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6 th Grade Art & Introduction to Art 2014-2015 Miss McDaniel Room 215 This powerpoint will be on my website.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade Art & Introduction to Art 2014-2015 Miss McDaniel Room 215 This powerpoint will be on my website."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade Art & Introduction to Art 2014-2015 Miss McDaniel Room 215 This powerpoint will be on my website.

2 Art Fees $35 – Cash or Check made out to Kleb Intermediate School DUE DATE: September 5, 2014 – turn this money in as soon as possible. THIS FEE IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED If fee is not paid or a note not given by the time the first report card comes out, I will place a hold on your report card and you will not receive it.

3 Behavior Expectations You will work quietly and pay attention while I am speaking. You will raise your hand to speak or ask a question. You will have your supplies and artwork by the time the bell rings. If you are not inside classroom when bell rings, you will be tardy. You will respect the artwork and supplies of your classmates. You will replace all supplies that you have borrowed.

4 Restroom Privileges You will receive 2 passes per six weeks Use for restroom or locker – when you run out, you will not be able to leave the classroom. If you don’t use either one by the end of the 6 th weeks, you will get extra credit. To avoid this, please make sure you take care of any restroom needs before you enter the classroom. This includes getting a drink of water.


6 Grades 60% Major Grades 40% Minor Grades Examples of Major Grades: Major Project Drawing Assignments (More than 3) Essay Research Project Examples of Minor Grades: Paperwork Drawing (Per assignment) Supplies Check Art Worksheet FAILURE PROCEDURES IT IS POSSIBLE TO FAIL ART! This occurs when you don’t turn in an assignment, fail to fully complete an assignment or refuse to do your best on any assignment. If you are failing the six weeks, I WILL CONTACT YOUR PARENT Grades are: Completion (if you fully did the assignment and turned it in) Quality & Effort-based (How the project looks & how much work you did) Quality & Effort-based (How the project looks & how much work you did)

7 Make-up work for a grade below a 70 Major Projects: If you fail a major project – you will have a chance to improve it or do an alternate assignment. Minor Grades: If you fail a minor grade – you can redo the assignment and turn it in for up to a 100. Tests & Quizes: Tests & Quizes: If you come in the morning before school, I will allow you to retest. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK ME TO RETEST. MISSING ASSIGNMENTS: THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL FAIL ART IS IF YOU DON’T TURN IN THINGS. Turn in EVERYTHING assigned to keep your grade up. MISSING ASSIGNMENTS: THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL FAIL ART IS IF YOU DON’T TURN IN THINGS. Turn in EVERYTHING assigned to keep your grade up.

8 Sketchbook and Supplies Every art student will receive a sketchbook and pencil sharpener. YOU WILL BRING THESE ITEMS TO CLASS EVERYDAY WITHOUT FAIL KEEP THEM IN YOUR LOCKER. If you leave your sketchbook in this classroom and it gets stolen, you will be responsible for replacing it. EVERY DAY, BRING YOUR: SKETCHBOOK PENCIL PENCIL SHARPENER YOUR SUPPLY CARD I will take a surprise grade each six weeks on whether or not you have all your supplies with you.

9 Art Supply Card I am going to give you an index card on which you will write your NAME & CLASS PERIOD on BOTH SIDES. You will now draw on & decorate this card – have it reflect your personality. When you are finished, you will give it to me and I will laminate it. This will be your art supply card for the year. You will bring it to class everyday. When you need to check out a supply, such as a book or one of my supplies, you will hand me your card. When you return the supply, you will receive your card back. If I do not receive my supply back, you will be responsible for the cost of the item. Keep your art supply card in your sketchbook, art notebook, or art binder once I laminate it and give it to you. I will give you a library pocket to attach to the inside cover of your sketchbook to make it easier for you.

10 Artwork Storage You are going to receive a storage folder now. Using your pencil and markers, I want you to draw on it and decorate it. Make it reflect your personality because you will be storing your completed artwork in it for portfolio review grade at the end of each semester. Examples are up front. This folder will be yours all year to store your artwork in. Make sure you put ALL of your loose artwork in here at the end of each day. You can also put any papers I give back to you in here. Make sure everything is neatly placed in here. There will be a vertical slot specifically for your class which you can place your folder (PLEASE BE AWARE HOWEVER THAT I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FOLDER AND THAT THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GUARANTEE THE FOLDER’S SAFETY IS TO TAKE IT WITH YOU EVERY DAY) DO NOT PLACE YOUR FOLDER IN ANOTHER CLASS SLOT.

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