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Using Videoconferencing. What is videoconferencing? Using the internet to connect people together in different locations Using web-cams enables you to.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Videoconferencing. What is videoconferencing? Using the internet to connect people together in different locations Using web-cams enables you to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Videoconferencing

2 What is videoconferencing? Using the internet to connect people together in different locations Using web-cams enables you to see and hear each other and hold a ‘virtual conference’ Software available FREE to schools from e2bn which includes a secure link (vital for use in schools)

3 What did we do? Worked with a local primary school and used a year 10 post GCSE French group Developed speaking and listening activities for both the primary and secondary students to improve their language skills Activities included Q&A sessions and role-play Bingo

4 How did we do it? Planning and preparation: working with the primary school to develop ideas and activities setting up a timetable face to face meetings virtual meetings to practice using the equipment (internally and externally) pupil practice sessions in English pupil practice of activities without web-cam pupil practice being in front of the web-cam

5 Managing a videoconference Behaviour Management Give all pupils a focus (peer assessment sheet) Using additional adults (ICT support, members of Dept.) Preparing other activities to complete Groups useful Confidence with equipment Videoconferencing Etiquette Format/script for what happens when Managing change-overs Communication in case of equipment failure

6 What ICT help do I need? Very little! Room with IWB, PC, speakers and web-cam installed (available from ICT) Register with e2bn to get an account and book a videoconference session Guides available to help Ask us or ICT for support

7 Why should I do it? Skills – as well as subject specific skills it also builds the following: personal presentation skills; public speaking skills; ICT skills; independent learning skills; trouble shooting skills

8 Why use a feedback survey? Reinforces skills gained in pupils’ minds Overview of pupil feedback for teacher What is the impact on teaching and learning? What did we learn? Pupil feedback was positive! 89% were keen to use videoconferencing again Elements of survey: teamwork; linguistic skills; confidence; relevance to skills needed future careers… Good use of VLE

9 What advice have we got? Does take some preparation Builds lots of skills beyond own subject It is fun and excellent use of ICT Can build community links Another way of getting an adult into the classroom Have a go!

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