions in drawing hidden line on technical drawings.

45 End of

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