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2 The Problem Definition Process Recognize the problem or opportunity Find out why the information is sought Understand the decision making environment.

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3 2 The Problem Definition Process Recognize the problem or opportunity Find out why the information is sought Understand the decision making environment Use the symptoms to help clarify the problem Translate mgt. problem to marketing research problem Determine whether the information already exists Determine whether the question can be answered State the research objectives Can the problem become opportunity? Any suspect motives? Examine cultural & bureaucracy issues Determine cause & effect relationships Mgt. support is key Have you researched other research? Are the objectives doable / realistic? Include timetable and responsible party Chapter Two

4 3 Pilot Studies Focus Groups Case Analyses Secondary Data Concept Testing Depth Interviews Taste Tests Experience Surveys Purpose Key Methods Define Terms Clarify Problems Develop Theories Establish Priorities Gain General Information Preliminary research conducted to increase understanding of a concept, to clarify the exact nature of the problem to be solved, or to identify important variables to be studied. Exploratory Studies Defined The Decision Making Environment Exploratory Studies Chapter Two

5  Theoretical base for your research  Evaluative report of existing literature  Critical assessment of the current state of knowledge

6  Find out what has already been done  Discover what has not yet been addressed  Position your research  Identify gaps or flaws in existing research  Suggest methods you should use  Provide support for your chosen methods

7  Select topic ◦ Achievable, interesting, focused, important  Determine what you want to know ◦ Break down into topic areas  e.g. Student drinking: current behaviour, effects on health, effects on functioning, motivations, etc.

8  Identify key search words and synonyms ◦ e.g. Charity advertisements, charity appeals, nonprofit advertising, not-for-profit advertising, nfp, etc.  Identify information sources ◦ Books, academic journals, popular press articles, government documents, conference proceedings, etc. ◦ ABI Inform is an important management database ; Select “articles”; Select “management”; Select “connect” for ABI Inform

9  Use general and specific information ◦ e.g. Recycling:  Overall recycling trends,  general consumer motivations for recycling,  specific local programs.  Use peer-reviewed academic articles when possible ◦ other (gov’t reports, popular press, stats, etc.)

10  REVIEW ◦ What is the current state of knowledge in the area? ◦ How have others approached the research area? ◦ What are the key concepts and theories in the area?  MOVING FORWARD ◦ What do we still need to find out? ◦ What is the best way to find that out? ◦ What would be the importance of your research?

11  Literature review for your group topic ◦ Determine what you want to know ◦ Identify search terms ◦ Find several relevant articles ◦ Summarize these ◦ Write the lit review with references ◦ Submit via email to prof. and all group members


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