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Web: OMII-UK Collaborations Workshop 2009 CSP Meeting 2008 courtesy of Martin Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "Web: OMII-UK Collaborations Workshop 2009 CSP Meeting 2008 courtesy of Martin Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 web: email: OMII-UK Collaborations Workshop 2009 CSP Meeting 2008 courtesy of Martin Turner

2 web: email: 2 Overview Background Aims Meeting Format Topics Timetable Topic Sessions Possible Outcomes Where next?

3 web: email: Background In 2008 we had: o OMII-UK f2f meeting here at NeSC Meeting had format we will use for this meeting o Commissioned Software Programme (CSP ) day A set of presentation and some discussion Both meetings were successful o Lots of enthusiasm o Exchange of ideas o Outcomes s/w components, collaborations, new ideas… Good to try same on a bigger scale 3

4 web: email: Aims Have fun Have a lot of expertise in this room o Service providers o Software developers o End users, etc Exploit possible synergies o Exchange ideas o Establish informal collaborations o Advance e-Research Establish collaborations 4

5 web: email: Meeting Format Have a set of starting topics (21) o Not a final list New topics can be introduced throughout the meeting o Topic valid if two or more people are interested Topics discussed at break-out sessions o Break-out sessions last roughly 90 minutes At the end of each session: o Gather together again. o Each group reports back and determines: Group continues Topic exhausted and group will disband 5

6 web: email: Topics 6 Porting Applications to the NGS Portals/VREs and the NGS - linking applications and tools to the NGS for users Firewalls and communities - NHS challenges and solutions Providing Security in e- Infrastructure to Meet the Needs of e-Research Facilitating Collaborations - tooling and processes Providing Security in e- Infrastructure to Meet the Needs of e-Research Communication problems between computer scientists and scientist who use computers What have scientists got from e- Science so far, and what do they want? SLAs in e-Science: necessity or burden? Low Barrier Access Grid (LowBAG) An Open Standards-based Scalable Heavy Lifting Data Transfer Service for e-Research Capitalising on the OGF Parameter Sweep JSDL Extension Specification Code strengthening - modularising, APIs and wrapping: the OMII-UK approach Open Source/Open Development Repositories, archives and libraries Visualisation, annotation and Grids Evaluating the OMII-UK software testing process Accelerating the deployment and uptake of open source tools by the e-Research community: what are the priorities for products, services and support? Improving communication with CSPs, PALs and partner organisations What support should we provide? Application Support vs User Support

7 web: email: Timetable Day 1 09:30 OMII-UK Introduction and Vision Newhaven 10:00 Overview and Process for the two days & Initial Selection of Break out sessions Newhaven 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Breakout session Various rooms 12:30 Lunch and Poster Session Chapter House 14:00 Summary of Breakout sessions - continue/stop Newhaven 14:30 Breakout sessions Various rooms 15:00 Coffee 15:30 Summary of Breakout session - continue/stop Newhaven 16:00 Continuation/new breakout sessions Various rooms 17:30 Summary of Breakout session - continue/stop Newhaven 18:00 Close 19:30 Conference Meal Hotel du Vin, 11 Bristo PlaceHotel du Vin 7 Day 2 09:00 Start Meeting - Summary of Progress Newhaven 09:30 Continuation/new breakout sessions Various rooms 10:30 Coffee 11:00 Summary of Breakout session - continue/stop Newhaven 11:30 Continuation/new breakout sessions Various rooms 13:00 Lunch and Poster Session Chapterhouse 14:00 Continuation/new breakout sessions Various rooms 15:00 Coffee 15:30 Summaries and drawing conclusions Newhaven 16:00 Close

8 web: email: Topic Sessions Each topic needs: o Leader/facilitator o Scribe o Enthusiastic participants Record discussion o Summarise in slides Important to have a record of discussion o Produce this at the meeting o Can substantiate later if required 8

9 web: email: Reporting Back Report back at the end of each session o Suggest whether group will continue/move on o Suggest any new topics for consideration If group finishing would like the following info: o Overview of the topic and discussion o Any outcomes o Any future work/recommendations o Further resources/information needed o Template at: Important to have a record at this meeting 9

10 web: email: Possible Outcomes… Written snapshot of e-Research Awareness of what other groups are doing Possible synergies to be exploited o Leading to collaborations … Understanding of end-user/service providers o Requirements o Expectation 10

11 web: email: Where to Next? This type of meeting is an experiment o Did work for you? o Should we try such a meeting again? Need to summarise output from this meeting o Record keeping important! Hopefully establish collaborations o Careful about your time Most of all hope you have a good time Over to Steve for the first set of topics … 11

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