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KEHYS’ Presidency Project 06: Policy Coherence for Development ”Call for Coherence” The need for coherence between development policy and all other policies.

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Presentation on theme: "KEHYS’ Presidency Project 06: Policy Coherence for Development ”Call for Coherence” The need for coherence between development policy and all other policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 KEHYS’ Presidency Project 06: Policy Coherence for Development ”Call for Coherence” The need for coherence between development policy and all other policies having an impact on development goals The need for internal coherence within development policy The need for better coherence between policy-making and implementation

2 Policy Coherence on the Official Agenda The operational programme of the Council 2006 (Austria and Finland) The preliminary agenda for Finland’s EU Presidency

3 EU and Policy Coherence Treaty of Maastricht (1992) and Treaty of Amsterdam (1997). The principles that guide EU development implementation, as specified in the Treaties, include: –Coherence between EU policies with development objectives; –Consistency of all external activities of the EU. European Consensus on Development (2005) Communication from the Commission Policy Coherence for Development (2005)

4 Objectives of KEHYS’ Presidency Project KEHYS wants to raise awareness on the importance of the issue KEHYS wants to find new tools and mechanisms to monitor and improve policy coherence for development

5 Chosen sub-themes under “Call for Coherence” Security and development ( Trade and development ( Migration and development ( Environment and development ( HIV/AIDS and development (

6 The Role of KEHYS during the Finnish EU presidency Monitoring the official development agenda: advocacy work in Finland and other EU-countries Coordination and information sharing between NGOs Promotion of networking between NGOs

7 Partners Finnish NGOs interested in development policy –Over 50 NGOs involved in the Presidency Project –Over 110 subscribers for the Presidency e-mail list CONCORD –Evert Vermeer Foundation Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (Department for Development Cooperation Policy) Development Policy Committee of Finland

8 KEHYS’ Activities during the Finnish EU Presidency Manifesto Presidency internet page: information and advocacy Regular coordination meetings with the NGOs 2 international conferences: main event on policy coherence and follow-up conference on Development Education

9 Manifesto Introduction to the main theme –What does policy coherence mean? –How does policy incoherence affect the developing countries? –How are trade, security, migration, environment and HIV/AIDS policies linked to development policy and to each other Practical cases and recommendations from the NGOs Target group: media and decision-makers

10 Main Event on Policy Coherence 2-day international conference 2.-3.10 (tbc) in Helsinki In cooperation with NGOs, CONCORD, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Development Policy Committee of Finland Joint discussion forum for different actors Objective: to find new tools and mechanisms to monitor and improve policy coherence for development

11 Follow-up Conference on Development Education 2-day international conference 3.-4.7 (tbc) in Helsinki Follow-up for a high level Development Education conference held in Belgium (May 2005) Objective: how the recommendations list of the Belgian conference has been taken into account in Member States + EC Participants: delegates from the Ministries of the Member States, Commission, European Parliament, national parliaments and civil society (approx. 100)

12 Asia Europe People’s Forum 3.-6.9. forum for NGOs and civil society groups organised by KEPA (parallel to the official Asia Europe Summit, ASEM). KEHYS invites delegates from the new member states to take part in the forum Matchmaking -event

13 Preliminary Timetable 9 May Manifesto and the internet page 3 – 4 July Follow-up conference on Development Education 3 – 6 September AEPF 2 – 3 October Main event on Policy Coherence 16 – 17 October General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) in Luxemburg – trade and development ministers meeting

14 More information: Secretary General Rilli Lappalainen: Information Officer Anna Pollari: Tel. +358-9-23150560

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